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Lemon and Strawberry Entremet

Décor paste for Joconde

Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Butter 100% 110g
Icing Sugar 100% 110g
Egg Whites 91% 100g
Cake flour 91% 100g
Food colouring (yellow or pink/red) As needed
Totals: 382% 420g


1. Cream butter and sugar in a mixing bowl fitted with the paddle attachment.
2. Gradually add the egg whites. Fold in the flour and colour as needed.
3. Spread a very thin layer of décor paste, approximately 2mm thick onto a silicone baking mat, using an offset spatula. Drag a
cake comb over to achieve desired design.
4. Slide onto a baking tray and freeze until firm.

Joconde Sponge Cake-yield 1 half tray (13”x8”x1”)

Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Whole eggs 76% 88g
Pastry Flour 15% 17g
Almond Flour 55% 64g
Icing Sugar 55% 64g
Melted Butter 12% 14g
Egg whites 100% 116g
Sugar 25% 29g
Cream of tartar pinch
Totals: 338% 392g


1. Sieve flour and icing sugar together. Add ground almonds and mix well.
2. Melt butter and set aside.
3. Place whole eggs and the icing sugar/almond mixture into the bowl of the small stand mixer and mix with the paddle
attachment until the ribbon stage is achieved.
4. Make a French meringue with the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar. Whip to medium peaks.
5. Mix 1/3 of the meringue into the almond egg base. Subsequently fold in the remainder of the meringue in 2 stages.
6. Ensure that the butter is melted but cool. Add some of the joconde sponge batter into the melted butter and mix well.
Incorporate gently back into the sponge batter.
7. Spread evenly over the décor sponge (pull this off the frozen tray and onto a room temperature tray first).
8. Bake at 450°F (230°C) until the sponge cake bounces back with lightly pressed, approximately 6-8 minutes.

Strawberry Gelèe Center (Yield 3 x 5” rings)

Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Strawberry Puree 100% 250g
Glucose 16% 40g
Sugar 13% 32g
Gelatin Leaves 3% 7g
Totals: 132% 329g


1. Prepare 3 x 5” metal rings by sealing base with plastic wrap.

2. Bloom gelatin leaves in cold water, set aside.
3. Place strawberry purée, sugar and glucose in a saucepan and heat until sugar is dissolved.
4. Squeeze water out of gelatin and add to above. Mix well.
5. Strain and fill the 3 prepared 5” rings. Freeze.
Italian Meringue-Make x 1 and use for the two fruit mousses
Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Egg whites 50% 150g
Sugar 100% 300g
Water 50% 150g
Totals: 200% 600g


1. Boil water and sugar to 120°C.

2. When sugar syrup reaches 115°C, start whipping egg whites with whisk on high speed.
3. Once sugar syrup reaches 120°C, pour gradually into the egg whites while machine is still running on medium speed.
4. Whip until cooled to body temperature.

Strawberry Mousse
Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Strawberry Purée 100% 230g
Gelatin Leaves 3% 3.5 ea
Italian Meringue 65% 150g
Cream 35% 100% 230g
Totals: 268% 600g

KEY POINTS for Both Strawberry and Lemon Mousse

1. Heat strawberry or lemon purée to 45°C, add gelatin and stir to dissolve.
2. Whip cream to medium peeks and fold into meringue.
3. Once the purée/gelatin base is cooled to 35°C, temper slightly with meringue/cream mix.
4. Fold both remaining mixes together gently until homogenous and no white streaks remain.
5. For strawberry mousse: Immediately fill each prepared cake ring with 1” of strawberry mousse, spread flat with an offset
palate knife.
6. For lemon mousse: Immediately fill the cake ring to the top and ensure a flush even top with the use of a large offset palate
**Note: If using powdered gelatin (pork or beef), calculate 2g powdered gelatin per leaf of gelatin. Bloom powder in 5x its weight in
cold water. Cut into cubes and follow through with the same method as with bloomed leaf gelatin. When you come across a recipe
that calls for ‘gelatin mass’, this is what they are referring to.

Lemon Mousse
Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Lemon Purée (juice) 100% 260g
Gelatin Leaves 3% 9g
Italian Meringue 65% 170g
Cream 35% 100% 260g
Totals: 268% 699g

Candied Lemon Zest

Ingredient Baker’s % Amount
Lemon 28g 4 ea (100g)
Sugar 67% 240g
glucose 11% 40g
Water 100% 360g
Totals: 206% 740g
1. Wash the lemons. Prepare zest as desired. Remove as much of the white pith as possible.
2. Bring 250ml water and 2 g salt to a boil. Add lemon zest and simmer for 2 minutes. Drain.
3. Bring above water, sugar and glucose to a boil. Add the blanched citrus peel and reduce the heat to a low simmer. Cook the
peels approximately 5-10 minutes or until translucent and tender.
4. Store the peels in the syrup in the refrigerator.
Assembly of Strawberry Lemon Entremets


1. Prepare the Strawberry Gelée in 3 x 5” rings. Freeze.

2. Make décor sponge and Joconde sponge.

3. Prepare metal cake rings - 3 x 6”.

A. Line cake rings with clear acetate strips and place cakes on baking tray with parchment paper.

• Lining with acetate strips ensures that the metal cake rings slip off the cake before serving. The acetate also helps
preserve the smooth finish of the outside of the cake and prevents any exposed layers of the cake and fillings from
drying out.

B. Cut 3 strips of the décor sponge 1.5” wide and roughly 18” long.

• Ensure that the decorative side is facing the outside of the cake ring. Line the cake ring and ensure a tightly fitted
seam where each end of the sponge meets.

C. Cut 3 x 5” rounds from the décor sponge. Place inside of cake ring. This will be the base of cake.

4. Make Strawberry mousse and immediately spread a 1-inch portion on the base of the cake ring. Spread evenly with an offset
palate knife.

5. Place strawberry gelée centered and on top of the strawberry mousse layer. Press evenly into the strawberry mousse until half
is in the strawberry mousse and half is above.

6. Make lemon mousse and fill ring to the top of the mould. Ensure that the mousse is level and flush with the top of the cake
ring. Use a large offset metal spatula to ensure a nice even finish on the top of the cake.

7. Freeze the cake.

8. Finish with a thin layer of neutral mirror glaze. This can also be coloured with water based or gel colour as desired.
Remember to respect the flavours of the cake when colouring.

9. Remove the cake ring. Only remove the acetate strip right before serving. If the cake has been assembled with no acetate, a
blow torch can be used to slightly heat the ring for easy removal.

10. Garnish with tempered chocolate garnish before serving.

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