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Carry over into adulthood: his creativity carried over into his adulthood

Productive/ contributing/ functioning members of the society

she had "a sort of stubbornness," one that would carry over into adulthood as drive or focus.

This attitude carries over into adulthood.

Come what may

Despite all these frustrations, you can’t put a value on that.

Canary in the coal mine

Be adventurous. Life is an adventure. If you’re trying to make everything perfect all the time,
there’s no fun. Once in a while you have to fall flat on your face, so that way you can pick yourself
up, dust yourself off and grow.

Even the toughest ruler, understands the power of numbers.

This place is truly woven into the fabric of society/ my life

There’s been a lot of promotion of the road that hasn’t been backed up by the infrastructure

time and time again, humans prove their ingenuity by figuring out how to make life
simpler, richer, and more accessible than it ever was before. Of course, there are those
that take new discoveries to greater lengths than most would be comfortable with - but
we could argue that it is their right to do so.

With kids, that line gets blurrier, because they obviously don’t know what’s good for

It’s a tricky path that every parent and educator must tread carefully - offer the benefits
of new inventions without falling prey to pitfalls you may not even be aware of. Difficult,
yes, but ultimately very rewarding

Karl Marx and a lot of other confused social scientists like to claim that value is derived from the
cost of production – the amount and difficulty of the labour that goes into it. This is clearly false,
and my son now knows it.

The world we live in is the most resource, information, and opportunity-rich in human history. If
kids freely engage the world and follow their curiosity and intrinsic goals they will encounter a
more diverse range of ideas and experiences than we can imagine. In fact, unless we actively work
to suppress it our kids urge to learn, experiment, innovate, create, and adapt will blossom.

Social and interpersonal skills

The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India and is all set
to soar heights in the near future.

freshly prepared meals and vegetables on a regular basis.

Whilst convenience is a huge selling point, think about how this shift has
changed our eating habits on a global scale.
Maybe it’s time to take a leaf out of our grandparents’ book and return to the
days of the strict routine.
Struggling students fall further behind – Average students and
students that fall below average will struggle the most to progress in an
overcrowded classroom. These students require additional attention,
resources, intervention and sometimes individualized attention.

Participate in the Iranian rice harvest in the paddy fields with locals, taste the best of Gilani cuisine
and plunge in the green nature of Hyrcanian forest. Humid climate with heavy rainfalls.

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