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As the other Defenders kept fighting against multiple men, Daredevil used his

skills and enhanced senses to get through many henchmen as they kept running into
him. As the team defeated multiple henchmen, Daredevil was confronted by many of
them as they kept walking towards them. With Danny Rand now out the Hand's grasp,
Daredevil asked him where was Alexandra Reid, being told that Elektra killed her.
Expediently being asked by Jones if the elevator was the only way out, Daredevil
told her that it was. Knowing the only way out of the building was together, Rand
used his Chi to punch the Hand out of the way.

Daredevil fighting against the Hand's goons

As multiple Hand members were charging at the team, Daredevil fought them before
they landed a single blow at him. With one goon using a blunt weapon against him,
Daredevil swiftly fought him and switched over to other two goons with knives,
proceeding to front kick them in the face. As Rand began to lose the upper hand,
Daredevil began charging against the goon and defeated him quickly. As two goons
began shooting their guns at Cage and Jones, Daredevil and Rand knocked them out.
As soon as Cage and Jones were battling Elektra, Daredevil attacked her but was
proven to be a challenge.

Daredevil tells the team to leave

As Elektra tried to hold on her own, Daredevil would eventually gain the upper
hand, only to hear a loud beep from the detonator, causing him to get swept under
his feet by Elektra. Trying to trade blows with her, Daredevil was enduring her
punches until he landed onto her before letting Jones take her off her feet and
throw her across the room, temporarily knocking her out. Daredevil then told the
team to get back into the surface, noting he would stay with Elektra. As the group
had disagreed, Daredevil told them that they should bring Rand back as they already

Daredevil being confronted by Elektra

As the team agreed to leave, Daredevil stopped Rand from moving and whispered in
his ear, telling him to protect his city. Once the team was gone, Daredevil was
confronted with Elektra and was asked if he was done hiding behind his team,
responding that only she was hiding behind herself. Knowing that he lost her once,
Daredevil remained composed before Elektra began attacking him. Daredevil grappled
her and told her that he loved her only to be thrown across and onto the ground.
Daredevil told Elektra that he did not want to hurt her but was told that his love
would be his downfall.

Daredevil attempting to get through Elektra

As Daredevil held his own, he was thrown down once again by Elektra to the point
before spitting out blood. As he endured the pain, Daredevil tried to reconnect
with Elektra and touched her face, telling her that they could walk out of the
building. As Elektra was telling him that before she would be able to die,
Daredevil was caught off-guard and had been sliced by one of her Twin Sais. As he
laid on the ground, Daredevil told Elektra that the Hand took her life away and how
she was not the Black Sky. Despite Elektra's disagreement, Daredevil told her that
there was goodness in her when she was alive.

Elektra chokes DD
Daredevil fighting against Elektra
With Elektra telling him that she never been so whole, Daredevil told her that they
could still manage to get out of the building. Once Elektra threw her sword into
the elevator shuttle, the team was temporarily stuck. Just as his team survived,
Daredevil continued to fight against Elektra, trying to keep her from using her
weapons. As soon as he used his Billy Club against Elektra, Daredevil asked her
about killing him already, only to get an answer of being fun but as soon as he
gained the upper hand, she taunted him for being alongside him when she would die.

Daredevil passionately kissing Elektra

Becoming tired with throwing Elektra around, Daredevil had soon been grabbed by her
from behind and as they grew fatigued, he commented on how they tried to make their
relationship work being responded with having to be together forever. Removing
himself out of her grasp, Daredevil attacked Elektra and once he was grabbed by
her, she apologized about the way she handled their relationship but Daredevil
retorted that they were going to die. Being told that their death was what leaving
felt like, they both shared a kiss before the building had collapsed above the

Waking Up in Saint Agnes

Wounded Matt Murdock
Daredevil unconscious after the explosion

"Get Maggie. Tell her he's awake."

In the aftermath of the fiery collapse of Midland Circle, Murdock managed to
survive the cave-in when his unconscious body was swept by the waters of an
underground sewer. Heavily injured and his suit destroyed by the damage it
sustained, he found himself at one of New York's docks having been swept out there
via sewer drain. Briefly regaining consciousness, Murdock began crawling away from
the site before he lost consciousness again due to his injuries. The following
morning, a man in a taxi discovered Murdock. Briefly waking up to grab the man,
Murdock pleaded him to take him to Paul Lantom. The driver managed to get into
contact with Lantom who then brought Murdock to Clinton Church.

TheDefenders finale 1
Murdock waking up inside Clinton Church

Briefly regaining his consciousness, Murdock overheard Lantom arguing with Maggie
Grace about bringing the injured Murdock to the orphanage. Grace wanted to call the
hospital, but Lantom urged her not to do so because Murdock would get arrested for
being a vigilante. Lantom managed to convince her not to call the hospital by
revealing him to be Jack Murdock's son. Murdock lost his consciousness again and
entered into a coma.[33] Spending weeks unconscious due to his wounds, eventually,
Murdock woke up and heard the nuns, who were watching over him, informing Grace
that he was awake.[41]

Identity Crisis
Losing Faith
Matt waking up
Murdock awakening to find Paul Lantom

"I care about people, and I'm choosing to let them believe that I'm gone because I
am. I'm not Job. And I know my truth now."
"What truth?"
"Well, that in front of this God... I'd rather die as the Devil than live as Matt
―Matt Murdock and Maggie Grace[src]
Murdock woke up with Maggie Grace and Paul Lantom by his bedside when he asked
about Elektra, Lantom reminded him that they had a funeral for her only for Murdock
to reveal that Elektra was alive and by his side when Midland Circle collapsed but
Lantom told him that he was the only one to escape the rubble. Murdock was asked by
Lantom for this confession which Murdock refused.

