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List of Agencies From Which Form 202s Were Received by OGE Between 1/1/2021 and 5/16/2023

Agency Forms
United States Air Force 2
Central Intelligence Agency 32
Corporation for National and Community Service (dba 1
U.S. Department of Commerce 3
Court Services & Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) 1
DHS Office of Inspector General 19
Department of Defense 18
Department of Justice 13
Department of Labor 2
Department of Transportation 8
Department of Education 2
Department of Energy 26
Environmental Protection Agency 6
Export-Import Bank of the US 5
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2
Federal Labor Relations Authority 1
Federal Trade Commission 9
General Services Administration 17
Department of Health and Human Services 10
Department of Housing & Urban Development 2
Department of the Interior 16
International Trade Commission 5
National Archives and Records Administration 2
Department of the Navy 10
National Credit Union Administration 2
National Labor Relations Board 12
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3
National Security Agency 3
National Science Foundation 4
Office of Administration 1
Office of Personnel Management 2
Securities and Exchange Commission 7
Department of State 16
Department of Treasury 4
Tennessee Valley Authority 9
U.S. Agency for Global Media 1
Department of Agriculture 11
United States Postal Service 3
Department of Veterans Affairs 26

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