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Royal University of Phnom Penh

Year1, Semester 1
Group : 01
Subject : History and World Civilization For Business
Topic : Chaper1: Foundation of Civilization
Lecturer : Chea Sitha ( Email:
Tel: 012 917862/ 070 772434
Member : Ka Soung(1) Chan Solida(22)
Dam Chanthou(43)
Section1 : Understanding our past
Mary Leakey spent times studying the first human ancestors in 1978 in the city Laetoli.
Tanzania, she discovered a special relic, ancestral footprint presented in volcanic ash. Three
million seven hundred thousand years ago were ancestors who were isolated or experienced
and doubted for a moment. Anthropologists studying the footprints of the left laetoli and
right skull, which are2 million years old . What did the scholars learn about human ancestors
and how did they do it ?
+ Learning standards
• 16A.I.5 historians of different periods may disagree.
•17D.I.1 New uses of resources; effecl on settlement patterns
• 17D.1.2 Technology has affected quality of life.
Terms, people and places
Prehistory. Mary Leakey
Historian Louis Leakey
Anthropology Technology
Culture Donald johanson
5000 years ago, people in different parts of the world kept
written records and recorded them in history.
But people and ancestors lived on earth for thousands of years
before history was even recorded.what do historians mean?
Historians are scholars of artifacts or man-made objects, such
as garments , coins, works of art, tombs, or all kinds of artifacts.
Most historians rely on written evidence, such as letters or tax
records.about 150 years ago, scholars began studying the
period of prehistory . They hoped to Learn about the oringins
and development of people and their societies . Other
collaborative anthropologists focus on the cultural
characteristics of people from the way of life of a society, which
includes its beliefs, values, and practices. Archeology is the
study of people, their culture, their material remains. These
remains include buildings and artifacts such as tools, weapons,
pottery, clothing, and jewelry. Archaeologists find analyze
artifacts to learn about life during prehistory as well as during
historical times .
Archaeologists at work Finding ancient
artifacts can be difficult, but archaeologists
have devised many useful means of doing so.
In the 1800s and early 1900s, archaeologists
would pick a likely place, called a site, The
farther down they dug, the other the
artifacts they found. Archaeologists and
others who work with them take great care
to preserve such fragile artifacts.
Once archaeologists have found
artifacts,they analyze them. Once technique
is to make the location of each type of
artifacts found.example,might suggest the
workplace of a cook.
Many objects,monuments,or structures that
archaeologists find have fallen apart over the course of time. To
understand what the remains represent, an archaeologist must
figure out how to piece them together correctly and then
analyze their form and location. Geologists or expert on earth
science, can help with this task by determining the age of rocks
located near archaeological sites. In addition,botanists and
zoologist-experts on plants and on animal examine seeds and
animal bones to learn about the diets of our ancestors. With
experts in various fields, archaeologists today use many
modern innovations to study their findings. Computers help
them store and sort data or develop accurate maps of
archeological site. Aerial photographs help archaeologists to
bett see the layout of land and structures once lived in by past
Dicoveries in Africa

➢ Before the 1950s,

anthropologists knew little about
early human their ancestors.
➢ Prehistory groups did not have
citie, countries, governments, or
complex inventions , so it was
difficult to find information
about them.
Ancient clues Found in East Africa
in the 1930s
• Anthropologists Mary Leakey and Lious Leakey started
searching for clues to the humans past in a deep canyon
in Tanzania. Called Oduvai Gorge.
•As the Leakeys searched the side of the forge, They
found very ancient tools Chipped from stone.
Evidence of early Hominid Group

• They call the earliest group of Hominid

australopicines. All the Australopicines lived in Africa ,
anthropologists think that they may have lived there as
early as 7 million year ago.
• About 2 million years ago , a group Hominids emerged
that anthropologists call Homo Habillis .
First finds of Humans
Around the world
• Scientists think that between
250,000 and 100,000years ago,
Homo erectus disappeared and a
new group of Hominids emerged.
This new group called Homo
sapiens, is the group which modern
humans belong.
Session 2 : The Neolithic Revolution
Prehistory have divided into different eras. Old Stone Age or
Paleolithic Period start from 2 million B.C to about 10,000 B.C. And
New Stone Age or Neolithic Period is the period from about 10,000
B.C until the end of prehistory. During both eras, people created and
used different types of stone tools. And their daily life were changes
so much in New Stone Age which is known as the World’s First
Revolution or The Neolithic Revolution.
Skill and Beliefs of the
Old stoneold age stone age
• Known as Paleolithic Period
which is the longest Stone Age
• Start from at least 2 million B.C
to about 10,000 B.C.
• The people who lived toward the
end of The Old Stone Age, have
called the early modern humans. The cave painting show about early humans
daily life
• Researchers have pieced
evidence together, that left by
Skills and daily life
➢ People move from place to place to
find food. They learned to travel
across the water, which help them
spread into new places.
➢ They lived together in small groups
that have 20 or 30 people. People daily life during Old Stone Age