Matt, Magget and Lantom

Murdock being helped by Paul Lantom

During his recovery, some children found Murdock and asked him questions before
Grace interrupted telling them to leave so she could clean his wounds. One day,
Murdock, who was slowly regaining his enhanced abilities, was taken in a wheelchair
by Paul Lantom to meet with Maggie Grace as they wanted to put Murdock to bed.
Murdock requested to stay up for a bit, he would then be wheeled by Grace to his
bed. The two would have a discussion which ended with Grace giving Murdock her
cross necklace.

Murdock fights against a professional boxer

Later, Murdock regained his enhanced abilities, which drove him to start training
again in the basement of the church. Murdock worked out by punching a bag. Grace
asked Lantom to bring a boxer in for training, something that Murdock appreciated.
Although getting the upper hand on the boxer, his senses were still subdued heavily
and ceased completely once the boxer managed to land a devastating blow which led
to Murdock being defeated by the boxer. After the fight, Murdock decided to take
some clothes from the basement and return to the streets as Daredevil again.[33]

Return of the Devil

Devil of New York
Daredevil returning back into Hell's Kitchen

"Thank God for you!"

"He didn't help you. I did."
―Neda Kazemi and Daredevil[src]
That night, Daredevil would return to the streets where he would save Rostam Kazemi
and his daughter Neda Kazemi from kidnappers. As Daredevil was battling one of the
kidnappers, the other kidnappers tried to strangle him but were beaten out of the
truck. Getting up after the beating as the kidnappers tried to abduct Kazemis again
Daredevil then shut the truck and fought the kidnappers again as the Kazemis
managed to escape.

Daredevil being defeated by the kidnappers

The kidnappers were able to beat Daredevil severely down, due to him having yet
recovered from his injuries. While Daredevil laid on the ground, The kidnappers
decided to leave him instead of killing him. Then Daredevil threw them a stick and
got down on his knees and waited for them to beat him, wanting to die. Before they
could do something, New York City Police Department arrived and they decided to run
away. Daredevil then did the same.[33]

DD S3 Promo 2
Murdock finding out that Wilson Fisk is free

Murdock would return to the church where he was met by Grace, who tried to get
through to him about being Daredevil again, but Murdock refused her help and went
back on the streets to find the kidnappers that tried to kidnap Rostam Kazemi.
Murdock managed to track down the kidnappers to Chris French Cleaners, where they
were located. Murdock would then return with his black mask and managed to
successfully beat them.

Murdock then called the NYPD to let them know about the attempted kidnapping of
Rostam. Murdock would then head to the hospital to tell her to testify against them
at the 15th Precinct Police Station. Murdock would then change from his Daredevil
costume to his street clothes and left the hospital where he would hear polices and
ambulances say that they had let Wilson Fisk is out of Ryker's Island having
finally gained his senses back completely.[12]

Reuniting with Nelson

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer11
Murdock talks with an imaginary Wilson Fisk

"I've had a rough couple of months, Foggy. Questioning a lot of the point of it
all. And last night, everything became clear. I'm going after him, Foggy. I'm gonna
find a way to bring Fisk down. But I can only do that if I know you and Karen are
―Matt Murdock to Foggy Nelson[src]
Murdock arrived at the Presidential Hotel where there were many protesters, who
want Wilson Fisk to go back to prison. Murdock began imagining Fisk who taunted
him. Murdock decided he would have to find a discreet way in the hotel, avoiding
the FBI agents. Murdock would disguise himself as an employee of the hotel where he
would head to the cafe where he is met by the imagine Fisk which continued taunted
Murdock. Leaving the Cafe, Murdock encountered Benjamin Poindexter who asked for
ID, Murdock then decided to leave to avoid a confrontation.

DD S3 Promo 5
Daredevil defeating several FBI agents

Donning his suit, Daredevil attacked Benjamin Donovan to get information on why the
Albanian Syndicate wanted to kill Fisk. Before he could get the information he
would need, the FBI agents arrived in the parking lot where Donovan called out for
help which caused the FBI to shoot at Daredevil. He managed to defeat the FBI and
escape back to the church to talk with Grace where they had another anger laced
philosophical discussion on God, paths were chosen in life and whether human beings
would really change.

Murdock being reunited with Foggy Nelson

In a bar, Murdock met with Foggy Nelson and revealed to him that he is alive and
hiding but only to inform of his refusal to join regular life, as his only goal now
was to bring Fisk down by any costs. He warned him and Karen Page to stay away,
before stealing Nelson's wallet while leaving.[42]

Infiltration into Ryker's Island

Ryker's Island
Murdock arriving outside of Ryker's Island

"Not the Albanians. Not since Fisk ratted your people out to the FBI."
"What's it to you?"
"Fisk hates me as much as he hates your people. I helped get him locked up. And I'm
gonna do it again."
―Matt Murdock and Vic Jusufi[src]
Murdock would return to his apartment, where he would change into a suit and would
catch a taxi to Ryker's Island. When he arrived at the prison, Murdock told the
taxi driver to wait for him. As he headed inside the prison, Murdock used the ID
that he has stolen from Nelson to impersonate him.

Matt talking with Michael Kemp

Murdock speaking with Michael Kemp

Murdock asked to see Michael Kemp who was a former client of Nelson and Murdock.
Once he met up with him, Murdock asked Kemp why the Albanian Syndicate attacked
Fisk. He also asked for an introduction with Vic Jusufi. Murdock noticed that this
caused Kemp to become nervous and everyone in the room began watching them. Then
the panicking Kemp punched Murdock without warning which caused guards to restrain
him. As Kemp got dragged away by the guard, he loudly declared that he had not said
anything. Murdock was asked by a guard to get a health check which he reluctantly
agreed to.

Following the guard to the medical office, Murdock was told to wait for the nurse.
When the nurse arrived, he checked Murdock to see if he had a broken jaw which he
didn't. The nurse was going to check Murdock's eyes to see if he had a concussion
which Murdock refused to not reveal that he was blind. Murdock asked for the
paperwork and the nurse complied. While the nurse prepared the paper. Murdock
noticed a camera in the room. Suddenly the nurse attacked and attempted to inject
Murdock with some kind of drug he partially succeeded but wasn't able to inject the
full dose. After knocking the nurse unconscious, Murdock felt his senses getting
dulled by the drug.

