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We use FUTURE SIMPLE (will/won’t) for:

 making predictions without evidence:
EG: Humans will live on Mars.
 offering to do something for someone:
EG: I will clean the dishes for you.
 warnings:
EG: Stop jumping near the cliff! You will fall!
 making a sudden decision:
EG: I will but this dress because it fits me!
 promises, threats, hopes and fears:
EG: I will always love you.
 giving opinions:
EG: Life will not be the same after the invention of time travelling.


 Individual plans.
EG: Kids are going to learn a lot this year.
 making a prediction based on a present situation.
EG: The sun is shining. There are going to be a lot of people in the beach.

We can also use the PRESENT SIMPLE with a future meaning to express timetables.
EG: Trains arrive at 6 am at Manchester station.

And the PRESENT CONTINUOUS with a future is used for social plans for the future.
Usually there is a future temporal (tomorrow, next week, next month, next Monday).
EG: We are getting married next week!

What’s the difference between Present Continuous and Going to?

Be going to refers to future intentions that have been decided but have not been fully planned:
 We're going to get married. (referring to a past decision)
The present continuous tense refers to fixed future events, and emphasizes that plans or arrangements
have already been made:
 We are getting married next month. (the wedding has already been arranged)
Complete the sentences with WILL or GOING TO+ VERB in brackets.:

1. A: Would you like chips or fish?
B: Er, I (have) ___________________________ chips, please.
2. I think I (have) _____________________________ another cup of tea.
3. Mark has bought a clarinet and he (take) ______________________ Music lessons.
4. I think it (cost) _________________________ about 3.000 euros to rebuild the garage.
5. Alice (have)____________________________ a baby in April.
6. I (play) _____________________________ tennis with Stan on Sunday.
7. Look! The train (stop) ____________________________________
8. I’m sure everybody (have) __________________________ proper housing one day.
9. She (get) ___________________________ married on Friday at the local church.
10. It (rain) _________________________, look at those clouds.
11. A: Look! The house is on fire.
B: Good heavens! I (call) __________________________ the fire brigade immediately.
12. A: What shall we have for dinner?
B: I don’t know. Ok, we (have) ________________________ chicken.
13. A: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening?
B: of course, I (take) _________________________ you. I’d be delighted.
14. Perhaps Ann (arrive) ____________________________ at about 8 o’clock.
15. A: have you got a ticket for the play?
B: Yes, I (see) _______________________________ it on Thursday.
16. What can I do this evening? I know! I (go) _______________________ and see Sue.
17. Someone told me that you are moving from London. That’s right. I (live)
____________________________ in Manchester.
18. Would you like to come to my house this evening? Yes, all right. I
(come)__________________________ at 9 o’clock.
19. I don’t feel very well. I think I (faint) _______________________
20. It’s Simon birthday soon and I (buy) _______________________ him something to wear.
21. Oh, no! Look at those cars! They (crash) _____________________________
22. A: I could lend you some money if you like.
B: could you? I (pay) ___________________________ you back on Friday.
23. The phone is ringing. Ok. I (answer) _____________________________ it.
24. Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? Oh, yes, everything is planned. He
(have) _____________________________ a holiday for a few weeks and then he (do)
_________________________ a computer course.
25. Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please? Just a moment. I (get) _________________ him.
26. Do you think that he (recognize) _________________________ me?
27. If petro pump attendants go on strike we (not have) ______________________ any petrol.
28. He (spend) ___________________________ his holidays in Spain.
29. I (pick) _______________________ you up at 6:30; don’t forget.
30. The Town Council (build) ________________________________ a new school here.
31. I (compete) _____________________ in the bicycle race tomorrow.
32. I (play) _________________________brigde tonight with Tom and Ann.
33. Perphaps he (arrive)______________________________ in time for lunch.
34. I wonder how many of us still (be) __________________________here next year.
35. If you learn another language you (get) ________________________ a better job.
36. What horse (you ride) __________________________ tomorrow?
37. I’m sure that you (like) ____________________________ him.
38. He has cut my hair too short. Don’t worry; it (grow) _______________________ again very
39. I (give) _____________________________ a football trainers for his next birthday.
40. The Queen (open) __________________________ Parliament next month.
41. I (collect)_________________________________ my new dress this afternoon.
42. The fire has gone out! So it has. I (go) __________________ and get some sticks.
43. I’ve hired a typewriter and I (learn) _______________________ to type.
44. If you drop that bottle it (break) ___________________________
45. I hope he (remember) ____________________________ to buy wine.
46. You ‘ve bought a lot of paint. (you redecorate) ________________ your kitchen?
47. How do I get from here to London Bridge? I don’t know, but I (ask)___________ that
48. I can’t understand this letter. I (call) _______________ my son. He (translate) ___________
it for you.

