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Will Roper

Mr. Smith


16 October 2023

The Treatment of Veterans in America

After returning from the military, veterans struggle to thrive in the United States because

of being shackled to mental health issues. PTSD has a very negative effect on veterans as it

causes them to not feel the same after returning to the world as a story of a man after getting

mugged in The Moon Reflected Fire says, “Puking up rage I smashed a chair, / Imagining brain

scattered by a crowbar … / I sat on the bench and cried,” (Anderson), highlighting the impact of

war on a veterans mental state as he can’t move forward after war which causes him to be slowed

in his life in America. Another negative effect of war involves addiction which affects mental

health. After American veterans were surveyed on post war life, researcher Ruth Igielnik found

that "One-in-five say they struggled with alcohol or substance abuse,” (Igielnik), underlines the

frequent appearance of abuse which causes a mental decline impacting their everyday lives.

Thirdly, veteran’s mental health is impacted heavily after going into action during war. PTSD can

occur in all veterans but impacts more to deployed veterans as "PTSD is 3 times more likely

among Veterans who deployed," (“How Common is PTSD''), emphasizing the huge difference in

mental health of veterans than civilians as those deployed are more likely to be crippled by

mental health in American society. Lastly, with the risk of impactful mental and physical health

isssues, veterans are at risk for suicide in America. With rising suicides in America Veteran

Sucide Stats have worked to show that, "Veterans are at 57% higher risk of suicide than those

who haven't served," (“Veteran Suicide Facts”), reiterating the major consequence of enlisting in
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war as many veterans not helped mentally which in turn causes them to take their own lives.

Because of little help from others in America veterans are delayed in society which causes them

to have economic troubles, social isolation, and in some cases suicide. The statistical facts and

quotes intensify the poetic idea of mental issues in veterans in the U.S. and the impact of these

issues on veterans well-being. As, all three quotes include the negative concept of mental health

as addiction, PTSD, and suicide are main issues that come from being in war.

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