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer10

Murdock learns that Kingpin is watching

Finding himself in a locked room, Murdock tried to look for a way to escape until
the phone in the room rang. Answering the phone, Murdock was answered by Fisk. His
adversary complimented on his impressive reflexes despite his blindness, revealing
that he was the one watching Murdock through the camera. Fisk reminded him of their
previous interaction about how Murdock threatened to prevent him from reuniting
with Vanessa Marianna. Coldly, his adversary stated that this was something he
could not forgive.

Murdock fighting Ryker's Island inmates

Murdock is forced to fight all the inmates

Before Murdock could respond, Fisk ended the call and unlocked the door so Murdock
could leave the medical room. When Murdock left the room, he was confronted by
prison inmates who were there to kill him on Fisk's orders. A difficult battle took
place as the unprepared and partially drugged Murdock fought against his attackers.
Despite his weakened state due to the drug injection, Murdock managed to defeat his
opponents and began heading toward the exist. As he reached another hallway, he was
approached by two armored guards. Despite Murdock's plead for help, he realized
that the guards were under Fisk's influence and immediately began fighting them.

Murdock in Ryker's Island

Murdock being threatened by the Albanians

After knocking out the guards, Murdock resumed his attempt to escape from the
prison. As the prison began initiating a lockdown and the prisoners began rioting,
Murdock was attacked by another inmate. After forcefully leading him to another
room, it turned out that the inmates were working for Jusufi who was waiting for
Murdock in the room. Jusufi demanded to know who Murdock was and why Fisk wanted
him dead. Jusufi chastised Murdock's recklessness by coming to the prison by
himself as Fisk still controlled half of the prison and the guards.

Murdock explained the situation to Jusufi about how he imprisoned Fisk, and that
Fisk went after Jusufi's gang. Murdock followed the clues to the prison because the
Albanian Syndicate tried to kill Fisk in the prison. Jusufi clarified that he nor
his men tried to assassinate Fisk while he was in prison. He explained that Fisk
bribed someone to stab him to convince the feds, in return the attacker was freed
from prison. Murdock managed to convince Jusufi that they had a common enemy in
Fisk, and he promised that if he helped him, Fisk would return back to prison.
Agreeing to help, Jusufi ordered his men to disguise themselves as one of the
guards, Jusufi told Murdock to find Jasper Evans, the inmate who stabbed Fisk and
make sure their adversary return back to prison, otherwise he will come after him.

Murdock is helped out of the prison

Murdock is aided to escape Ryker's Island

With one of the Albanian disguised as guard escorting him, Murdock traversed
through now the rioting prison. Using his enhanced senses, Murdock aided his escort
by warning him of approaching guards and which route to go. Managing to avoid the
pursuing corrupt guards and fighting off the rampaging prisoners, Murdock's escort
was able to lead him to the entrance where Murdock was guided out of the prisoner
by other guards who weren't under Fisk's payroll. Protected by the guards as the
rioting kept ensuing outside the prison, the guards opened the gate for Murdock.
Once Murdock was out of prison, he managed to find his way back to the taxi that
was waiting for him. Telling his driver to start driving, Murdock allowed himself
to fall unconscious due to exhaustion and the drug finally taking effect.

Hours later, Murdock woke up to find a taxi still driving. Murdock asked his driver
to stop, but to his horror, he discovered that this was a different driver, another
agent of Fisk. Before Murdock could stop him, the driver jumped out of the taxi.
The car was being driven toward the docks. Despite Murdock's attempts to leave, he
found himself locked inside the cab. He was unable to do anything as the taxi drove
off the dock.[9]

Reuniting with Page

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer12
Murdock returning to his apartment

"Fisk staged the attack on himself in prison. That's how he tricked the FBI into
moving him to a hotel. Got some lifer named Jasper Evans to shank him and then
arranged for him to walk out of prison. On the books, Evans is in solitary. In
reality, he's been set free."
―Matt Murdock to Karen Page[src]
Murdock managed to survive; however, he quickly discovered that he was framed by
Wilson Fisk as a criminal. Murdock returned to his apartment where he heard the FBI
agents led by Ray Nadeem coming into his apartment which caused Murdock to escape
to the rooftop. After the FBI left, Murdock returned to his apartment and changed
into his black suit.[43] He then went to Karen Page's home where he was met by Page

Matt and Karen S3

Daredevil talking with Karen Page

Murdock explained the reason he stayed away from her and Foggy Nelson was to
protect them from Fisk. Murdock then asked Page for help to find Jasper Evans,
which she initially refused. Murdock would later save Page from Evans and the two
would take Evans to the Bulletin. Page also explained that she and Nelson needed
him to turn himself in to the FBI so that he could have his name cleared. Murdock
returned to the Clinton Church, where he would meet Maggie Grace who helped clean
his clothes and the two would talk about Page.[11]

Attack on the Bulletin

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer26
Daredevil confronts the Fake Daredevil

"Who are you?"

"I'm Daredevil."
―Daredevil and Benjamin Poindexter[src]
Murdock met with Foggy Nelson at the New York Bulletin Building, however, while
they were waiting, Murdock heard that someone was attacking the staff of the
Bulletin. Suiting up, Murdock charged upstairs and found an assassin attacking and
killing several staff members of the New York Bulletin while wearing his Daredevil
Suit. Murdock arrived just in time to grab the billy club thrown at Nelson before
it could kill him. Surprised by the arrival of this new adversary who was dressed
in his Daredevil suit they both took a moment to observe one another. When
Daredevil asked the imposter who he was, the impostor sarcastically replied that he
was Daredevil. The two combatants immediately began battling on the office floor.
At first, Daredevil immediately proved to be superior in close combat.

