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Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407


Effect of limiting current density on corrosion performance of Ni–Mo,

Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings
Akshatha R. Shetty1 · A. Chitharanjan Hegde2

Received: 2 January 2023 / Accepted: 13 March 2023 / Published online: 23 March 2023
© The Author(s) 2023

In this article an attempt was made to increase the corrosion resistance of Ni–Mo alloy coatings with the addition of small
quantity of C­ dCl2 into its bath. The limiting of limiting current density (iL) of Ni in both Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd baths due to
inherent induced and normal type of codeposition has been successfully alleviated by addition of 1 g/L of ­CdCl2. The advent
of induced and normal type of codeposition of individual binary baths has been used to optimize the Ni content of the ter-
nary deposit for better corrosion stability. The composition vs. current density plots of all coatings have been studied, and
thereby optimal iL of Ni in all baths were assessed. The content of Mo was found to be decreased with the small addition of
Cd to the bath. Results revealed that (Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0 Adm−2 coating showed better corrosion resistance by reducing iL of Ni,
on addition of ­Cd+2 ions into the bath and was explained in the light of diffusion limited deposition of ­Ni+2 ions. The results
were supported by SEM (scanning electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and AFM (atomic force microscopy) study
of Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd coatings at optimal current densities.

Keyword Ni–Mo · Ni–Cd · Ni–Mo–Cd · Corrosion study

Introduction is electroplating technology to enhance corrosion resistant

properties of the base materials.
Corrosion is the deterioration of materials due to chemical Ni–Mo alloy coating is of great interest due to their good
reactions with their environment. It is a significant prob- corrosion resistance (Yang et al. 2022) and their ability to
lem in many industries, as it can cause structural failure catalyse the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline solu-
and equipment malfunction, leading to costly repairs and tions (Goveas et al. 2018; Li et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2015).
potential safety hazards. Additionally, corrosion can also Owing to their high corrosion resistance, they are consid-
lead to environmental pollution, as corrosion products can ered to be a potential replacement for hard chrome coating
leach into soil and water. It is important to prevent and con- at lesser cost (Hu and Weng 2000; Wasekar et al. 2019).
trol corrosion in order to maintain the integrity of structures Similarly, Ni–Cd coatings finds its extensive applications in
and equipment and to protect the environment. There are decorative finishing of metals and anticorrosive protection of
several methods used to protect materials from corrosion, metals (Rao and Hegde 2014; Sriramana et al. 2021; Brenner
such as environmental control, material selection (Uygur 1963). It is well known that Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd alloys fol-
et al. 2015; Gerengi et al. 2019, 2020) and inhibitors (Rizvi low induced and normal type of codeposition, respectively.
et al. 2021) and coatings. One of the best methods followed In both type of alloy deposition, change in the composi-
tion of coatings is negligible, or unpredictable with plating
variables. From a theoretical point of view, in Ni–Mo alloy
* Akshatha R. Shetty coating pure molybdenum (Mo) having EMo 0
= − 0.20 V
cannot be electrodeposited from their aqueous solution,
Department of Chemistry, Manipal Institute of Technology, and it can be codeposited easily with iron group metals
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, such as nickel (Ni) forming an alloy. In Ni–Mo coatings,
Karnataka 576104, India Ni stimulate the deposition of reluctant metal Mo, which
Electrochemistry Research Lab, Department do not deposit by itself. Ni–Cd coatings follows normal
of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, type of codeposition, where Ni deposits preferentially than
Surathkal, Srinivasnagar 575025, India

