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1. How many types of advertising in the article?
A: 2
B: 1
C: 3
D: 4 (Media, Direct response, Place, Point-of-Purchase)
2. Advantages of advertising on TV are mentioned in the article?
A: Wide scope
B: Noisy
C: Too many effects
D: Difficulty focusing on the product
3. How many possible tradeoffs with the IMC choice criteria resulting from
overlaps in coverage?
A: 2
B: 1
C: 3
D: 4
4. In media advertising, there are newspapers, TV, Radio, Magazines, so what kind
of TV and Radio are?
A: Broadcast
B: Internet
C: Image
D: Music
5. ______ is very believable because news stories, features, sponsorships, and events
seem more real and believable to readers than ads do.
A. The competitive-parity method
B. Public relations
C. Personal communication
D. Non-personal communication
6. Complementing these four broad sets of marketing communication activities
are efforts to engage consumers and the public via word-of-mouth and public
relations and publicity. Although they can perform many different functions,
they are especially well-suited to amplifying the effects created by other
marketing activities. Therefore, they are called brand___________
A. Ambassadors
B. Amplifiers
C. Champions
D. Supports
E. Enhancement
7. Which of the following is interpersonal communication about products or services
where a receiver regards the communicator as impartial and is not attempting to sell
products or services?
A. Word of Mouth (WOM)
B. Personal Selling (PS).
C. Direct Marketing (DM).
D. Customer Service (CS).
8. ______relates to a variety of programs and is designed to promote or protect a
company’s image or its individual products. It is 2non-personal communications
such as press releases, media interviews, press conferences, feature
articles,newsletters, photographs, films, and tapes.
A. Event marketing
B. Sponsorship marketing
C. Public relations
D. Publicity
E. Cause marketing
9. Samples, coupons, and premiums are examples of _____
A. Advertising
B. Personal selling
C. Sales promotions
D. Public relations
10. What is integrated marketing communications (IMC)?
A. The integration of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and
public relations, direct and online marketing tools to achieve marketing
B. B. Mixing advertising and sales promotions
C Direct communication with a healthy mix of diverse customers to study
their purchasing habits
D. D. Close communications between production managers and marketing
11. Which of the following is NOT an IMC tool ?
A. Sales Promotion
B. Personal selling
C. Public relation
D. Bottom Line
12. The most visible element of IMC is known as
A. Advertising
B. Personal selling
C. Sales promotion
D. Public relations
13. Consistency is not regarded as an important characteristic of IMC.
A. True
B. False
14. what is the full form of LBS in mobile marketing?
A. Lead-based Service
B. List-based Service
C. Location-based Service
D. None of the above
15. How many steps in the Information Processing Model of Communication?
16. How many steps in the simple model for judging the effectiveness of marketing
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
17 . The right consumer is exposed to the right _____ at the right place and at the
right time.
A. message
B. notice
C. understand
D. effects
18 . How many main types of marketing communications are there?
A. 2
19. What is the most expensive type of promotion?
A. Sales promotions
B. advertising
C. personal selling
D. public relations
20. Any method of direct contact between a salesperson and a customer?
A. institutional promotion
B. product promotions
C. personal selling
D. sales promotions
21. Commonality and complementarity will often be “inversely” related.
A: directly
B: equivalently
C: balancedly
D: inversely
22. What is the creative strategy of advertising?
A: These are the ideas that the advertisement tries to convey
B: Is the advertising way of expressing the brand's statement
C: Is the content contained in the advertisement
D: Is the cost that advertising has to spend
23. What is an ad's messaging or positioning strategy?
A: These are the ideas that the advertisement tries to convey about the brand
B: Is the cost that advertising has to spend
C: Is the content contained in the advertisement
D: Is the advertising way of expressing the brand's statement
24. Creating word-of-mouth campaigns by cultivating opinion leaders and getting them
to spread information about a product or service to others in their communities is
known as ________.
A. Sales promotion
B. Indirect marketing
C. Buzz marketing
D. Stealth marketing
E. Public relations
25. It is generally recognized that one of the best ways to get an advertising message
across is through word of mouth, that is, getting people to pass on the message to
friends and family. Why is this such a successful way to get messages heard?