DD S3 Promo 7
Daredevil is hunted down by Fake Daredevil

Despite the impostor's best attempt, he was unable to truly gain an edge over
Murdock in hand-to-hand. Deciding to play to his strengths using his uncanny
accuracy, Daredevil would go to cover as the impostor would throw objects at him
this would prove effective against his opponent. Daredevil was distanced, with the
impostor used everything he could find in the office and threw them at Daredevil
with lethal intent. This would keep him on edge, with the fake Daredevil continuing
to hurt him from a distance and forced to stay behind cover on the defensive.

As the fight kept escalating with Daredevil continuously trying to get in close and
the fake Daredevil keeping the distance, Daredevil ultimately managed to get in
close and once again overpower the impostor. Putting him in a sleeper hold.
However, before he could be defeated, the impostor grabbed nearby scissors and
pierced his opponent's shoulder. Daredevil then got a shelf thrown down on top of
him and was kicked unconscious. When Murdock awoke up, he was forced to make his
escape from the FBI who were still confused over what had happened and who was

Raid on Melvin's
Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer22
Daredevil discovers another Daredevil's Suit

"It's the FBI, Melvin. Why would Fisk send–"

"They're supposed to find you with the suit."
"Oh, God. He's framing me for being Daredevil."
―Daredevil and Melvin Potter[src]
Following the massacre at the New York Bulletin Building, Murdock returned to the
church to heal up and feeling angry and guilty he furiously explained to Maggie
Grace that he failed to stop the fake Daredevil and save Jasper from being
murdered. Grace, however, managed to calm and made him think: His Daredevil suit
was a one of a kind and for someone else to be wearing an exact replica for it,
Fisk must have had someone make it for the impostor. Daredevil then sought out
Melvin Potter who said goodbye to Betsy Beatty his parole officer. Daredevil was
informed by Potter about the second suit. Daredevil was taken to Potter's new
workshop who locked Daredevil in a cage with another copy of the suit, revealing
that it was Fisk's plan to have him caught with the suit.

Daredevil fighting Melvin Potter
Daredevil broke free of the cage; however, and the two men fought as FBI SWAT teams
closed in around them. Realizing their imminent danger, the two men fought together
against the heavily armed agents until Potter was cornered by several agents and
their machine guns. Daredevil used this opportunity to escape and left Potter to be
taken into custody for parole violation and assaulting federal agents while he
cried out for Beatty.

Daredevil would meet up with Beatty informing her that she should leave New York
because Fisk would be looking for her Beatty accused him of being no better than
Fisk for using Potter for his own agenda. After warning Beatty, Daredevil headed to
Ray Nadeem's house to warn Nadeem about Fisk and to inform Nadeem that the fake
Daredevil is a man in the FBI.[44]

Investigating Poindexter
Matt and Ray - DDS3
Daredevil meeting with Ray Nadeem

"We're gonna slip into his place. Look for any evidence that ties him to the
Bulletin attack or Fisk. If we find any, we leave it where it is and we set off his
fire alarm on our way out."
"Fire department arrives and you circumvent a search warrant."
"But if we don't find anything... the guy goes on with his life."
―Daredevil and Ray Nadeem[src]
Meeting with Nadeem the next day, Daredevil learned that the possible identity of
the impostor is Benjamin Poindexter. Nadeem suggested that they headed to his
apartment and look for clues to see if there were any ties to the attack on
Bulletin. With Nadeem making sure that Poindexter stayed at the office, Daredevil
and his new ally sneaked into Poindexter's apartment and began looking for clues.
Inside, Daredevil caught the scent of the suit and thus confirming that Poindexter
was the impostor.

However, without any concrete proof, Daredevil's claim was useless. They continued
to investigate the apartment and Daredevil opened Poindexter's safe but found no
presence of the suit except weapons and tapes. Eventually, Daredevil was alerted to
the presence of Poindexter, and he quickly retreated with Nadeem to the apartment
above through the fire escape.

Daredevil and Nadeem-The Safe

Daredevil and Ray Nadeem check the vault

Above the apartment, they began discussing what to do with Poindexter. But before
they could talk about it further, Poindexter shot them by ricocheting the bullets.
With Nadeem injured by the shot, Daredevil urged his ally to escape. After making
sure Nadeem left the apartment, Daredevil confronted Poindexter at the fire escape
before he made his own escape. He deflected most of the glass pillars that his
enemy threw at him before escaping to the roofs. While they didn't found any proof
on Pointdexter, Daredevil managed to grab the tapes about Poindexter's therapy

"You saw me struggling as you chose to hide the one thing that could have changed
everything for me. Please, Father, help me understand why you would do that."
"I prayed for Maggie to find it in herself to tell you years ago."
"She couldn't find it in herself to walk nine blocks to visit me as a kid. Or to
comfort me when my father was murdered."
―Matt Murdock and Paul Lantom[src]
Returning back to the church, Murdock kept listening to the tapes as he continued
his training. Murdock talked to Grace about Poindexter's past, and his background
resembled him. Murdock talked to the sister about his missed opportunities to catch
him. Grace assured him that he did what he thought was right and he kept his
promise to Nadeem to not hurt him. But Murdock bitterly replied that more people
will die because of his decision. While Murdock trained, he heard about Grace's
praying. As he trained, he heard Grace's prayers, in which she revealed that he was
the son she sired with Jack Murdock. Murdock was shocked by the revelation that she
was the mother he never knew, and that such a secret was kept from him.[45]

Looking for answers, Murdock found Paul Lantom playing pool with Mark at a bar and
asked if his old friend knew about Grace being his mother. Murdock realized that
Lantom knew about the secret and demanded to know why he would keep that a secret
from him during his childhood, when he needed family the most. Lantom stated that
he wished that Grace would tell Murdock the truth herself, but Murdock harshly
retorted that she didn't visit him or comforted him when his father died. Lantom
told the history to Murdock about how Grace and Jack met and how after being
afflicted with postpartum depression she left them to return back to the church.
After listening to the story and still angry for his mentor's hypocrisy about
truth, Murdock left the bar. After briefly returning back to the church and
retrieve what he had, Murdock took refuge at Fogwell's Gym.