4400 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407

Cd, which characterized by the preferential deposition of Experimental

noble Ni ( ENi
= − 0.25 V) instead of Cd ( ECd0
= − 0.40 V). In
induced type of electroplating, plating variables, like current Two binary alloy baths, namely Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd, were
density (c.d.), temperature, agitation, pH etc. has vagarious optimized using conventional Hull method as described
dependency on the composition of the bath compared to elsewhere (Ganesan et al. 2006). The composition and pro-
other normal types of codeposition (Brenner 1963; Xu et al. cessing parameters of Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd alloy
2016; Mousavi et al. 2016). baths are given in Table 1. Electrolytic baths were prepared
In preliminary study on electrodeposition of Ni–Mo and using LR grade (Merck, Mumbai, India) chemicals, as they
Ni–Cd alloy coatings showed two peculiarities, in terms of are purchased without further purification, using double dis-
their Ni content: (i) Change of Ni content in Ni–Mo coat- tilled water. The desired pH’s were maintained using Micro
ing with c.d. is insignificant due to induced type of codepo- pH Meter (Systronics, 362), by proper addition of either
sition, and (ii) Ni content of Ni–Cd alloy increases with ­NH4OH or HCl depending on the requirement. Table 1—
increase of c.d., due to normal type of codeposition. Even Composition and processing parameters of baths used for
at higher concentration of Ni in the bath, Ni content of the electrodeposition of Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd alloy
alloy decreased with increase of current density, pH and coatings under constant condition of temperature and P ­ H.
temperature, reasoned by the preferential deposition of less All depositions reported here were carried out at constant
noble metal (Cd). In other words, Ni content of the coating temperature (303 K), under condition of constant agitation
is extremely low compared its content in the bath. In gen- on copper substrate (7.5 × 3.0 cm), used as cathode. The cop-
eral, corrosion protection ability of both Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd per substrates, polished metallurgically to get mirror finish
alloy coatings depends upon their Ni (noble metal) content were used for electroplating. It is degreased (trichloroethyl-
(Eliaz and Gileadi 2008, Huang et al. 2015; Podlaha et al. ene), and then pickled (1:1 H ­ NO3) before to immersing it
1996; Abd El Rehim et al. (1984); Liu and Anderson (1996; into electrolyte.
Parthasaradhy 1989) and in alloy plating, the metal con- The depositions were carried out on known active surface
tent depends on the liming current density (iL) of the metal. area (3.0 × 3.0 cm), leaving the other region covered by cel-
Hence, it is very unlikely to develop coatings of high corro- lophane tape. Both binary and ternary alloy electrodeposi-
sion protection from both Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd alloy baths, by tions were carried out under same geometric conditions of
changing the c.d. Hence, to alleviate the problem associated anode and cathode, using 300 mL capacity cubic customized
with limiting c.d. of Ni in baths of Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd to electrochemical cell as shown in Fig. 1. Electrodepositions
develop coatings of high corrosion resistance, electrodepo- were made at desired c.d.’s using DC power source (Power
sition of their ternary alloy coating, i.e. Ni–Mo–Cd coating Analyzer, N6705A, Agilent Technologies, USA). The pure
have been tried. The advent of induced and normal type of nickel plate was used as anode. All depositions were carried
codeposition that the individual binary baths followed have out for 10 min. The cathode and anode were placed parallel
been used advantageously to optimize the Ni content of the at 5 cm distance, during deposition. After electrodeposition,
ternary alloy for better corrosion stability. The experimen- all coatings were washed using distilled water followed by
tal results are presented, with an account responsible for air drying. The coatings were then analysed for its corrosion
improved corrosion resistance of ternary alloy coatings. The behaviors.
optimal Ni content of the alloy coatings have been identified. The rate of corrosion was studied using controlled
Experimental observations are compared, in relation to its Potentiostat/Galvanostat (VersaSTAT3, Princeton Applied
binary alloy coatings, and results are discussed. The effect of Research, USA). The three-electrode set up was used to
limiting current density on deposition mechanism of Ni–Mo, perform corrosion experiments. The corrosion tests were
Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd was studied. carried in 5% NaCl solution at room temperature by

Table 1  Composition and Chemical constituents (­ gL−1) Ni–Mo bath Ni–Cd bath Processing parameters
processing parameters of baths
used for electrodeposition of Nickel sulphate ­[NiSO4.6H2O] 16.0 16.0 Anode: nickel plate
Ni–Mo, Ni-Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd
Sodium molybdate 46.0 – Cathode: copper
alloy coatings under constant
condition of temperature and
pH Sodium citrate 102.0 102.0 c.d. range:1.0–6.0 ­Adm−2
Cadmium chloride – 1.0 Temperature: 303 K
[CdCl2] pH: 9.0
Duration: 10 min

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407 4401

Table 2  Composition and corrosion performance of Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd

and Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings deposited from their optimal baths at
different c.d.’s

Coating configura- wt% Ni wt% Mo wt% Cd CR × ­10–2(mmy−1)


