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Republic of the Philippines


DIRECTION. Read the questions and choices very carefully. Encircle the letter of the best
1. What is the valence electron of the element carbon?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
2. Which type of bond is commonly formed between carbon atoms in organic compounds?
A. Ionic bond B. Covalent bond C. Hydrogen bond D. Metallic bond
3. What is the unique property of carbon that allows it to form a wide variety of compounds?
A. Atomic number C. Molecular weight
B. Electronegativity D. Valence electrons
4. Why are carbon atoms able to form many organic compounds? Carbon atoms
A. have stable outermost electrons.
B. attract electrons from the other atoms.
C. have strong attraction to other elements.
D. Can form many types of bonds with other carbon.
5. Which general class of organic compounds is commonly found in fats and oils, and serves as
a concentrated source of energy in living organisms?
A. Carbohydrates B. Lipids C. Nucleic acids D. Proteins
6. Which of the following statements does NOT support the idea of why carbon is unique and can
form many organic compounds? Because it ______________.
A. has weak bond attraction.
B. can perform multiple bond formation.
C. has the ability to form long carbon-to-carbon chains.
D. has bond attraction that contributes stability of its compounds.
7. Which of the following is NOT an organic compound typically built around carbon?
A. Carbohydrates B. Minerals C. Nucleic acids D. Proteins
8. A man standing near the gasoline station is being reprimanded by the gasoline boy for smoking.
It is because gasoline is/has __________________.
A. flammable B. volatile C.viscous D. an unpleasant smell.
9. How would you determine if the organic compound is more volatile? If the organic compound
A. slowly evaporates. C. easily evaporates or turns into a gaseous state.
B. easily mixes with water. D. easily combines with other organic compounds.
10. How do carbon atoms bond with other atoms to form organic compounds? Carbon atoms
A. transfers its valence electrons to other atoms.
B. accept valence electrons from other elements.
C. share their electrons with the other non- metallic elements.
D. both accept and transfer electrons in order to gain stability.
11. Which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Alkanes B. Alkenes C. Alkines D. Alkynes
12. What functional group found organic compounds that is composed of a carbon atom double
bonded to an oxygen atom?
A. Alkyl group B. Amino group C. Carbonyl Group D. Hydroxyl group
13. Which of the organic compounds that can be used as beverage, antiseptic, and fuel?
A. Acetone B. ethyl alcohol C. gasoline D. kerosene
14. Which of the following organic compounds is NOT used in production of fuel?
A. Acetone B. Ethyl alcohol C. gasoline D. kerosene
15. Which organic compound is commonly employed for its antiseptic properties?
A. Acetone B. Ethyl alcohol C. Benzene D. Propane
16. Which of the following hydrocarbons has a triple bond?
A. Ethane B. Octene C. Pentene D. Butyne
17. What is the correct condensed structural formula of pentanol?
18. Using the structural formula of 2-Butyne presented in the right side.
What is the condensed structural formula of this compound?
19. Veronica wants to change her nail polish because it does not look good with her new dress.
What must she use to remove her finger’s old nail polish?
A. acetic acid B. lubricating oil C. acetone D. formaldehyde
20. Which of the following statements best describe organic compounds? Compounds that
A. contain carbon atoms only. B. are produced by living things.
B. contain carbon and oxygen only. D. is composed mainly of carbon and hydrogen.
21. Which general class of organic compounds is characterized by having a hydroxyl group (-OH)
as a functional group?
A. Acetone B. alcohol C. alkane D. formalin
22. Which carbon atom in pentanol is the one where the hydroxyl group is attached?
A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth
23. What distinguishes the structural formula of an alkene from that of an alkane?
A. Presence of a carbonyl group C. Triple bond formation
B. Double bond formation D. Amino group attachment
24. Which plant compound is responsible for the ripening of fruits?
A. Ethene B. butene C. methane D. propane
25. Which functional group is present in alcohols?
A. -COOH B. -OH C. -NH2 D. -C≡N
For questions 26-28, comprehend the reading material below.
Uses of Organic Compounds
Organic compounds play a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives due to their
diverse properties. One common application is in the production of pharmaceuticals. Many life-
saving medications, ranging from pain relievers to antibiotics, are derived from organic
compounds synthesized through complex chemical processes. Additionally, organic compounds
are key components in the formulation of various household products, such as cleaning agents,
detergents, and personal care items. The agricultural industry benefits from organic compounds
as well, as they are essential components in pesticides and fertilizers, contributing to enhanced
crop yields and pest control. Furthermore, organic compounds find utility in the manufacturing
of plastics, polymers, and synthetic materials, shaping the modern world through the creation
of durable and versatile products.

26. How do organic compounds contribute to the manufacturing of synthetic materials and
A. By providing energy C. By acting as catalysts
B. Through direct consumption D. Through their structural properties
27. What is one crucial role of organic compounds in the pharmaceutical industry?
A. Food production C. Energy generation
B. Medication synthesis D. Construction material
28. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use of organic compounds in the reading
A. Cleaning B . Energy generation C. Plastics manufacturing D. Agricultural fertilizers
29. Which statement would prove that hydrocarbon is important in our daily life? Hydrocarbons
A. can be used source of positive ions to generate electricity.
B. are the principal constituents of petroleum and natural gas.
C. have a low melting point that makes them good conductors of electricity.
D. serve as a source of soluble solutions for cooking after undergoing ionic bond.
30. Based on the structural formula presented below, its condensed structural formula is
_________________ which is an isomer alkene named as ____________.
A. CH₃CH=CHCH₂CH₂CH₃ , 3 - hexane
B. CH₃CH2CH=CHCH₂CH3 , 3 - hexene
C. CH₃CH-CH2CH₂CH₂CH₃ , 3 - pentane
D. CH₃CH2CH=CHCH₂CH3 , 3- pentene

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