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer15

Murdock screams at an imagined Kingpin

Not long after, he received a phone call from Nadeem who warned him to be ready
because Fisk was planning something. While in solitude inside the gym, Murdock
imagined having a conversation with his father, Jack. In his mind, he confronted
his father about both of his parents leaving him, accusing him of choosing his own
pride over being with his son, while his imagined father tried to make him forgive
his mother. Murdock then decided he wouldn't let people get hurt over a moral code
anymore and declared that he was going to kill Fisk. Later during the day, Murdock
received a phone call from Nadeem who gave him the address to Fisk's location. As
he continued to have his conversation with his father, his imagined conversation
turned darker when his father was replaced by Fisk who began taunting him. In his
mind, Murdock killed Fisk by snapping his neck.

Leaving the gym, instead of heading to the location where Nadeem has texted,
Murdock headed to the hotel instead. Shutting down the light of the hotel and
avoiding Fisk's guards, Daredevil entered Fisk's penthouse and found a secret stair
leading to a surveillance room. Finding Shelby and reassuring her that he wasn't
there to kill her, he asked her when Fisk will return and was informed that he will
return soon. Before Daredevil could prepare, he heard from the radio that Karen
Page was located at Clinton Church and he learned from Shelby that Fisk wants her

Deeply conflicted about his desire to kill Fisk and to protect Page, Daredevil
wrestled with his choice. Shelby warned him that if he leaves now, she must inform
Fisk about his appearance and that he will triple the security. After one more
moment of hesitation, Daredevil told her to do what she has to do and immediately
left the hotel and save Page.[46]

Duel at Clinton Church

Daredevil fighting Benjamin Poindexter
Daredevil fights Benjamin Poindexter

"What does Fisk want with Karen?"

"He wants her killed."
―Daredevil and Shelby[src]
Rushing toward the church, Daredevil arrived just moments after Poindexter began
his attack on the innocent participants in the church. He began battling his enemy.
However, weakened by his fatigue from reaching the church, Poindexter managed to
catch him off guard and momentarily got Daredevil off of him. Using the opening,
Poindexter threw his baton at Page. At that moment, Lantom blocked the baton aimed
at Page and was impaled by the weapon. Enraged at what Poindexter did to his friend
and mentor, Daredevil began furiously beating him. During the fight, he stopped
when Lantom used his last words to ask for Murdock's forgiveness before dying.
Poindexter used this moment of opening to regain his footing and both combatants
continued battling in the church.

Daredevil Season 3 Agent Poindexter Trailer19

Daredevil being comforted by Karen Page

During the battle, Daredevil ensured that Page led the participants out of the
church while also preventing any attempts from Poindexter to kill her. Despite
Daredevil's superiority in close combat, the protection gained from the suit
prevented Daredevil from dealing with any serious damage on his opponent and
eventually, Poindexter was able to wear him down. Poindexter managed to get
Daredevil off him and continued his pursuit on Page. Daredevil managed to catch up
to him at the balcony. Unfortunately, Daredevil was too weakened by his exhaustion
to be able to fight his adversary. After knocking Daredevil down to the floor,
Poindexter went for the killing blow before he was knocked off the balcony by Page.

Reuniting with Friends

"It's called having faith in the system. Something you used to have."
"It's called facing the reality that some people are so rich and powerful, the
system simply can't handle them, that they actually are above the law."
―Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock[src]
After waking up from being unconscious, Murdock was informed by Page that the
authority was coming and that she intended to surrender herself to know and explain
the situation. He urged Page not to surrender herself to the authorities as the
impostor was an FBI agent and the FBI was working for Fisk. They retreated down to
the church basement and Murdock locked the gates. As they hid down the basement,
Murdock asked Page about her presence in the church, and she revealed that she came
to warn him about Fisk knowing his identity. Murdock replied that he already knew
and he told Page that he gave up his chance to kill him in order to save her.

Before they could continue, Murdock heard Poindexter and Nadeem approaching the
basement. They were forced to hide inside a sarcophagus. Thanks to the diversion of
Maggie Grace, they were able to avoid getting caught. They continued their
discussion as they waited for the FBI to leave. Murdock learned about Page's failed
plan to provoke Fisk at his penthouse, and she revealed that she killed James
Wesley. Murdock admitted his own plan to kill Fisk. Page approached and urged
Murdock not to go through with it. Having experienced it before, Page advised him
not to tread that path as that would change everything about him and that he could
never atone from it.

Not long afterwards, they were approached by Grace who has come to help them. Still
hurt by his mother's past choices, Murdock made an effort to reconnect with her.
More problems came when Murdock sensed that the FBI brought in search dogs. While
Grace diverted the FBI away, Page confronted Murdock about his tendency to wall
himself off from everyone. While they argued, she reminded him that despite his
recent behavior toward Foggy Nelson, his friend is still willing to stand by him.
Realizing that they could use Nelson's assistance, he called him. Devising a plan
together with Nelson, they planned to use Nelson to help surrender Page to the NYPD
under Brett Mahoney who was not under Fisk's influence. While listening to the plan
coming to fruition, Murdock heard Nadeem advising Mahoney to take Page far away
from the FBI, thus Murdock realized that he was trustworthy and that his action put
him in danger.
Murdock with Karen Page and Foggy Nelson