Induced type of codeposition

(Ni–Mo ) 1.0 Adm−2 70.0 30.0 – 51.6
(Ni–Mo ) 2.0 Adm−2 69.0 29.0 – 40.5
(Ni–Mo )4.0 Adm−2 68.2 31.8 – 36.5
(Ni–Mo ) 6.0 Adm−2 67.0 33.0 – 30.7
Normal type of codeposition
(Ni–Cd)1.0 Adm−2 21.0 – 78.0 44.74
(Ni–Cd)2.0 Adm−2 56.9 – 43.1 42.94
Fig. 1  Schematic representation of set up used for electrodeposition (Ni–Cd)4.0 Adm−2 79.5 – 20.5 28.72
of alloy coatings (Ni–Cd)6.0 Adm−2 76.7 – 23.3 39.70
Anomalous Ternary alloy deposition
(Ni–Mo– 37 5.8 58.0 29.2
exposing a ­1cm2 surface area of the alloy coatings. The Cd)1.0 Adm−2
corrosion behaviours of alloy coatings were studied by (Ni–Mo– 27.0 5.4 60.8 24.4
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and poten- Cd)2.0 Adm−2
tiodynamic polarization methods. The surface morphol- (Ni–Mo– 17.1 4.9 68.6 16.5
Cd)4.0 Adm−2
ogy, composition and phase structure of Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd
(Ni–Mo– 13.9 4.4 70.7 15.4
and Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings were analysed using scan- Cd)6.0 Adm−2
ning electron microscopy (SEM), interfaced with energy Metal content in the bath
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) (Oxford EDS(X- Wt of M in the 17.2 80.2 2.6 –
act), and X-ray diffraction study (XRD) (Rigaku- mini- bath
Flex 600), respectively. The surface roughness of the
coatings was measured using Atomic Force Microscopy
(AFM, Innova SPM Atomic Force Microscope). Binary Results and discussion
and ternary alloy coatings deposited at different c.d.’s are
conveniently represented as (Ni–Mo)x and (Ni–Cd)y and Electrodeposition of alloy coatings
(Ni–Mo–Cd)z alloys, with subscription x, y, z on right hand
side, indicating the c.d. at which they are deposited. Electrodeposition of binary (Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd) and ternary
Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings were done at different current
densities (ranging from 1.0 to 6.0 ­Adm−2) using electrolytic
Corrosion behaviour baths, shown in Table 1. The composition and corrosion
protection efficacy of alloy coatings corresponding to dif-
The corrosion rates were calculated by Tafel extrapolation ferent c.d.’s is given in Table 2. The actual metal contents in
methods, by scanning the test electrode in a potential ramp Ni–Mo, Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd baths, calculated from the
of ± 250 mV, at scan rate of 1 mV/sec. The Nyquist plots weight of Ni, Mo and Cd salts, are also shown in Table 2.
were drawn, using data corresponding to AC frequency in
the range of 100 kHz–10 mHz, with perturbing sine wave of Induced codeposition of Ni–Mo alloy
10 mV amplitude. The corrosion rate (CR) in millimetre per
year (mm y−1) was calculated using Eq. (1). To begin with, of Ni–Mo alloy deposition was carried out at
­ dm−2), using
four different c.d.’s (ranging from 1.0 to 6.0 A
CR = K × ×i (1) the bath shown in Table 1. From the composition data,
D Corr
shown in Table 2 it may be noted that there is no signifi-
Here, CR is expressed of milli meter per year (­ mmy−1), cant change in the Ni content of alloy with c.d. However,
Where K = 0.00327, E = Equivalent weight of the alloy, a small decrease of Ni content with c.d. clearly shows that
D = density of alloy under study and, icorr = corrosion cur- the bath followed the induced type of codeposition. It may
rent density in µAcm−2. be further noted that wt% Mo in the deposit is in the range
of ~ 30% at different c.d’s. studied as compared to its 80.2%
in the bath. At the same time, the deposit is having wt% of

