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Ground Portion Flight Exam - PPL + CPL Day of exam - Need: -Student Pilot License “Medical License Radio License Log book PTR -Letter of Recommendation -CFS + anticipate diversion -POH -Written exam grade paper (CPL) -Navigation papers Plane documents -PRINT FLIGHT TEST GUIDE Take a classroom and prepare EVERYTHING. -Documents aircraft -Date of inspection of pitot, static, compass, elt, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, etc Print weather report -AWWS -ASEP -Weather with NOTAM, Aerodrome with NOTAM, FIR. SIGMET, AIRMET, PIREP. METAR, GFA, FD less than 180 FL HIGHLIGHT IMPORTANT INFORMATION + SIGN EACH PAGE “Take off distance, Landing distance -Navigation -Why did you choose this altitude for NAV -Compass Heading Documents of aircraft AROWJIL + CFS & Radio (Airworthiness, Registration, Operating Handbook (POH), Weight and balance, Journey Logbook, Insurance, Licenses, CFS (Interception procedure), Radio Certificate of airworthiness -Every year Date of birth at bottom left of certificate -Can also be invalid temporarily: When you don't respect the inspection (annual inspection, 100-hour inspection, maintenance inspection), or operate above the limitations of the plane (e.9. ‘weight and balance or flying above Vne) ~SERIAL NUMBER: Can find in the plate under the pilot seat -SERIAL NUMBER: Section 6 of POH Utility vs Normal : Utility —» Spins with slow deceleration. Load factor for utility is +4.4 -1.7 Gs, flaps up. Utility has a specific center of gravity. I's more restrictive than normal category (center of gravity). -Normal category : can do stalls and steep turn not more than 60° -Have to respect AIR, sent by TC, ANNUAL INSPECTION. 4-6 weeks BEFORE the date of birth ofthe aircraft. (AAIR is not a required document to bring, but required to send to Tc) -Need minimum requirement of equipment for the night or day VFR flights. Certificate of registration Valid for life unless... -It can be invalid permanently : sold outside of canada, crashed, lost and and rescue has been finished after 60 days, i's ina museum, the minister decides. -Gives serial number of plane -Purpose : commercial, state, private, acrobatic Address, and owner of the aircraft Advise TC within 7 days if change of address. -All the procedures are in the back of the registration of aircraft. -When sell the aircraft, you have to put all the information of the new owner and bill of sale. Interim papers are valid for 90 days. Valid until new owner receives the certificate Hexadecimal code and binary code on the bottom. if you put this on transport canada, u get all the information of aircraft. + Can also use these codes to put in transponder to have our ID. -POH -Model of aircraft. 150 M or 172 M for FHKZ 172L for gxgf lea POH Sections “Memorize -Weight and Balance The date of birth of aircraft is on the ORIGINAL Weight and balance of aircraft. -New weight and balance is with amendment. Journey Log Book -Once the logbook is finished, must be kept for a minimum of 2 years -Last 2 entries must be transferred to the new logbook -Must carry logbook for fight more than 25nm from departure point. -Inspections: -Date of ELT + 1 year -Compass + 1 year Pitot static > 2 year Fire extinguisher first aid —> 1 year -ELT + Depends. Find when they have been inspected. “1 year ELT, 2 years for battery (or as manufacturer recommends. battery usually good up to 5 years) Time remaining for next inspection -If there’s a SNAG, cannot fly -5 items for snag. Date, defect, name, license #, signature, Can fly even if there's 0.1 left, but once the plane lands, it has to go to maintenance right away. Certificate of insurance valid for 1 year Licenses Pilot License (Student license, ppl, cpl) -Medical not valid, pilot license not valid ( know validity of medical certificate) -Radio License (good for life) -know when they expire “CFS -Know how to read CFS. Know the different sections. Bring it in fight -Procedure of interception -2 copies, one in CFS and one in the bag -Appears in CFS (section F16) -Need them in the aircraft -Expires every 56 days “Radio Certificate (for plane) ~- Not required unless you fly outside of canada -Expires every year POH -CAS is IAS corrected for instrument error and position -At high angle of attack, the error is the greatest. The air is not very efficient, dificulty going in pitot tube. In cruising speed, the difference is close to zero. -From IAS to CAS — In POH Section 5-8 -Vx — 56ks, 65mph —» Best angle of climb. affected by wind. Section 4.3, -Vy — 68knot, 78mph. Best rate of climb, within a certain time. \Vso — Stall speed with flaps (landing configuration). No power. Lowest part of white arc. 42knots. Section 2 Limitations. \Vsi — Stall speed with no flaps, with power on. Lowest part of green act. 48 knots. \Vie— flaps extended, highest part of white arc. 85kts \Vno — Normal operation, highest part of green arc. Speed u can fly in smooth air. Turbulent air ccan cause dmg to aircraft structure. 107knots. Va —+ Manoeuvring speed. Maximum stalling speed at which you can make full deflection of controls around 1 axis for 1 specific time without risking to dmg the aircraft structure. DEPENDS ‘on stalling speed, weight. Va is higher when you are heavier. Lower when you are lighter. \Vne — Not exceed. If you exceed, you can break the aircraft. 141 knots. 1.7xVs0 + Gives Va. -Va, section 4. 