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1) How do your actions impact the Endicott campus culture?

What standards for behavior

(whether positive or negative) did you model through your behavior in this situation? (e.g., “As a
result of my behavior in this situation, other Endicott students might think that it is acceptable
I feel like my actions affected the people around me, specifically Beacon hall.
Ever since the incident happened everyone now in Beacon are on their toes because
they finally saw that people in our dorm can actually get busted. Before the incident
everybody in the dorm thought that we were invincible because we are in a secluded
area where rarely anybody visits. You can say that is a good thing or a bad thing. I feel
like my behavior throughout this situation has been great(humbly). When the RA’s
opened the door and saw all the drugs, we didn’t try to hide it or try to make it difficult for
them to do their jobs. We were very cooperative with our student IDs and didn’t try to
come up with any excuses.

2) How would you explain this situation to future employers reviewing your past conduct
I would explain to them exactly what happened. I would tell them that it was a
group of 6 people in one small dorm room. We were smoking on a sunday night and we
were being stupid and smoked inside. I’d tell them that somebody smelt it outside and
decided to call the RA’s. Then I would explain to them how we were cooperative and
didn’t give them a hard time. I would hope that they would look past this incident and
just see this as being a young and dumb incident.

3) As you move through your life, higher expectations will be placed upon you to be
more thoughtful and community-focused. Do you believe this incident reflected mature
decision-making? How do you plan on making more mature decisions in the future?

This incident did not reflect mature decision making. We shouldn’t have been
smoking inside the dorm. I just wanna say that we would have gone outside but it was
extremely cold and windy outside so we decided to take the risk. But back to the main
point, I should have thought about the consequences and people around me that have
to deal with the smell of weed. In the future I'm going to smoke outside at a time where
nobody will be around, so that it will not affect anybody.

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