4402 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407

Ni in the range of (~ 70%) and was found to be higher, com- alloy coating corresponding to 6.0 A ­ dm−2, represented as
pared to that in the bath (17.2%). A small variation of Ni and (Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0 Adm is the most corrosion resistant coating.
Mo content in Ni–Mo alloy coatings, over the range of c.d. The data from Table 2 indicates that, with increase of current
studied was found (Table 2). It is the testimony for induced density the content of less noble metal (cadmium) increases
type of codeposition, enabled due to possible complexation and it inhibits the deposition of more noble molybdenum.
of Mo and Ni ions with citrate ions (Parthasaradhy 1989). This proves that (Ni–Mo–Cd) coatings follows anomalous
Thus, from Table 2, it may be noted that a bright and uni- type of electrodeposition.
form coating of Ni–Mo alloy coating corresponding to 6.0
­Adm−2, represented as (Ni–Mo)6.0 Adm−2 coating is the most Surface morphology and XRD study
corrosion resistant, among others.
The microstructure of (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2
Normal codeposition of Ni–Cd alloy and (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 alloy coatings, showing the high-
est corrosion resistance of respective baths are shown in
Similarly, Ni–Cd alloy coatings depositions were carried Fig. 2. The poor corrosion resistance behavior of (Ni–Mo)
out at four c.d.’s, like 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 ­Adm−2, using 6.0 Adm
alloy coating may be due to its rough surface, hav-
Ni–Cd bath shown in Table 1. The composition of the coat- ing a granular structure as may be seen in Fig. 2a. The bet-
ings obtained at different c.d.’s are reported in Table 2, with ter corrosion resistance of (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 alloy coating,
their corrosion rates. It is important to note that over entire compared to that of (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2 coating is due to a
range of c.d. studied, wt% of Cd (less noble metal) in the decrease of surface roughness, seen in Fig. 2b. The least cor-
deposit is much more than that in the bath (Ganesan et al. rosion rate of (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coating may be attrib-
2006), compared to only 2.6% in the bath (Table 2). The uted to increased smoothness of coating, compared to both
composition data of Cd in the bath indicates that the bath binary alloys as seen in Fig. 2c. The surface morphology of
follows normal type of codeposition with preferential depo- the corroded (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2 sample is given in Fig. 2d.
sition of noble metal (Ni) with increase c.d (Kanani 2006). From the composition data (Table 2), it may be noted that
The corrosion data reported in Table 2 reveals that cor- the smoothness of coatings has an inverse dependency on Ni
rosion rate of Ni–Cd alloy coatings decreases with increase content of the alloy. Thus, the high corrosion resistance of
of Ni content, affected at higher c.d. In other words, corro- (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 alloy coating is not attributed by its
sion rate decreased with increase of Ni content. However, at Ni content of the alloy.
6.0 ­Adm−2, i.e. corresponding to (Ni–Cd)6.0 Adm−2 CR was The phase analysis of optimal coatings was carried out
found to increase once again. It may be attributed to the using XRD technique and is given in Fig. 3. The XRD peaks
fact that applied c.d. has exceeded the limiting c.d. of Ni, corresponding to (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and
for bath under operation. Thus, a bright and uniform Ni–Cd (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings, may be seen Fig. 3. The
alloy coating corresponding to 4.0 A ­ dm−2, represented as plane of reflection (211), (310), (420) and (501) corresponds
(Ni–Cd)4.0 Adm showed better corrosion resistant property to ­MoNi4 phase of Ni–Mo coatings (JCPDS no. 03-065-
as compared to all other coatings. 1533). The plane of reflections (111), (200), (112) and (862)
confirms the formation of Ni–Cd coatings (Xu et al. 2016).
Anomalous codeposition of Ni–Mo–Cd alloy The plane of reflections (211) (130) (112) and (501) con-
firms the formation of Ni–Mo–Cd coatings.
Based on the corrosion performance of Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd
alloy coatings, and their dependency with c.d., an attempt Atomic force microscopy study
was made develop ternary alloy coatings of higher corro-
sion resistance by proper manipulation of its Ni content. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) technique was used to
In this direction, a ternary Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coating was find the surface roughness of optimal coatings. The AFM
attempted by adding small quantity (1.0 g/L) of ­CdCl2 images corresponding to optimal (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd)
into optimized Ni–Mo bath. The composition and oper- 4.0 Adm and (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings as shown in
ating variables used for deposition of Ni-Mo, Ni-Cd and Fig. 4. From Fig. 4, it is clear that the surface roughness
Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coating is as shown in Table 1. Ternary of (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 alloy coating is lesser than that of
alloy coatings were electroplated at various c.d.’s, like 1.0, (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2.
2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 ­Adm−2, and their corrosion performance The average surface roughness (­ Ra) of (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2,
were evaluated. The composition and corrosion rates of (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings was
ternary Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings corresponding to differ- found to be 35.6, 27.7 and 23.0 nm, respectively. From the
ent c.d.’s are reported in Table 2. Hence, from corrosion AFM data, it is clear that coating (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 was
data reported in Table 2, it may be inferred that Ni–Mo–Cd

