To Build A Fire Comparison

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Into the Wild vs.

“To Build a Fire” Comparison

1. On your own: Read chapter 1 of Into the Wild and “To Build a Fire” and take brief notes on
the similarities and differences between:
McCandless & “The Man”
Similarities Differences

- Both adventuring in Alaska - The man has a more practical

- Both die in the wilderness outlook while McCandles has a
- Both are overconfident which leads more peaceful outlook to nature
to their death - The man has more of a set goal
- Both don’t listen to advice while McCandles wants adventure,
making him more foolish
- The man has a dog while Mccandles
is alone
- McCandles is out much longer

“The Old Man from Sulphur Spring” and Gallien

Similarities Differences

- Both give advice on surviving in - Old man more cautionary while

alaska Gallien more tries dissuading
- Old man focused more on cold,
while Gallien is focused on food
- Gallien helps McCandle with supplies
Nature as portrayed in “To Build a Fire” and Into the Wild
Similarities Differences

- Both wild and unpredictable - Mccandles nature is more peaceful

and calming while the man's nature
is deadly and has intent to kill
- Man is fighting nature McCandles

2. In groups of 3, share out your compare/contrast notes and try to fill in 7-10 total notes for
each of the above diagrams.
*Questions on Next Page*
3. Bullet points are fine as long as you develop your thoughts.

a. Think about Gallien, who is a real person, compared to the “Old Man,” who is fictional.
What does Gallien represent that is larger than himself? In other words, what does he
- Gallien symbolizes society's reaction to these young men going into nature as well as
the danger of it. The old man represents more advice.

b.Think about McCandless, who is a real person, compared to the “The Man,” who is fictional.
What does McCandless represent that is larger than himself? In other words, what does he
- McCandles represents the human ambition as well as people living with nature

c. How is nature depicted in both of these stories? What sort of themes (message/purpose)
are set up for Into the Wild by the depiction of nature?
- Into the wilds nature is shown as a peaceful force which slowly pushes against people.

d. Why does Krakauer start Into the Wild with this story from Gallien? What sort of themes
are set up for Into the Wild by this conflict b/w Gallien and McCandless?
- It shows the conflict which most readers feel and the thought that is McCandles stupid or
3. Finally, as a group, you will be writing a short paragraph (4-6 sentences), comparing Into the
Wild chapter 1 with “To Build a Fire”. Try to utilize transition words to demonstrate the
relationship between texts:
Done on Drews Ipad

Claim Frames:

(Text 1) can be seen as a reflection of (Text 2) due to (reasons why) which (greater

Comparing (Text 1) with (Text 2), highlights (author’s purpose/message) as to (greater


(Author’s purpose/message) becomes clear when comparing (Text 1) and (Text 2).

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