Meeting with Page and Nelson afterward, Murdock apologized to his friends about the
way he treated them. They began discussing what to do next. Murdock remained
adamant that killing Fisk was the only way to put him down for good while Nelson
maintained his faith in the system. Eventually, Murdock agreed to Nelson's plan to
use the law against Fisk. Knowing that Nadeem had everything to lose and that he
was now being hunted by Fisk, Murdock immediately went to save him. Arriving at
Nadeem's residence just when Fisk's men attacked Nadeem, Daredevil quickly dispatch
the attackers. Nadeem held Daredevil at gunpoint, not believing that he was there
to help him after he betrayed him. Daredevil admitted that he's trusting Nadeem and
that he was grateful that he helped saving Page. As a sign of trust to convince
him, Daredevil pulled off his mask and revealed his identity.[47]

Protecting Agent Nadeem

"You need to trust me. You pretend to lead me, but you do what I say."
―Matt Murdock to Ray Nadeem[src]
Once again working together with Nelson as lawyers, they made sure that Nadeem and
his family got to safety at Brett Mahoney's residence. They used Fogwell's Gym as a
temporary office and hideout. While they waited for Nelson to arrive with Blake
Tower, Murdock confronted Nadeem about allowing Fisk to leave prison and letting
himself be corrupted despite his morals. When Nadeem defended his action that
Fisk's intel saved lives, Murdock furiously replied that it only allowed Fisk to
reclaim his power. He further confronted Nadeem about his inaction when his boss
killed an agent, or he did not intervene when Poindexter murdered Paul Lantom.
Nadeem admitted his mistake and was remorseful that his action caused him to lose
his family and life. Softened, Murdock urged Nadeem to tell that to Tower. Soon
after, Nelson arrived with Tower, and they began negotiating.

After listening to Nadeem, Tower stated that he could convene a special grand jury
on the current day. However, despite Murdock and Nelson's attempts to defend
Nadeem's actions, Tower refused to grant him immunity and the best offer he could
give was five years. Nadeem agreed to Tower's term and to testify for the jury.
While Nadeem called his son, Nelson expressed his desire to work together with
Murdock again to which Murdock agreed.

One Last Shot

Murdock and Ray Nadeem escape assassins

Soon NYPD came to escort Nadeem to the courthouse. Murdock decided to go with him.
Using a disguised van as their transport, they headed to the courthouse. Along the
way, they were ambushed by Fisk's agents. With their driver killed by the initial
gunfire, Murdock and Nadeem were forced to fight through their attackers. Using his
enhanced senses for any approaching attackers, Murdock guided Nadeem as they fought
off their attackers. After dispatching their attackers, they used an abandoned cab
to head toward the courthouse.

Getting Nadeem to the courthouse, Murdock and his friends could only wait for the
jury to make their judgment. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, Fisk had already
prepared for this. Murdock heard the juror being threatened by having one of them
begin reciting their addresses. With their lives being threatened, the juror has
elected not to indict Fisk. Defeated, Murdock and his allies try to find another
way to stop Fisk. However, while Murdock was out to talk to Tower, Nadeem made his
escape. Later at night while they were at Fogwell's Gym, they learned from Mahoney
that Nadeem was killed. Furious that their plan failed and the failure of the
system, Murdock left his friends at the gym and intend to pursue his original plan
to murder Fisk.[48]
Kidnapping of Felix Manning
Kidnapping of Felix Manning
Daredevil confronting Felix Manning

"Preparations for some big event. What is it?"

"What Fisk will do to me is infinitely worse."
"Things are about to get very bad for you. What is Fisk planning?"
―Daredevil and Felix Manning[src]
In order to get to Fisk, Daredevil pursued Felix Manning and managed to catch him.
At night, he aggressively interrogates him and learned that Fisk planned to have a
wedding with Vanessa Marianna and to charm Hell's Kitchen into loving him again.
Through Manning, Daredevil learned that Marianna ordered the murder of Nadeem. He
also claimed that he could testify that Fisk ordered the deaths of Winn and Julie
Barnes. Learning about Barnes and her connection to Benjamin Poindexter, Daredevil
found a way to turn him against Fisk.

Daredevil Season 3 Official Trailer16

Daredevil brutally questions Felix Manning

Stealing Manning's phone, he used that to call Poindexter the next day. Using all
the knowledge that he has gained from listening to Eileen Mercer's tapes and
Barnes's connection to Poindexter, Daredevil was able to lure Poindexter to the
disclose location where he Barnes' corpse was located and was able to convince
Poindexter that Fisk had her killed. Having successfully convinced Poindexter to
turn against Fisk, Daredevil prepared his assault.[5]

Battle at Presidential Hotel

Devil of New York S3 - 02
Daredevil arriving at the Presidential Hotel

"Come on! Kill me!"

"No! God knows I want to, but you don't get to destroy who I am. You will go back
to prison and you will live the rest of your miserable life in a cage, knowing
you'll never have Vanessa, that this city rejected you. It beat you. I BEAT YOU!"
―Kingpin and Daredevil[src]
Using Poindexter to pave the way for him, Daredevil followed him until they finally
reached Fisk who was at the dance floor with Marianna. He arrived in time to
prevent Poindexter from killing Marianna. The wedding erupted into chaos. While
Fisk and Marianna quickly retreated, Daredevil pursued them as Poindexter found
himself occupied with fending off Fisk's corrupted FBI agents. Heading to the
surveillance room, Daredevil quickly dispatch Fisk's men and ordered Shelby to shut
down the elevators so they couldn't stop him.