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407 4403

Fig. 2  SEM image of opti-

mal a (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, b
(Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2, c (Ni–Mo–
Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 and d (Ni–Mo)
6.0 Adm coatings before and
after corrosion study, respec-

The corrosion rates of electrodeposited coatings are

reported in Table 2. The polarization behavior of Ni–Mo,
Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd coatings, deposited only under
optimal conditions are shown in Fig. 5, for comparison
purpose. From the nature of the polarization plot, it may
be noted that (Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0 Adm−2 coatings is more cor-
rosion resistant than binary alloy coatings. This is further
supported by its highest Ecorr values as seen in Fig. 5. The
nature of the anodic curves of all three alloy coatings indi-
cates that the corrosion is more an anodic controlled (Elias
et al. 2016).

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study

EIS technique is used for ranking coatings, quantifying coat-

ing breakdown, assessing interfacial reactions and for pre-
Fig. 3  XRD analysis of (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and dicting the lifetime of coating and/or metal systems (Yaun
(Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings deposited under optimal conditions of et al. 2010). The EIS responses of electrodeposited Ni–Mo,
respective baths
Ni–Cd and Ni–Mo–Cd coatings, corresponding to their opti-
mal conditions are shown in Fig. 6. The equivalent circuit
found to be more resistant having a lower average surface has been simulated, and is shown in inset of Fig. 6. A close
roughness value. agreement between the observed and simulated impedance
responses for (Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0A dm−2 coating was found. The
Potentiodynamic polarization study equivalent circuit diagram corresponding to coatings are
given in inset of Fig. 6 and values are listed in Table 3. It
The corrosion behavior of electroplated binary and ternary may be seen confirmed from larger diameter of the (unfin-
alloy coatings were studied by the potentiodynamic polariza- ished) semicircle corresponding to (Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0Adm−2
tion method and corresponding plots are as shown in Fig. 5. coatings is more corrosion resistant than binary alloys.
Increased diameter of the semicircle suggests its better

4404 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407

Fig. 4  AFM image of a

(Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, b(Ni–Cd)
4.0 Adm and c (Ni–Mo–Cd)
6.0 Adm coatings deposited
under optimal conditions of
respective baths

Fig. 6  Electrochemical impedance responses of electrodeposited (Ni–

Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings
Fig. 5  The Tafel plots of (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and deposited from their optimal baths at 303 K
(Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coatings deposited from their optimal baths

Table 3  The charge transfer resistance (­Rct) value for obtained for
corrosion resistance. The charge transfer resistance (Rct) (Ni–Mo) 6.0 Adm−2, (Ni–Cd) 4.0 Adm−2 and (Ni–Mo–Cd) 6.0 Adm−2 coat-
value of Ni–Mo–Cd coating is more as compared to Ni–Mo
and Ni–Cd coatings. This confirms that Ni–Mo–Cd coating Coating configuration Charge
is found be more corrosion resistant than binary coatings. transfer
(Rct) (Ohm)

(Ni–Mo )6.0A dm−2 190

(Ni–Cd)4.0A dm−2 398
(Ni–Mo–Cd)6.0A dm−2 454

Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407 4405

concentrations. Thus, by taking the advantage of diffusion

theory based iL of metal ions, it is possible to control the
Ni content of the alloy coatings, by proper modulation of
charge transfer process at EDL. In this study, the iL of Ni
was decreased to large extent by addition of small quantity
of ­Cd+2 ions into Ni–Mo bath. The C ­ dCl2 added in small
quantity (1 g/L) decreased the iL of Ni, and allowed the dep-
osition of ternary alloy coating of high corrosion resistance
as explained below.
It may be recalled that iL of a metal is the current density
at which rate of its deposition is maximum. At iL the con-
centration of metal ions near the electrode drops to zero,
and it depends only on the bulk concentration. Therefore,
iL of a metal in an electrolytic bath may be written in the
form of Eq. 2.

