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Discrete Mathematics G1N

7.5 credits

Course code: MA126G

Version number: 9.0
Valid from: 2024-01-01
Ratified by: Curriculum Committee for Engineering Science
Date of approval: 2023-05-11

1. General about the course

The course is provided by the University of Skövde and is named Discrete Mathematics (Diskret
matematik). It comprises 7.5 credits. The course is at first cycle and the level of progression is G1N.
The course is a part of the subject area of Mathematics/Applied Mathematics. The disciplinary
domain of the course is Natural Sciences.

2. Entry requirements
General entry requirements.
Further requirements: Mathematics 3b or Mathematics 3c or Mathematics C (or the equivalent).

3. Course content
The course provides an introduction to several areas within discrete mathematics, which is of great
importance in computer science. The areas introduced are first-order logic, elementary set theory,
arithmetic, recursion and induction, basic combinatorics and discrete probability, relations and
functions as well as elementary graph theory. Special emphasis is placed in showing how
mathematics can be used to models within computer science as well as enhancing student’s ability to
use mathematics in solving problems.

4. Objectives
After completing the course, students should be able to:
explain the central concepts and methods in discrete mathematics treated in the course,
show good familiarity with integral numbers and modular arithmetic, and in particular show
some familiarity with the Euclidian algorithm, Fermat’s little theorem, Euler’s theorem and
solve problems where they may be used,
describe different combinatorial principles and use them in solving problems involving e.g.
discrete probability,
use the principle of mathematical induction and recursive formulas to model sequences defined
by discrete structures,
describe different graph theoretical relations, algorithms and their applications, e.g. graph
searching, Kruskal’s and Dijkstra’s algorithms,
analyze discrete mathematical structures and determine their characteristics using
mathematical reasoning; typical examples of such structures are relations, graphs and trees,
identify problems which can be solved by methods from discrete mathematics, and choose
suitable methods and apply them in a structured way.

5. Examination
The course is graded Pass with Distinction (VG), Pass (G) or Fail (U).
The course has the following examination parts:
Supervised written examination
5 credits, grades: VG/G/U (determines final grade)
Written assignment
2.5 credits, grades: G/U
Students with a permanent disability who have been approved for directed educational support may
be offered adapted or alternative examinations.

6. Forms of teaching and language of tuition

The teaching comprises teaching lessons.
Depending on the study period, the language of tuition may be Swedish or English. Even if the
teaching is conducted in Swedish, some English may still occur.

7. Course literature and other educational materials

Rosen, K. (2018) Discrete mathematics and its applications 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN
9781260091991 (book)
Rosen, K. (2018) Discrete mathematics and its applications 8th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN
9781260289701 (e-book)
Complementary material.

8. Student influence
Student influence in the course is ensured by course evaluation. The students are informed about the
result of the evaluation and potential measures that have been made or are planned, based on the
course evaluation.

9. Additional information
Further information about the course, as well as national and local governing documents for higher
education, is available on the University’s website.

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