Daredevil refuses to actually kill Wilson Fisk

Heading up the stairs leading to Fisk's penthouse, Daredevil finally faced his
hated enemy, emerging into a furious fight inside the penthouse. While they fought,
Poindexter arrived at the penthouse. His arrival turned the fight into a brutal
three-way struggle. During the fight, Daredevil protected Marianna from
Poindexter's attacks to kill her while also fighting off both Kingpin and
Poindexter. Eventually, Poindexter was defeated when Kingpin broke his back. Now
facing each other alone, both nemeses immediately resumed their battle. Having
gained more experienced and battle-hardened since their last fight, Daredevil
managed to defeat the Kingpin. Having him at his mercy, Daredevil began brutally
beating his enemy. Marianna pleaded for Daredevil not to kill him. Daredevil held
Kingpin's neck but barely managed to stop himself from snapping his neck and
stopped his assault.
Daredevil taunting Fisk
Daredevil makes a new deal with Wilson Fisk

Kingpin warned him that he will never stop hunting Karen Page and Foggy Nelson and
he will tell the world who Daredevil really is. Daredevil realized that Kingpin
wanted him to kill him. His enemy stated that no prison can hold him and once again
baited him to kill him. Daredevil defied his attempts to taunt him and refused to
take the bait. Despite his desire to kill him, Daredevil firmly stated that his
enemy will never destroy who he is. Finally regaining his conviction and beliefs in
the law, Murdock declared his victory over his adversary and that Kingpin will
spend the rest of his life in prison. Showing his face and defiance to Fisk,
Murdock warned Fisk to stop hunting his friends and to keep his secret, otherwise,
he will make sure that Marianna will spend the rest of her life in prison for
ordering the death of Nadeem. Defeated, Kingpin agreed to the deal with Daredevil.

Soon Brett Mahoney arrived and arrested Kingpin. They also arrested Poindexter and
Mahoney made sure that the police knew that he was an impostor. From atop the
hotel, Daredevil observed as Kingpin and his agents got taken away by the

A Man Without Fear

Matt talking to his mom at Paul Lantom's funeral
Murdock talking to his mom at the funeral

"For me, personally, he spent many years trying to get me to face my own fears. To
understand how they enslaved me, how they divided me from the people that I love.
He counseled me to transcend my fears, to be brave enough to forgive... and see the
possibilities of being a man without fear."
―Matt Murdock[src]
Days passed, the day for Paul Lantom's funeral arrived. Murdock took the time to
privately speak with his mother. He told her about his last conversation with
Lantom and regretted the word he said to his old friend. He told her about Lantom's
last plead to forgive them. Murdock further told his mother about how he was angry
at God for blinding him and giving him so much pain. But he admitted that despite
his hardship, it was the same life that turned him into Daredevil, and he would not
have been able to save people. Murdock forgave his mother and asked her to guide
him when he needed her. To which, Grace accepted.

Murdock speaking at Paul Lantom's funeral

During Lantom's funeral, Murdock held a eulogy to his friend. Murdock spoke about
the people present for Lantom's funeral and expressed how the priest influenced so
many people. Murdock talked about the ideas that Lantom spread to Hell's Kitchen
about helping the community and the people within it. He talked about how he stood
up against someone who used fear as a tool to hurt people. Murdock expressed his
admiration for his old mentor and urged everyone to live by his example; to be a
man without fear.[5]

Nelson, Murdock and Page

Nelson Murdock and Page drinking
Murdock celebrates with Page and Nelson

"We go back to helping people out of a crappy office, getting paid in chickens?"
"I think Theo would let us work out of here, to start."
"At least we'd have a place to sell the chickens."
―Karen Page, Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock[src]
Following the funeral, Murdock headed to Nelson's Meats to spend a day having awake
there with Nelson and Page. Murdock informed his friends that he intends to move
back into his apartment and return back to work as a lawyer. Excited, Nelson wrote
on a napkin and proposed that their new firm will be called Nelson, Murdock and
Page. Both Murdock and Page agreed to their friend's proposal. With his life
reclaimed, his reputation restored and his adversary back in prison, Murdock looked
forward to a life working with his friends.[5] Murdock eventually opened a new
practice with Nelson and Page in Hell's Kitchen, focusing mainly on pro bono cases.
Murdock would occasionally take on cases with bigger clients whenever bills started
piling up.[49]

Snap and Blip

Becoming Daredevil Again
Daredevil meets Echo
Daredevil wearing his red costume again

"I've been watching them all night. And then you guys show up. And screwed
everything up."
―Daredevil to Maya Lopez[src]
In 2018, Murdock survived the Snap and elected to resume his vigilante activities
as Daredevil, receiving a new suit and a pair of billy clubs. Three years later,
Daredevil gained awareness of a group that were attempting to move in on Kingpin's
territories, so he tracked them down to their hideout and watched them from afar.

Maya Lopez vs
Daredevil fighting against Maya Lopez

However, the gang were all eliminated when three people working for Kingpin
arrived. Daredevil decided to reveal himself, knocking out two of them with ease.
The third person, a deaf woman named Maya Lopez, did not go down as easy, so
Daredevil engaged her in a fight while expressing how they had ruined his plans.
Daredevil countered Lopez's moves easily, but one of Lopez's allies got back up and
tackled him. Daredevil swiftly knocked him out and leapt over a fence, avoiding a
shotgun blast from Lopez. Daredevil then knocked the gun out of her hand and used
the grappling hook in his billy club. Grappling her before knocking her down on the
ground, Daredevil dropped a shelving unit on Lopez, pinning her for a brief moment,
which allowed him to swiftly flee the scene.[50]

New Clients
Representing Peter Parker
Daredevil (Spider-Man No Way Home)
Murdock gives legal counsel to Peter Parker

"Let's hear what he has to say. Matt?"

"You're gonna need a really good lawyer. Peter, you may have dodged your legal
troubles, but things will get much worse. There is still a court of public
―May Parker and Matt Murdock[src]
In 2024, Murdock acted as the defense lawyer of Peter Parker after he was believed
to be responsible for the death of Mysterio and for orchestrating the drone attack
in London. Murdock met with Peter, Happy Hogan and May Parker at the Parker
Residence where he finished a phone call regarding the case. After hanging up, he
informed Peter that the charges against him would not hold.