Fig. 7  Effect of current density on the composition of binary Ni–Mo

iL = nFDCB ∕ 𝛿 (2)
and Ni–Cd and ternary Ni–Mo–Cd alloy coatings, electrodeposited
from citrate bath at 303 K (horizontal lines represent the actual con- where n is the number of electrons per ion being trans-
tent of metal in the bath) ferred, F the Faraday constant (96,490 C/equivalent). CB is
the concentration of metal ions in bulk electrolyte and δ is
the thickness of diffusion layer. From the above relation, it
Effect of c.d. on the composition of deposited may be noted that in a given bath (as ­CB is constant), iL is
coatings changing only by altering the thickness of the EDL. Thus, in
the light of above discussion, the inverse dependency of Ni
Variation in wt% of M(metal) content (Ni, Mo and Cd) in content with c.d. due to addition of ­Cd+2 ions into Ni–Mo
binary and ternary alloy coatings over a range of c.d. studied bath may be attributed to its decreased iL of Ni. Thus, ­Cd+2
is shown in Fig. 7. It may be noted that in Ni–Mo alloy coat- ions reduced the iL of Ni greatly in Ni–Mo–Cd bath, in rela-
ing, Ni content of the deposit is slowly decreasing with the tion to that in (Ni–Mo) bath. In the present study, it may be
increase of c.d., as expected in induced type codeposition. concluded that wt% of Ni in the deposit has decreased due
Corrosion data, reported in Table 2 clearly shows that c.d. ­ d+2 ions, and allow-
to decrease of its iL, due to addition of C
slightly effects the Ni content, and hence corrosion resist- ing the bath to undergo anomalous ternary alloy deposition.
ance of the alloy coating as mentioned earlier. But in case of The decrease of iL of Ni in Ni–Mo–Cd alloy bath is due to
Ni–Cd alloy coatings, Ni and Cd content has large depend- change in the charge transfer process at the EDL, affected
ency with c.d. A sudden increase of Ni content was found due to different complexation of process compared to that
in the range of 2.0—4.0 ­Adm−2 (Fig. 7). The maximum Ni in binary baths.
(noble metal) content corresponding to 4.0 A ­ dm−2 indicates Hence, least corrosion rate of ternary Ni–Mo–Cd coating
that it is its approximate limiting current density for deposi- is due to decreased iL of Ni due to addition of Cd into bath.
tion of Ni in that bath. Hence, it may be noted that the corrosion performance of
binary and ternary alloy coatings need not always depends
Effect of addition of ­Cd+2 more on the iL of noble metal, rather than the wt% of noble
metal in the deposit. Therefore, it may be concluded that
The essence of electroplating is charge transfer across the ­Cd+2 ions acted as such agency to decrease the iL of Ni by
electrode–electrolyte interface, and most importantly the increasing thickness of diffusion layer. Representational dia-
composition of deposit depends on the iL of ions involved. gram showing the decrease of iL of Ni in Ni–Mo–Cd bath
Therefore, a profound understanding of the structure of dif- affected due to addition C­ d+2 ions into Ni–Mo bath is shown
fusion layer is important in electroplating, in terms the effect in Fig. 8, in relation to its value in Ni–Cd bath, following
of c.d. on the diffusion of ions and thickens of the diffusion normal codeposition; and Ni–Mo bath, following induced
layer. The composition of deposit formed mainly depends type of codeposition. It may be seen from Fig. 8 that the dif-
on concentration change of ions near the diffusion layer fusion layer thickness (δ) corresponding to Ni–Mo–Cd bath
and be explained by simple diffusion theory (Kanani 2006). is much larger than that for Ni–Mo and Ni–Cd baths. This
Therefore, at iL, the rate at which metal ions in Ni–Mo–Cd increase of δ is due to change in the charge/mass transfer
alloy can deposit may be determined by diffusion and elec-
trical migration of the ions, and is proportional to their

4406 Chemical Papers (2023) 77:4399–4407

due to decrease of iL of Ni, affected due to addition of

­Cd+2 ions into the baths.
(6) The decrease of iL of is due to change of charge transfer
process at the electrical double layer (EDL), affected
by the addition of Cd ions into the bath.
(7) The corrosion performance of binary and ternary alloy
coatings always depends more on the iL of noble metal,
rather than the wt% of noble metal in the deposit.

Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to National Institute of

Technology, Karnataka for providing lab facility to carry out research

Funding Open access funding provided by Manipal Academy of

Higher Education, Manipal.
Fig. 8  Representational diagram showing the decrease of liming cur-
rent density (iL) of Ni responsible for anomalous type of codeposition Declarations
in ternary Ni–Mo–Cd alloy plating affected due to addition Cd into
Ni–Mo bath (induced type of codeposition), in relation to iL of Ni–Cd Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
bath (normal type of codeposition) interest.

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-

bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
process at diffusion layer due to addition of ­Cd+2 ions into included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
the bath. otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
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