Will, to be going to or present continuous?

1. My father _________ (go) to Australia next week

2. “What are your plans for the future?” “I ____________ (be) a famous actor!”

3. I don’t think schools ____________ (change) very much in the next few years
4. Our computer broke down yesterday, so we ___________ (buy) a new one soon

5. Look at that man on the bridge! He ______________ (jump)!

6. I think that people ___________ (live) on the moon by 2050

7. Peter is not studying hard enough. He ______________ (fail) his exams.

8. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It ______________ (be) a nice day

9. “The phone is ringing!” “Ok, don’t worry, I _________ answer it!”

10. I hope robots ___________ (do) the housework in the future

11. I can’t come to the cinema with you. I __________ (meet) John at 8.00

12. “I can’t find my glasses!” “Don’t worry, I __________ (help) you find them”

13. My sister and I __________ (travel) to India in July

14. Those cars are going too fast! They ____________ (crash)

15. “I’m going out. Do you want to come with me?” “Why not? I ________ (take)
my sweater.”

16. “Mum, can I go out now? I promise I ________ (do) my homework tonight!”

17. I __________ (buy) some new clothes. My old ones are too small

18. When I grow up I probably ________ (not/watch) so much tv.

19. Mandy and John ________ (get married) on June 25

20. Tomorrow the weather ________ (be) sunny and dry

21. “This exercise is too difficult for me!” “Don’t worry, I _______ (help) you!”
22. “__________ (go out) tonight?” “Yes, I _________ (go) to the pub”
23. Do you think Diana ________ marry Tom?” “No, I don’t think so”

24. “It’s Diana’s birthday tomorrow!” “What ___________ (buy) her?”

25. “________ people eat insects in 2030?” “They probably _________”


1. America is much ......................................(large) France.

2. David isn’t as ………………………………………………….. (tall) as Bob.
3. Cats aren’t as ……………………………………………….(aggressive) as lions.
4. Do you think she is .........................................(old) I am?
5. I think tulips are ...........................................(beautiful) daffodils.
6. Is it as ......................................(cold) here as in Canada?
7. It is ten miles from .................................................(near) town.
8. It isn't very warm today. It was ..........................(warm) yesterday.
9. It was a very cold day. It was ............................(cold) of the year.
10. It was a very happy day. It was ...........................(happy) day of my life.
11. My father is much .............................................(bad) he was.
12. Shirley is a lot ………………………….………………………………..(intelligent ) Susan.
13. She's a very popular singer. She is .....................................(popular)
singer in our country.
14. Mary's car isn't very big. My car is .....................................(big) hers.
15. Paris is ....................................................(large) city in France.
16. The TGV is ......................................(fast) of all the other trains.
17. The Taylors aren't very nice. The Browns are much ...................(nice).
18. This church is very old. It's .....................................(old) in the town.
19. What is ............................................(long) river in the world?
20. You're not very tall. Your brother is ....................................(tall) you.

Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets so that it has the same meaning
as the first one.

1 Tom can swim much faster than Mary.

Mary can’t swim
_________________________________________________________________. (AS)

2 My pen isn't as good as yours.

Your pen
_______________________________________________________________________ (THAN).

3 My salary isn't as high as you think.

My salary
______________________________________________________________________. (THAN)

4 Prison food isn't as bad as I expected.

Prison food
_____________________________________________________________________ (THAN).

