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traffic analysis:-

In a traffic analysis attack, a hacker tries to access the same network as you to listen
(and capture) all your network traffic. From there, the hacker can analyze that traffic
to learn something about you or your company. This type of attack is classified as
a passive attack because the hacker is not actively trying to hack into your systems or
crack your password.
Network traffic analysis (NTA) is a method of monitoring network availability
and activity to identify anomalies, including security and operational issues.
Common use cases for NTA include:
 Collecting a real-time and historical record of what’s happening on your
 Detecting malware such as ransomware activity
 Detecting the use of vulnerable protocols and ciphers
 Troubleshooting a slow network
 Improving internal visibility and eliminating blind spots

Benefits of NTA include:

 Improved visibility into devices connecting to your network (e.g. IoT devices,
healthcare visitors)
 Meet compliance requirements
 Troubleshoot operational and security issues
 Respond to investigations faster with rich detail and additional network
Some of the use cases for analyzing and monitoring network traffic include
 Availability of flow-enabled devices:
 The data source:
 The points on the network:
 Real-time data vs. historical data:
 Full packet capture, cost and complexity:
How to Protect Yourself traffic analysis attacker
 Encrypt the Traffic We mentioned before that a traffic analysis attack works even
with encrypted traffic. ...
 NAT Network address translation is a surprisingly effective way of preventing
traffic analysis attacks. ...
 “Pad” the Traffic If you’re looking for every possible way to prevent any possible
attack, here’s something to help with traffic analysis attacks.

Name of student id
1, hunegnaw zeru………………………………………..6973/20
2, fkadu eyob…………………………………………….

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