➢ People depended so much on the

environment for their living.
➢ Man hunted or fished. Women
gathered berries, fruits, nuts, grain,
roots or shellfish.
➢ They built fire for cooking.
➢ They made tools and weapons from Tools and weapons from stone, bone or wood
Skills and daily life
➢ People move from place to place to
find food. They learned to travel
across the water, which help them
spread into new places.
➢ They lived together in small groups
that have 20 or 30 people. People daily life during Old Stone Age

➢ People depended so much on the

environment for their living.
➢ Man hunted or fished. Women
gathered berries, fruits, nuts, grain,
roots or shellfish.
➢ They built fire for cooking.
➢ They made tools and weapons from Tools and weapons from stone, bone or wood
Clue About Early
▪ This Old Stone Age people began to
leave evidence of their belief in a
▪ people stated burying the dead
person with great care about 100,000
years ago. This practice show that Burying body fossil from Paleolithic Period
The Old Stone Age people belief in
life after death.
▪ Many scholars think that our
ancestors believed that this world
Chapter 1 Foundation of Civilization Prehistory

Section 3 Beginning of Civilization

.The develop of the first Civilization brought

about the major change in the daily life.

.The establishment of the village is a huge step

in human developed, societies were born more
organized, and people’s technologic innovations
were becoming increasingly complex.

.Soon it will a momentous change in human

existence into the developed of the Civilization.
First Cities and Civilization Aries

.The early civilization developed near major rivers.

.The river provided the regular water supply and a

means of transportation.

.River valley is a good place for farming because flooded

waters spread silt from bottom of the river-across the

.A Traditional Economy relies on habit, custom, or ritual and

tends not to change over time.
River Valley Civilization
.River Valley Civilization: The rise of cities was the main
feature of Civilization. These River Valley Civilization
include Sumer, between the Tigris and Euphrates. River
in the Middle East; Egypt, along the Nile River. The
Indus Civilization, along the Indus River in India and
the shang Civilization.

.First Civilization in the Americas: Unlike the first Civilization

in Asia ans Africa. Major Civilization emerged in the highlands
of Peru, Mexico, and Central America, where people learned to
farm on the sides of mountains or to fill in swamps with land
for farming. You will read about the achievements of
Civilizations such as the Inca, the Olmec Maya in a later chapter.
.Life Away From Cities: Away from the first cities, many people
continued to hunt, gather food, or live in farming villages. Some
less fertile lands or on sparse, dry grasslands called steppes,
nomadic herders tended cattle, sheep, goats, or other animals.
Because the lands did not have abundant water or grass.

Basic Features That Define Civilization

.Organized Governments: Councils of elder or chief ruled many
of the word’s farming village. Powerful organized goverments
arose to oversee large-scale. A central government could
coordinate the production flooding and channel waters to the
Many rules also relied on royal officials to help them govern-
ment. Often they right to rule came from gold, they passed their power from father to son.
Bridge: Then and Now

● To get whole body of bridge,

the potential engineer is needed to construct the bridge.

(The oldest stone bridge in Iraq)

•Public Worker

•National interest & risky job

➢ Writing
The first step of developing writing.
it was called ‘pictograph”
Symbol that represent word, syllable or letter. It was called” scribe"
Civilizations change over time
Ancient civilization changed in many ways over
centuries. Among the chief cause of change were shifts in the
physical environment and interaction among people.
Environment Affects People’s Lives
People living in early civilizations depend heavily on the physical
They needed ample rain and fertile soil to be able to produce
No rain then the cities would be famine and survivors would
forced to move away.
Culture change hands and change shape
The major cause of this change was cultural diffusion
•Migration: As famine, drought, or other disasters led people to
they interacted with other whose lives differed from their own,
so as a result, they had to share and adapt the custom of others.
•Trade: In the ancient time, skill such as working with bronze
and writing, as well as religious beliefs, passed from one society.
•Wafare: Often time, victorious armies forced their way
of life upon the people they defeated.
Cities Grow Into City-States
As ancient ruler gained more power, they conquered territories beyond
the boundaries of their cities This expansion led to the rise of the city-state,
a political unit that included a city and its surrounding lands and villages.
First Empire Are Established

Rival leader often battled for power. Sometimes, ambitious rulers

many cities and village creating the first empire. An Empire is a
group of state or territories controlled by one ruler

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