1600Ibs, 1450Ibs, 1300Ibs. Respectively, 97, 93, 88 knots. Stalling speeds -Section 5. Depending on angle of bank, and position of center of gravity -Center of gravity AFT, more unstable. Lower stalling speed. Better cruising speed Center of gravity FORWARD, more stable. Higher stalling speed, Landing speed. Short field —+ 55knots, 40degree flaps. -How to calculate the short field landing speed with no indications on POH? 1.3 times Vso (which is 42), -if Turbulence, then 1.4.x Vso -Speed at precautionary landing -» 55 knot 40degree, 60 at 20 degree, 65 at 0 degree Short field takeoff 0 degree flaps if OBSTACLES. Use all the runway available. Apply brakes. Put power, STATIC RPM. 2460 and 2560 rpm. Means the BHP (brake horse power) power available by engine with brakes applied. Release brake, climb, Can use ground effect. -Retract flaps at 500ft above ground, Soft field takeoff. 10degrees. Back pressure. Maintain center line. Never apply brakes. As soon ‘as you feel a lft, lift up and use ground effect to get speed. And maintain climb. Retract flaps at 500ft above ground. -Pressure altitude: the height ofthe aircraft above a theoretical surface where the pressure is 29.92. -Need pressure altitude and outside air temp to calculate density altitude. Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard pressure and temperature. -Flaps on takeoff? Decrease takeoff distance, -Why not use flaps 10 degree if obstacle. If use flaps when doing short field with obstacles. The benefit of 10 degree will be LOST when going in high altitude, during hot day with high humidity (creates drag) -Maximum demonstrated cross wind component = 13 knots for C-150M -15kt for C-172. -At 90 degrees, when it's perfectly crosswind. it's 20% of Vso, which is the maximum crosswind component “These 13kt and 15kt is maximum DEMONSTRATED crosswind limit in the POH. I's not the actual crosswind maximum limitation, it's just a recommendation by the POH -Best power —+ peak RPM. Lean mixture for peak rpm. If lean more than best power, decrease of RPM, which is best economy. -Best range vs best endurance -Best range —+ maximum distance you can travel for the minimum fuel consumption Best lft to drag ratio. Best angle of attack, best performance of aircraft, with minimum fuel consumption. Maximum lift, for minimum drag. Affected by wind. If headwind, you will be affected. If tailwind, you have to decrease power to enjoy (5-10%) -Best endurance —-> MAximum time of fight for the minimum fuel burned. Not affected by wind. LOWEST part of power curve. Reduce maximum the power setting permissible to maintain level fight. -Maximum takeoff weight, 1600. -Maximum load in baggage compartment — total is 120 Ibs. Forward limit and aft limit of aircraft. Before 32.9 aft of datum line (firewall). AFT 37. Something, In c150 Forward limit is 35 to aft limit 47.3 in C172 Can the moment be negative? Oil is in front of the firewall -+ Since the oil has weight, and is in front of firewall, it can be negative. Maximum fuel : 26 gallons total. 22.5 usable fuel. Consumption of fuel per aircraft TAS is higher than IAS in higher altitudes. -Reduce fuel since higher altitude is less dense. -- Best range at higher altitude. Best endurance is better if you fly LOW. At Sea Level. As air is dense, you need less power, available to maintain level fight. 1 gallon = 6 Ibs of fuel. Brakes are red oil color. Fuel is 100LL blue. Magnetos 2. 1 can fail, the other one stil runs. Pressure of front wheel 30. Main landing gear 21. For ¢150 Pressure front wheel 31. Main landing gear 29. For C172M Static source line instrument: -Alticoder of transponder -ASI, VSI, altimeter Static source blockage on ASI -when u climb it underreads, descends it overreads. (opposite of pitot tube blockage). What makes tum coordinator working -electric Altitude and heading —+ vacuum pump Minimum equipment list is in the Section 6-13, Minimum equipment list —+ 6.14 -Written R-required. S. 0. A. Minimum day VFR: T — Tachometer. © - Oil Temperature Gauge. M- Magnetic Compass A- Airspeed Indicator. T—Time piece 0 - Oil Pressure Gauge. F — Fuel Gauges. L—Landing Gear Indicator (if applicable) A- Altimeter M — Manifold Pressure Gauge (if applicable) E - Emergency Equipments (Fire extinguishe S- Seat Belts First aid Kit, ELT) ‘Take off and landing distance. POH section 5-11. -Affected by pressure alt, temp, weight. How do you check the VNC's expiry date? -Go to awws (naveanada) check for VNC chart publication and next publication. -Look for edition number and month/year of new publication What frequency and transponder do you use in case of emergency (OR INTERCEPTION)? -121.5 with transponder code 7700 CPL: Calculate the approach speed corrected for predicted landing weight: -1.3VsoKCAS(max.gross.wt) x ViandingWvGrossWt Placards -Compass deviation card, airspeeds, baggage caution -Placards are prominently displayed on the panels of many general aviation aircraft, and for ‘good reason—compliance with the message they relate is mandatory -If placard is missing, you CAN'T FLY. ‘Standard equipment list + Abbreviation: “CFS Minimum equipment list: in the POH or company MEL. -MMEL (master) in POH, MEL for each company (depending on their plane and operation goals) 4 function of the oil Clean “Seal Cool -Lubricate ‘Can we use Mogas in our plane? Yes the plane will start with mogas, but itis bad for the plane -tigh lead and carbon content (spark plug fouling) ~Too much water, can have condensation, can have corrosion, engine failure at high altitude clogs engine, Learn ALL Emergency procedures “Section 3 POH If switch off the master, does the CLOCK still work or not? -YES it does. Find POH section about electrical system and clock Talk about the electrical system (Connector, master vs alternator, bus bars) Talk about the fuel system In flight: -VFR Weather requirements (SVFR, Marginal VFR) Different types of icing What is Vy at 100008 and SL? Don't forget to bring the HOOD.

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