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Legal and Political Writings and [Audit, Documental,

Non-mythical Freemasonic, Removal of Cover, and
Declassification] Reports presented by the
respective author Shawn Dexter John, the sole
author of all presented publications on this
professional blog (website), now the Yale Law
Journal [writing, editorship, and executive
management] competition Winner
The following works were written, typed, published, and edited solely by Shawn Dexter John, also known by his operative
alias Khaled Hassan, the sole author of the published book sketch "The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an
Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality" (published with iUniverse); where not expressly stated as an excerpt or a
promotion, the presented [conventional] intellectual/intelligence Work Papers, political commentary Work Papers, and
related notes) are essentially completed [whole] drafts of related but independent material. All rights to the presented
material are held solely by Shawn Dexter John; the works are reserved for use by Shawn Dexter John solely. There is no
plagiarized content in The New Societies: Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of Commonality
and there is no plagiarized content in the following material; there is no lack of [necessary] citation; none of the works is of
a deceitful nature. The contents of the following material of presentation have not been and are not products of any non-
Agency assigned work from any university, employer, or any other entity, or any person; it should also be noted that The
New Societies was not the result of any such assignment(s) or task(s). No person or entity has directed or forced the
author into the presentation of the following material. Shawn Dexter John isn't contractually employed (and has never been
contractually employed) by any foreign government or system of related Caribbean governance. Also, he is not a licensed
attorney (yet), law professor (yet), instructor, college professor (yet), or a current law student. He is not and was never
compensated for the development of the following works. The author has taken and completed United States accredited
doctoral courses, which are inclusive of American Bar Association (ABA) accredited law courses. The level and the quality
of the following works are intended for a graduate-level (doctoral and post-doctoral) university audience and the related
professional community. The following are not meant to perpetuate any racial or ethnic agenda and are not of any
professional or other recruitment ideology; the following are primarily scholarly and Central Intelligence Agency related. The
primary law school of his legal education was St. Thomas University School of Law – Miami Gardens. The author is an
official, undisputed, and authentic citizen of the United States of America (USA). (Importantly, the author's partial education
at Southern University and A&M College, as a doctoral student in Public Policy [at the Nelson Mandela School of Public
Policy and Urban Affairs], served well in writing significant parts of the overall material. Both degrees awarded to the author
were received from Howard University, however.) (The author did complete a course-required research [unpaid] internship
with the Embassy of the Commonwealth of Dominica over a short period of time. The author's brief employment with USA
for UNHCR, as a paid fundraiser, never required or initiated the development of any presented material). The majority of the
following works have been written on personal computers (on private laptops of Shawn Dexter John by Shawn Dexter John
[solely] and, at times, on library desktops and/or on a personal and exclusionarily owned smartphone by Shawn Dexter
John [solely]). The author is sincere and honest in his postulation. *Shawn Dexter John isn't in representation of any other
individual as a cover – there is no other operative recognized as Khaled Hassan in the United States.*

Commentary Forty-five: Articles Twenty-seven and the

freedom to enjoy culture, science, and the arts

I, Shawn Dexter John, am the only individual editing the manuscript (aside being the sole author).

I will provide any update to the [edited and completed] manuscript, if any: [EDITED AND
COMPLETED] The New Societies – Concepts and Apperceptions of an Eastern Caribbean model of


Author: Shawn Dexter John

My highest level of attained university academic degree: Master of Arts in History (along with a
Graduate Certificate special minor in International Studies) from Howard University in Washington,
District of Columbia, the United States of America.

Lower level of attained university academic degree: Bachelor of Arts in History (along with a minor in
Economics) from Howard University in Washington, District of Columbia, the United States of


Article twenty-seven provides that society should protect participation in the sciences, the arts, and
cultural activities. This article caters to the dynamism of modern society.

Every community should protect the right of citizens to enjoy freely inoffensive cultural activities, the
right to join with others in enjoyment, implicitly, the right to diverge from others in practicing revised
or new customs, and the right to petition government to protect participation. Second, every
individual should be free to participate in scientific activities, to employ the corresponding
information (lawfully), and to share that information with others in society. All should be protected in
enjoying benefits associated with scientific advancement. Third, every individual should be
protected in the creation of art and should have the right to exhibit it. Every person should be
protected in expressing his or her variation of artistic expression. Article twenty-seven also
empowers the protection of intellectual property rights. All persons ought to be free to gain [lawful]
interests associated with scientific, literary, or artistic production. Every inventor, artist, and author
should be free to protect his or her interests earnestly and to freely capitalize on them monetarily.


1. All freedoms are to be exercised reasonably. In the exercise of one’s freedoms, the practicing
individual should be aware of the rights of others, the effects of his or her action on others, and
the explicit limits (relating to the particular action) spelled out in public and private laws. The
right to liberty does not provide any individual the full exercise of his or her will without
considering the direct consequences of its exercise. This fundamental principle is implied in the
most advanced jurisprudence; it is prioritized in the proper edification of tests and is commonly
re-iterated by the most enlightened jurists in their diverse analysis of legal principles.
2. Here, my usage of “inoffensive” refers to “non-breaching”. Cultural activities shouldn’t serve to
directly breach the rights of other parties and should not incite [imminent] abridgment. I do
realize that some legally-inculpable cultural practices may seem unpleasant or unfathomable to
some, with some being actually offended. I am not opposing the freedom of speech or the right
to one’s culture, in any fashion, in using the term “inoffensive”. I provide this perspective
[specifically] without promoting or aiding extremely divisive speech or excessively dangerous or
abusive cultural practices. (I do not wish to arbitrarily or prematurely help dis-empower
indigenous practices in any of the various parts of the globe. I am completely cognizant of the
possible implications, with respect to advocacy, thus my methodical, unambiguous, and detailed
explication, concerning the analyzed subject matter, and the demonstrated caution.) (Note: I
oppose all abuses.)

My contact information for potential employers (including professional fellowships and United
States federal or state government offices): or

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August 28, 2013  Edit  Leave a Reply

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