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GET Term 4 Take Home Package

Life Orientation
Grade 7

TERM & Time

GRADE 4 5 6 7 X 8 9 1 2 3 4 X Week 4 1h 30 min
SEE WCED TAP allocation
Aim/ Purpose/ Topic/ Resources/ LTSM
Role Players Content/ Concepts/ (WHAT am I going to use to teach/ guide/
(WHO is going to Teaching Methodologies & Classroom Management Skills support…)
teach/ guide/ Skills (HOW am I going to teach/ guide/ support…)
support…) (WHAT am I going to teach/ Paper-based Digital
guide/ support…) Resources Resources
Concepts and skills to In this lesson the learners will be guided and support to prepare Complete the For more
be achieved: themselves for the final Test. The Take Home Pack is also available in the Activities. enriching online
At the end of this digital column. The Formal Test is based on the revised curriculum sources in all
lesson you should be content of term 3 and 4 and will count out of 70. subjects:
able to do the https://www.thel
following: Identify Interact with learners through discussions and the use of Integrated
your best study time. Computer Technology /video clips ♥☺♥ asp-treasure-box
A few tips on how to Take Home Pack:
Be able to draw up
your own study ders/1Pxfrnn6D5It
timetable. 8oFFhiwJPjY70Ra
PARENTS In this lesson we are focusing on preparing your child to study for the test. You as the Parents should ensure that the skills and tips are
taught and provided to your child during this lesson must be put into action at home. Also make sure that the study environment is
conducive for your child. Please remember not all learners will study at the same time and that there is not a “right” time to study.

LEARNER The class notes must be written down in the learner workbooks.

And the activity must be completed.

You can also watch the video/online resources

Informal / Formal
Assessments Complete the Activity at the end of the notes.

Accountability; Conscientiousness; Creativity; Dedication; Independence; Perseverance; Patriotism, Time management, prioritizing,
Values Taught
goal setting, self-care
1. Pick a place and a time
Everyone has their own idea about the best place and time to study.
Whether it is your bedroom at night or the library after school. Find a
study space and a regular study time that works for you and stick
with it.
2. Study every day
If you study a little bit every day, you’ll be continually reviewing things in
your mind. This helps you understand things. It also helps you avoid the
stress of last-minute cramming.
The amount of time you study will change as the year progresses.

3. Prioritize your life events

If you find it hard to find time to study, cut back on some (but NOT all)
of your other activities. Prioritising study means that you might spend
less time online, on your phone, or even cutting back on your
gaming, sport, television and friends socialising time.

4. Plan your time

It helps to have some plans in motion so you can make the most of
your study time. Set alarms to remind you about your study plan.

5. Discover your learning style

Most of us have a preferred way of learning. Get to know you’re
learning style and study in the way you learn best e.g. listening to music,
silence, drawing mind-maps, etc.

6. Review and revise

At least once a week you should go back over the things you’ve
studied in class. Thinking things over may help you to understand the
concept and help you remember it better.
7. Take breaks
It is very important that you take breaks while studying, especially if
you are feeling tired. Working at something for too long can actually
decrease your performance. For example, for every 50 minutes you
study, you could take a 10 minute break. REMEMBER to get up and
walk around when you take your break.

8. If you are stuck or something does not make sense. Ask your
friends or teacher for help!

9. Stay motivated
When you study, it often helps to keep in mind your reasons for doing
all this hard work. It can also help if your “goals” are visible in your
study space, e.g. a poster of a car you would like to own one day.

10. Look after yourself

You’ll study better if you take care of yourself. Make sure you eat
well, get enough sleep and do some physical exercise. Drink lots of
water while you are studying. DON’T snack too much!

Activity 1: Answer the following questions about the tips shared.

1. Where is the best place for you to study?

2. What is your study style? Explain in detail.
3. What do you do when you take a study break?
4. Mention 3 reasons why it is important for YOU to study. What are your goals?
5. Do you study best in the morning, afternoon or evening?
6. How long do you study and how long are your study breaks?
Activity 2: Draw up a study timetable to help you plan your study time. Look at the example below:

Some tips when you draw up your study timetable:

When will you study? For how long will you study? What subject/s will you
Did you make time for revision?
Will your study slots be 30 minutes, 40- or 50-minute slots?
How long will your breaks be?
REMEMBER to read through the 10 tips for success
to guide your thinking and planning.

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