Elisa Melero - Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

My name is Elisa Melero. I live in Merced and I will be graduating in June 2024. After
graduating i'd like to go to merced college for two years and take some college courses that will
allow me to become a pg&e utility clerk. A family friend has this job and she tells me stories
about work and traveling.

Last year a traumatic experience happened to me that left me in a hole for sometime. I
was in a very unhealthy relationship for 11 months and could escape. This man got me addicted
to drugs and used me for rides, money, etc. I was stuck here because I thought I was in love. I
always wanted a lasting high school relationship and I believed I could make it happen. I was
completely wrong. Everytime I caught him cheating he'd beg and cry for me back once, even
cutting his wrists in front of me saying he was going to end his life. Even if I wanted to leave I
was trapped. I loved the relationship in the beginning but eventually he showed his true colors
and I didnt know this side of him. He would threaten me by saying “I'm going to tell your mom
you do drugs and sneak out” he was like a leach. Once I felt I was ready to leave and become
my own person again I confessed to my parents that I was doing drugs and that I wanted help.
Instead of sending me away and taunting me they wanted to help. They love me and want
better for me. At the time I was stopping and taking things to help me stop, my ex was still doing
drugs. He would text me and tell me how much he had and how much he was taking and so on.
Sadly he convinced me to let him come over one night. I could tell he had taken some percocets
because of the way he was acting. After talking for some time he said he wanted to sleep. I
woke up and he was deceased. Sadly he overdosed while I was asleep and I had no clue until I
found a percocet in his back pocket. Police didn't open an investigation. Turns out he was
overdosing every other night, the morning of the day he came over he was barely being
released from the hospital from an overdose. He was so addicted it was normal.

For me, his passing freed me. He wouldn't let me go or move on even though throughout
our relationship he was cheating. He gave me utis, stds, and even herpes. Whole time he
blamed me and said I cheated and it was my fault. Once he was gone all his girlfriends told me
about their relationship and the bad ways he talked about me, to this day some of his sneaky
links still have rip to him in their bio. I got a lot of hate from random girls saying I killed him and I
was dirty. Luckily it was only said over the internet so it was very easy to block them and never
have to hear about it again. I haven't dated anyone since. It's been 11 months but he taught me
a valuable lesson. I know what manipulating looks like. I know men won't change. I know what
to look for in a person. He gave me a lesson without even knowing it and I'm so grateful. I
wouldn't be so aware in life if it wasn't for him. I turned it into something motivating. A Lot of
people expected me to be heartbroken that he passed, but then again he was never good to me
so why would I feel hurt? I feel like a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders.

This made me a better person. Why might you ask? I help others realize it before it
happens. My friend showed me a guy she was texting and I could automatically tell by the
things she told me about him that he wasn't meant for her. She still gave him a chance and what
happened? He just wanted to hit and quit. She told me I was right but in the end she didn't get
hurt because I warned her. I benefited becoming smarter. I took a fat break from guys and
focused on myself. Trying to pull me together and figure out what I want. I've talked to a few
guys but I've seen through everything. Asking for money, following too many girls, excuses for
everything. 1 mistake and I'm gone. I love myself so much more.

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