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Cookie injection

A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on a user's computer by a website

they visit. These cookies are often used to track user activity, remember user
preferences, and personalize the user experience. However, cookies can also pose
security risks if they are not properly managed.

Cookie injection is a type of attack where an attacker exploits vulnerabilities in a

web application to insert, modify, or delete cookies. This can allow the attacker to
gain unauthorized access to a user's session, steal sensitive information stored in
cookies, or perform other malicious actions. By injecting malicious code into
cookies, attackers can manipulate the behavior of the web application and
compromise the security and privacy of users.

To prevent cookie injection:-

 Use secure coding practices:- Website developers should follow best

practices for secure coding to prevent vulnerabilities that could be exploited
for cookie injection.
 Validate and sanitize cookie data:- It's important to validate and sanitize all
input, including cookie data, to ensure that it is safe and does not contain any
malicious code or unauthorized content.
 Use encryption:- Encrypting the data stored in cookies can help protect it
from being tampered with or accessed by unauthorized parties.
 Use secure transmission protocols:- Ensure that cookies are transmitted over
secure connections using HTTPS to prevent interception and tampering by
 Deactivate the storage of cookies in your browser. This reduces the amount
of data exchanged; you can change your browser’s privacy settings and
avoid storing passwords in the browser.
 Always keep anti-malware software updated on your device, as malware can
impersonate harmless cookies or enter advertising networks.
 If a website asks you to accept cookies and you are not sure if it is
legitimate, stop browsing immediately.

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