A. It is free as there is no need to do any advertising.
B. The message reaches lots of people fast and is more likely to be believed.
C. The message is not wasted on people who will not buy your products anyway.
D. The message keeps being passed on forever and so more people hear it.
26. Sales promotion are designed to ___
A. Create brand awareness
B. Influence customer attitudes
C. Stimulate immediate sales of product
D. Reduce manufacturing costs
27. Integrated marketing communications (IMC) represents which of the four P’s?
a. Product
b. Price
c. Promotion
d. Place
28. Which of the following is NOT one of six criteria for evaluating the IMC programs?
A. Contribution
B. Commonality
C. Coverage
D. Condition
29. Which of the following is the most common delivery channel for mobile marketing?
A. text
B. voice call
C. graphic
D. Search engine marketing
30. What is about Intentions in the Information Processing Model of Communication?
A. A person must see or hear the communication.
B. A person must understand the intended message or arguments of the communication.
C. A person must plan to act in the desired manner of communication.
D. A person must actually act in the desired manner of the communication.
31. "Different communication options also may target different market segments" is
part of :
A. The new media environment.
B. Challenges in designing brand-building communication.
C. Information process model of communication.
D. Role of multiple communications.
32. The new media environment has further complicated marketers perennial _____ to
build effective and efficient marketing communication programs.
A. advantage
B. opportunity
C. challenge
D. easily
33. The basic goal of integrated marketing communications is to communicate the value
proposition to the target market
A. True
B. False
34. Which one of the following is not belong to 12 marketing communications options
A. Media advertising
B. Interactive
C. Word of mouth
D. Survey
35. Which of the following marketing communications tools is most influential at the
maturity stage of a product's life cycle?
A. sales promotions
B. advertising
C. publicity
D. interactive marketing
36. Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix involves a
variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service?
A) advertising
B) direct marketing
C) public relations
D) sales promotion
37. Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix includes a
variety of programs directed internally to employees of the company or externally to
consumers , other firms, the government, and media to promote or protect a company's
image or its individual product communications?
A) direct marketing
B) public relations and publicity
C) personal selling
D) sales promotion
38. Which of the following is an example of an interactive marketing communication
A) product demonstrations
B) factory tours
C) company museums
D) TV shopping
39. IMC requires that all of a brand's communication media
A. Deliver consistent messages
B. Reach the same audience
C. Seek long-term objectives
D. All of the answers supplied for this question are correct
40. The notion that all elements of the marketing mix must be coordinated and that all
must speak with one voice is called
A. Micromarketing
B. Integrated marketing communications
C. The marketing concept
D. The promotion concept
41) A newspaper article announced that Voice Stream Wireless, the nation's sixth-
largest wireless carrier, was changing its name to T-Mobile and that to begin the
makeover process it had replaced spokesperson Jamie Lee Curtis with Catherine Zeta-
Jones. Of which element of the promotion mix is this an example?
A. Sales promotion
B. Advertising
C. Public relations
D. Personal selling
E. Product
42. Sales promotions tools offer three distinctive to marketers. Among these benefits
are communication, invitation, and _____
A. Credibility
B. Impersonality
C. Exclusion
D. Incentive
43. What the "Coverage" in 6 Criteria is about
A. Proportion and overlap of target market(s) reached by a marketing communication
B. the extent to which common associations are reinforced across communication options
C. the extent to which different associations and linkages are emphasized across
communication options
D. the extent to which marketing communication option is flexible and “works” for
different groups of consumers
44. A commercial activity, whereby one party permits another an opportunity to exploit
an association with a target audience in return for funds, services, or resources is
referred to as:
A. Advertising.
B. Exchange.
C. Sponsorship.
D. Public relations.
45. Buy it now" is the message of ________.
A) personal selling
B) advertising
C) a nonpersonal communication channel
D) sales promotion
46. Advertising has some shortcomings. What is NOT one of them?
A) It is impersonal.
B) It can be very costly.
C) It slowly reaches many people.
D) It does not make audience members feel the need to respond.
47. Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing
are all ________.
A) communications channels that should be integrated under the concept of integrated
marketing communications
B) communications channels focused more on narrowcasting than broadcasting
C) promotional tools used for push strategies but not pull strategies
D) promotional tools used for pull strategies but not push strategies
48.A means of orchestrating the tools of the marketing communications mix, so that
audiences perceive a single, consistent, unified message whenever they have contact with
a brand, is referred to as:
A. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC).
B. Personal Selling (PS).
C. Direct Marketing (DM).
D. Customer Service (CS).
49.A sports or event planner contacting a local business about supporting an upcoming
tennis tournament is an example of which potential role?
A. Participants
B. Corporate sponsors
C. Paying customers
D. Spectators
50.Which of the following is NOT a major category in a company's promotion mix?
A) Sales promotion
B) Strategic positioning
C) Direct marketing
D) Public relations

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