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Minoty and Fduge

"Education s he single mast important

for soCia transformotien"
Consthhtion proyid es for eyualty of ppotunty
Our Rcant f the Socaety did not
to all but a

ly n he firt ace Minorities

start ff ualyhad to tace adverse discrimi
India have
naion and therefore dsnot
made Hhe
hich made he famers
footmg uih others artce 29 ard 30,
Hhe Conthtution, hiog who orm
accor d special to peop e

Yelgisus o Iingwisic mimority im Tndia

The idea o Some Speinl
not to a

nght to the mimorihec

prieleged sechan o he poplatin,but t
thieminorih Sense of security
Aride 29 and 30, which
Provide or the
of mimoriesand1ght
pvotectsn ot interests
adinister edcational
establich and
Artcle 29: sf Ttereshs of Minoites

Section ot the cihgens residing in the

1tentory of India any pat thegeo
dishnct languag,seit on
having dhal have the ight
ConseVe the Same

deied adim ss1on into any

2-No cizen shallmstittins maintained by the
state oY recevng
qrounds of relhgion,, race, Caste, largage
'any of hem
Right to conserve Langescript oY culhurr
(Aicle 24(1))
ClehseC1) ot Avthde 29 provides:
Any section of the tzen vesiding m the
of India or any part there of
hayig istinct langge , scripr
its wn shall have he right o
Conserve the Same"
means he
The'nght to right
presenie and to maintain
Yight to on e s sn Langag
to conser ve
cltre, Tt incdes he right
script script or
to work for oe's oumlangage, Same
culture and t aqitte for the Avtcle 24(a)
contaned n
The right educational
may be exerased by sethngup instrucions t
inshtutions and by imparta
own commnity in theiy
Ahe children o ther

Rights of Minorities to establish

Ari le 30; adinister educatinal
Aiinories, whether based on religisn
or lagage dhall have the edieatial
right to
estlalish and odmimster
shtutions of their choice
Jaw proiing for the
2 In
compdsory Froperty
educatenal inshtuhon established
and admimistev ed by inority refer red to
clause),the Stafe shall ensre that the
deler mined Under Such
Qmo unt fxed rby.
trct abragae the
as would
Yight guaranteed wnder thatlause

state shalnt, in aid

3- The
eàucatinal nshtutims , dsetminate
educaiona instuitoon
ogainst any nder hemanage
the qr ound Othat itt is
mimority whether besed on
ment o a
reiglon Langag
Minories to estoblah and mnage
Right of Insttins, Arhcle 3o(1)
all linguisti and religiaus
antees to and Hhe
to establish
minoihes the'nght eucational inshtions
i t to adimisey' establish'
hoice . he word
nto existence,
indicates the riahtadmik nthtthon
hile the right +8to adintte

mearns be ight
n ctfectively
and condct he afains of he
instun Thus, t leaves it to the hoice
minority to edablish sucheducaioma
nstite as well serve both pu pases,namdy
the purpose of Censer ving heir religion
culture and lso he purpose
largg Y

though general educatim to the

in the own
clawse (2) of Avtide 30 prohibits the State
from makmg discriminhion h the matteY of
qront ofato ony edcatinal imsthi
bn he grond that it is monaged by
minority or linguitie rinorty

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