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Unofficial Translation by Sayed Mubashir 20/Jan/2009

Procedure of Managing and Using HR Database

Article 1:
This procedure is enacted on the basis of provisions of Paragraphs (1), (2) and (10) of Article Twelfth of the Civil Service Law and provision stated in Article Thirty First of Civil Servants Law .

Article 2:
1. Arrangement of accurate and standard information that could expose the efficiency of the civil servants performance in the database system. 2. Provide accurate, comprehensive and standard information about civil servants to the relevant authorities and requesting entities. 3. Enhance recruitment efficiency on the basis of merit, competency and eligibility in the Civil Service. 4. Prevent forgery and fraud in preparation and usage of false documents for the civil servants. 5. Equal arrangement and performance concerning the personal record files of civil servants.

1. Database: Database is collection of personal data related to civil servants.

Article 3:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Civil Service Human Resource Policies Department Civil Service Appointment Board Training and Development Management Civil Service Appeals Board Ministry of Finance Other relevant authorities

Arrangement Mechanism by Civil Service Central Database and Relevant Department

Article 4:
1. Collection, registration and arrangement of information about the civil servants based on form number (25) of the HR management, approved on 19/Jul/2006. 2. Reconcile information with the documents mentioned in available personal records of the employees. 3. Record information in relevant files through computer and hard copy archive in the database. 4. Update information after any changes in personal affairs of the employees in accordance with the law including documents of appointment, secondment, leave, sickness, salary increments, allowances, extension of service, separation, foreign trips, trainings, sentences, rewards and etc. 5. Correct acquired information by the help of organization as required.

Obligations of the Department

Article 5
1. Completing accurate information about the employees after their appointment in the department using educational, recruitment and financial sources and other relevant organizations in relevant sectors in accordance with the indicators mentioned in Paragraph 4 of Article 4 of this procedure. 2. Record complete information in employees personal record file. 3. Make sure of the authenticity of information concerning personal affairs of the employee. 4. Transfer the information to civil service HR database on continuous basis. 5. Receive documents of relevant section at the beginning of the assignment and submit back previous and later documents at the end of assignment under consideration of the mission, through Database Officers to relevant source. 6. Database officers are accountable to legal authorities for any illegal activities including all kinds of discrimination, partiality, forgery and fraud, understatement and carelessness in the job.

Obligations of Civil Service HR database

Article 6
1. Implement this procedure and relevant annexes throughout the civil service. 2. Ensure the authenticity of received information, complete and correct them through related sources. 3. Timely record the information to relevant files through computer and hard copy archive in the database. 4. Technically preserve and maintain the database both as hard copy archive and CDs until the legal retirement of the related employees.

5. Provide information to users while observing the administrative hierarchy as required. 6. Adhere to confidentiality in arrangement, legal uses of information, and determine sources of forgery and duplication of documents. 7. Ensure timely execution of received information to the relevant department. 8. Observe impartiality in the arrangement and using of information. 9. Observe standards on the basis of enforced laws and international criteria. 10. Provide real information in written formats to requesting employees, facilitate access to personal affairs records in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, 6, and 7 of Article 12 of Civil Service Law if requested in written, endorsed with especial stamp of the department. 11. Report illegal executions to relevant authorities.

Appeals right
Article 7:
The appeals right is reserved for the civil servant whenever he/she has complaints upon the information recorded to his/her personal affairs record against the execution of database officers.

Appeals due to Incorrect Executions

Article 8:
1. Submission of a petition to the Civil Service Management Department. 2. Checking of recorded information and concord them so as to ensure accuracy at the presence of appellant with a mission of three men. 3. In case of uncertainty, the appellant can appeal to the civil service appeals board, in accordance with provision of Paragraph 1 of Article 19 of Civil Service Law.

Effective implementation and usage of this procedure

Article 9:
1. Making this procedure and its attachments accessible via Civil Service HR Policies Department to all relevant authorities. 2. Hold two hours seminars by the Civil Service HR Planning Department with central database officers and record managers of relevant ministries and independent agencies with the cooperation of Database Management. 3. Arrangement of technical activities of database in IARCSC, ministries and agencies through managers of IT section and HR database programmer of civil service. 4. Putting in place provisional activities and ensure communication of databases of ministries and agencies with the central HR database at the IARCSC by the HR Database Management.

5. Hold technical meetings with responsible entities (managers) of relevant sources in case any developmental changes are brought into work process by the Director of Civil Service Central HR Database.

Article 10
Monitoring from the implementation of this procedure takes place by the HR Standards and Civil Service Legislative Department.

Final provisions
Article 11:
This procedure together with its attachment, form number 25 of HR Policies Department as Attachment No 1 is enforced in accordance with Paragraph 10 Article 12 of Civil Service Law from the 1st day of August 2006.

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