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Lesson Plan 7

Unit:5 Reading for pleasure

Teacher’s name: Izimova Dina

Date: 22nd, 23rd of January

Grade:8 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: 5D The Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi

Learning objectives(s) that this - respect differing points of view;

lesson is contributing to: recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a range of
written genres; plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support
on a growing range of general and curricular link, independently, sentences
into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of fa-
miliar general topics and some curricular

Lesson objectives: All learners will be able to: know the vocabulary
Most learners will be able to: know the usage of the grammar
Some learners will be able to: answer the questions

Value links: Respect each other, make a friendly atmosphere


Part of the les- Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources


Beginning of Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

the lesson lessons materials with the 1.Why do you think that -answer the 1st-
Pre-learning help of the teacher. Tolegen and Kyz- question Cards
«Brainstorming Differentiation: «Verbal Zhibek’s families hated - answer the 2 nd-
» method support» T asks different each other so much? question. Students Book
questions connected with 2. What happens in the - answer the 3rd-
5 min. the theme and tries to help end of the story? question.
Ss to give the correct an- 3 can you think of other
swer. T asks leading ques- stories with a similar
tions to clarify the theme to theme? Total: 3points
the Ss who needs T support. Aim: Revise the previ-
Ss give their possible an- ous lessons material. Encourage Ss who
swers. After that T intro- Efficiency: Ss refresh can name object
duces the aim and theme of their mind before start- that is connected
the lesson. ing new theme. with new lesson.

Middle of the Ask Ss to look at the picture Exercise 1 Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson and read the title of the - give correct an- Pupils Book
Presentation text. swers slide
part. • Read out the question and Pronounce words
elicit Ss’ guesses. correctly
7min. • Play the recording. Ss listen
and read the text to find out. Total: 2point
Aim: To introduce the topic;
to listen and read for gist
To develop their reading and
listening skills
Give Ss time to read the ques- Exercise 2 Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. tions and answer choices Choose the correct an- - give correct an- Students Book
and then read the text again swer swers Poster
and answer them. Pronounce words
Aim: to read for specific in- correctly
Efficiency: Total: 2point
To develop their reading and
speaking skills
Differentiation: Verbal sup-

Refer Ss to the Word List to Work with dictionaries Descriptor: Whiteboard

12 min look up the words in the - make examples Students Book
Check these words box. Ex- correctly Poster
plain their meaning, transla- Total: 1point
tion. Say the definition of the
words and ask to make sen-
tences with them.
Aim: To present vocabulary
Efficiency: To enrich Ss’ vo-
Differentiation: «Librarian»
method is used to develop
their vocabulary knowledge.

8min Give Ss time to complete the Exercise 3 Descriptor:

task. Join the sentences . use - write sentences
Aim: To consolidate grammar the structure below correctly
Differentiation: practice Total: 2point
method is used to assess Ss

End of the les- The Ladder method was used Ss use their stickers to Ss evaluate each Whiteboard
son. as a reflection. T asks Ss to show their knowledge other and encour- Poster.
stick their stickers to the Suc- according to the lesson age classmate with
Reflection cess Ladder Green- I understood phrases like:
Yellow-I have some Well done! Bril-
questions liant! Good job! I
5 min
Red-I need a help. like it!

Aim: To know how

many Ss got the theme.
Ss can use colors to
show how much do they
Differentiation: «Con-
clusion» method is used
to finish the lesson.

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