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Q: 1 153420

Ornithology is the study of?

‫ اکاطمہعلےہ؟‬Ornithology

a) Birds b) Insects

c) Sea Plants d) Sea Animals

Q: 2 153420

Which Acid is used in Batteries?


a) Hydrochloric Acid b) Sulphuric Acid

c) Nitric Acid d) None of these

Q: 3 153420

Balochistan became Province in_____?

‫ولباتسچن_____ ںیموصہبانب؟‬

a) 14th August 1970 b) 23rd March 1956

c) 22nd June 1960 d) 1st July 1970

Q: 4 153420

Who gave Balochistan status of “Province”?

‫سک ےولباتسچنوکوصہباکرج ہرا۔‬

a) Ayub Khan b) Z.A Bhutto

c) Yahya Khan d) Quaid-e-Azam

Q: 5 153420

First female Lt.General in Pakistan’s history is?


a) Salma Ubaid b) Nigar Johar

c) Perveen Liaqat d) Asifa Johar

Q: 6 153420

What is official language of OIC?

‫ یکرساکجیزابنوکنیےہ؟‬OIC

a) Punjabi b) Urdu

c) French d) Bengali
Q: 7 153420

D-8 was established in?

‫ بکاقمئایکایگاھت؟‬D-8

a) 1977 b) 1997

c) 1971 d) 1998
Q: 8 153420

Who was last Mughal Emperor?


a) Shah Jahan b) Aurangzaib

c) Zaheer Ud Din Babar d) Bahadur Shah Zafar

Q: 9 153420

Pakistan Resolution was presented by?

‫رقاجراراپاتسکنسک ےشیپیکیھت؟‬

a) AK Fazal Ul Haq b) Molana Zafar Ali

c) Liaqat Ali Khan d) None of these

Q: 10 153420

Quaid-e-Azam did his Law Degree from_____?

‫اقدئامظع ےاقوننیکڈرگی_____ ےساحلصیک؟‬

a) Harvard University b) Oxford

c) Lincoln’s Inn d) None of these

Q: 11 153420

Prophet (SAW) was born in_____?

‫جوسلاہللیلصاہللہیلعوملسیکوالرت_____ ںیموہیئ؟‬

a) Madina b) Makkah

c) Taif d) None of these

Q: 12 153420

Which was first Private Airport of Pakistan?


a) Multan b) Sialkot

c) Karachi d) Lahore
Q: 13 153420

Major Kharif Crop of Pakistan is?


a) Wheat b) Barley

c) Gram d) Cotton
Q: 14 153420

Jinnah Barrage has been built on River?


a) Jhelum b) Ravi

c) Chenab d) Indus
Q: 15 153420

Largest Muslim country by area is?


a) Saudi Arabia b) Kazakhstan

c) Pakistan d) Indonesia
Q: 16 153420

Largest Muslim country by population is?


a) Malashiya b) Pakistan

c) Indonesia d) Kazakhstan
Q: 17 153420

In which province of Pakistan most language are spoken?


a) Punjab b) Sindh

c) KPK d) Baluchistan
Q: 18 153420

Which is the thinnest earth layer?


a) Mantle b) Core

c) Crust d) None of these

Q: 19 153420

CEO of Google is_____?

‫وگلگےکیایاو_____ ںیہ؟‬

a) Sundar Pichai b) Bill Gates

c) Mark Zuckerberg d) None of these

Q: 20 153420

Where is UN Security Council Headquarter located?


a) Paris b) London

c) New York d) Geneva

Q: 21 153420
Which of the following Vitamin is produced in Human
Body with the help of Sunlight?
‫دنمج ہذلیںیمےسوکناسواٹنمااسنینمسجںیموسجج‬
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B

c) Vitamin C d) Vitamin D
Q: 22 153420

In which Hijri year Zakat was imposed?


a) 2nd Hijri b) 3rd Hijri

c) 4th Hijri d) 5th Hijri

Q: 23 153420

Who is the richest man in the world?


a) Bill Gates b) Elon Musk

c) Jeff Bezos d) Mark Zuckerberg

Q: 24 153420

New Zealand located in which continent?


a) Europe b) Asia

c) Australia d) Africa
Q: 25 153420

Name the Prophet who was the first man to write?


a) Idress (A.S) b) Shoaib (A.S)

c) Dawood (A.S) d) None of these

Q: 26 153420

Sixth Kalma is known as_____?

‫اٹھچہملک_____ ےکانمےساجاناجاتےہ؟‬

a) Astaghfar b) Rad E Kufar

c) Shahadat d) Tamjeed
Q: 27 153420

The study of insects is called?


a) Morphology b) Pharmacology

c) Entomology d) Immunology
Q: 28 153420

Which of the following tools is used to measure temperature?

‫رججذلیںیمےسوکناسوٹلرج ہرحاجت‬
a) Conductor b) Friction

c) Thermometer d) Scale
Q: 29 153420

Longest road in the world is located in?


a) New York b) Several states

c) Argentina d) Alaska
Q: 30 153420

Where is the coldest place in the world situated?


a) England b) Norway

c) Antarctica d) Greenland

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