5 Mary isn't as reliable as she used to be.


6 I'm not as heavy as I used to be.


7 You are more polite than Tom.


8 Tom and Mary aren't as young as they say they are.

Tom and Mary ____________________________________________________ they say
they are. (THAN)

9 The fracture wasn't as serious as we thought.

The fracture
____________________________________________________________________. (LESS)

10 Tom is a bit shorter than Mary.


11 Tom said doing that was more difficult than he expected.

Tom said doing that
______________________________________________________________. (LESS)

12 I was richer than my neighbours.

I wasn't

13 This book is as small as that one.

This book ______________________________________________________________
that one. (BIGGER)

14 Tom ordered the cheapest item on the menu.

Tom ordered
______________________________________________________________. (EXPENSIVE)

15 My suitcase isn't as heavy as Tom's.

Tom's suitcase
_________________________________________________________________. (THAN)



1) My flight ______________ (leave) at 7.00 pm. It _______________ (arrive) in London at

8.00 am. I ______________ (visit) friends there. I think we ____________ (have) a lot of fun.
2) I’ve met a fortune teller and she told me I ______________ (soon/win) a lot of money.
3) A: Have I told you Sarah is in hospital?
B: No, I didn’t know anything. What happened? I _______________ (visit) her tomorrow.
4) We ________________ (have) a meeting with our boss in ten minutes. Have you finished the
5) I can’t go out tonight. I ______________ (study) for a very important test.
6) A: I don’t think I can go on holiday with you this year. I don’t have enough money.
B: Don’t worry. I ___________________ (lend) you some.
7) A: What _________________ (you/do) tonight?
B: I don’t know. I guess I ______________ (stay) home and relax.
8) I ______________ (buy) a new car. I haven’t decided which one yet.
9) Be careful! You ________________ (fall) down!
10) Classes _______________(finish) at 8.30. Why don’t we meet at about 9.00?
11) Peter ______________ (leave) the company next week. He worked here for ten years and he
feels it’s time for a change.
12) A: What would you like to eat?
B: I _________________ (have) chicken and salad, please.
13) My friends and I _____________ (go) to the movies tonight. Would you like to join us?
14) I haven’t finished the book you lent me yet but I _____________ (do) it next week, I promise
15) If I ________________ (see) her, I ________________(tell) her.
16) I need to leave now or I _______________ (not/be) there on time.
17) I _______________ (attend) a conference in Sidney next week. Margaret ___________ (travel) with
me. I guess it _______________ (be) very interesting.
18) A: I ______________ (set up) a new business.
B: Really? What kind of business?
A: I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.
19) We _________________ (go) sightseeing tomorrow. It ____________ (be) fun!
20) My brother ______________ (get) married in July! I ______________ (give) him a very nice wedding

EXERCISES ON THE FUTURE TENSES (part 1: Future Simple, be going to,

Present Simple, Present Continuous)
1. Choose between Future Simple and be going to.

i. Oh my God! Look at the clouds! It ____________________ (rain) soon! Let’s get inside!
ii. I promise you, mom, I __________________ (be) a good child.
iii. -What are your plans for tonight?
-Well, I _____________________ (have dinner) with my parents and my boyfriend, Bryan, and then I
think we ____________________ (go) for a ride.
iv. Stop teasing my hair or I ___________________ (not get) you a lollipop.
v. –So, Gerald and Scarlet _____________________ (redecorate) their living room next week.
-Really? Perfect! I _______________ (help) them!
vi. Sebastian’s afraid he ____________________ (miss) the deadline. He thinks he _________________
(fail) the class.
vii. Put a jacket on you or you ___________________ (catch) a cold!
viii. Our plans for this evening are awesome! We ______________________ (go) to Selma’s party and then
probably me and George ___________________ (have) some private time!
ix. –Well, what would you like to do for a living?
- I really haven’t thought about it. I guess I ____________________ (finish) my studies in engineering
and then I think I ___________________ (move) with my parents in Canada.
x. How dare you lying to me ? I ___________________ (not trust) you again!
xi. Someday, I ______________________ (learn) arabic and russian.
xii. –Here’s the menu, sir. What _________________ (you/have)?
- I __________________ (have) a side salad and my fiancée ___________________ (have) pasta with
meat. Thank you!
xiii. -Look at this dress! I __________________ (buy) it!-I am sure you ____________!

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