Matt Murdock (No Way Home)

Murdock warns Hogan of the investigation

As the three celebrated this victory, thanking Murdock for his legal counsel, he
warned Hogan that there was an active investigation into him regarding the missing
Stark Industries technology used and advised that he hire a really good lawyer.
Murdock catches a brick backhanded

Murdock then warned Peter that the situation would continue to escalate as, despite
being clear of any legal troubles, public opinion of whether Parker was innocent or
guilty would still affect him going forward. At that moment, Murdock heard a pro-
Mysterio supporter throwing a brick through the Parkers' window and caught it
backhanded, preventing it from injuring them, much to their shock.

I'm a really good lawyer

Murdock defends his enhanced senses

Murdock noted that Peter's arm was outstretched to catch the brick. As he handed
the brick to Peter to examine, his stunned client asked how Murdock was able to do
so, he merely replied that he was a really good lawyer.[51]

Representing Happy Hogan

Matt Murdock & Happy Hogan
Murdock representing Happy Hogan

"Happy, stop sweating."

"How do you do that?"
―Matt Murdock and Happy Hogan[src]
Murdock was shortly hired by Happy Hogan to be his attorney, and represented Hogan
during an interrogation with Damage Control.

Happy Hogan & Matt Murdock

Murdock advises Happy Hogan

As Murdock defended his client to P. Cleary, Hogan was too nervous and distracted
to concentrate on the meeting, as he witnessed an alert on his phone. Aware that
Hogan had started sweating, Murdock urged him to stop, prompting Hogan to ask how
he could do that. Murdock did not respond to the question and reverted his
attention back to Cleary and the other Damage Control agents.[52]

Adventures in Los Angeles

Acquiring New Suits
"Luke Jacobson made a couple of new suits for me."
―Matt Murdock to Jennifer Walters[src]
By 2025, Murdock hired superhero outfit designer Luke Jacobson in Los Angeles to
create a couple of Daredevil suits for him, revealing his identity to Jacobson in
the process.[49] One of the suits was nearly identical to his previous suit, albeit
with a golden yellow as the new primary color.[53]

Representing Luke Jacobson

Matt Murdock enters courtroom
Murdock arrives at the courthouse

"We're not talking about celebrities, but superheroes who have enemies who will try
to harm them, and people close to them. The ones who didn't ask to be a part of
this life. Ms. Walters chose to have her identity be public, but she can't choose
for everyone else."
―Matt Murdock[src]
Murdock was contacted by Luke Jacobson for legal representation, after he was being
served a lawsuit for product liability. Feeling he owed Jacobson for being his suit
designer, Murdock agreed to represent him as he was being sued by Eugene Patilio,
represented by Jennifer Walters as She-Hulk, for selling him a defective suit.
After flying from New York City to Los Angeles, Murdock arrived at the Los Angeles
Metropolitan Courthouse a little late due to his driver getting lost.
Luke Jacobson and Matt Murdock
Murdock representing Luke Jacobson

As he entered the courtroom, Murdock apologized to Judge Price for being late,
making light of his blindness by joking that he had a hard time finding a place to
park before revealing that how his driver had gotten lost. Murdock then introduced
himself as Jacobson's attorney, taking his place next to his client while
apologizing for his tardiness.

Matt Murdock vs
Murdock goes against She-Hulk in court

He then requested that She-Hulk's motion to obtain Jacobson's client list be

rejected, deeming it not relevant to their litigations. Murdock then reminded She-
Hulk of Jacobson's record of customer satisfaction that she could personally attest
to when she argued about the possibility of other clients suffering injury due to
malfunctions in their equipment.

Matt Murdock represents Luke Jacobson

Murdock argues for Luke Jacobson's clients

When She-Hulk continued pushing for the list, Murdock argued that it would be an
invasion of privacy for the superheroes who wished to remain anonymous. He pushed
even further when she rebutted that their case was a "common procedure" in product
liability lawsuits, as he pointed out that it wasn't just about productivity, but
the protection of Jacobson's clients' safety as well as their loved ones, reminding
Price that the Sokovia Accords had been repealed, allowing heroes to legally
operate anonymously once more.

Matt Murdock (Attorney at Law)

Murdock countering all of She-Hulk's points

He then put superheroes, who were celebrities like She-Hulk, in a separate category
to the ones who had loved ones who could be hurt if their enemies knew who they
were. He finished his argument with the notion that Patilio's misuse of his suit
wasn't worth exposing the list, which would not only ruin Jacobson's reputation,
but put a lot of people in jeopardy, which Price agreed with.

Matt Murdock and Luke Jacobson

Murdock smelling fuel from Leapfrog's Suit

After Patilio pulled out his broken suit to complain, Murdock smelled jet fuel and
inquired what type of fuel Patillo used for his boosters. Patilio admitted that he
used jet fuel, which resulted in Jacobson revealing that doing so was in violation
of his instructions. When Patilio tried to lie, Murdock exposed him, but refused to
explain how he knew. With this revelation, the case was dismissed due to user
error, absolving Jacobson of any wrongdoing. Having won the case, Murdock packed up
his supplies while She-Hulk talked with Jacobson.[49]

Drinks with Jennifer Walters

Matt Murdock at a bar
Murdock approaches Jennifer Walters

"I think you're in a unique position to do some real good. You see, the way I see
it, Jen Walters can use the law to help people when society fails them. And She-
Hulk can help people when the law fails them."
―Matt Murdock to Jennifer Walters[src]
Murdock then went to Legal Ease Bar & Grill to grab a drink before he returned to
New York City the next day. While there, he sensed that Jennifer Walters was
sitting across from him at the bar and bought an appletini for her, which he asked
Pedro to deliver to Walters as a peace offering.

Matt at a bar
Murdock and Jennifer Walters joke around

With her blessing, Murdock joined Walters, asking Pedro to move his drink over to
her side of the bar. When questioned why a New York lawyer flew to Los Angeles for
a case as minor as product liability, Murdock explained to her that he owed Luke
Jacobson for making a few suits for him. Murdock then chuckled at Walters' crack at
his fashion sense and jokingly asking if he was indeed wearing pants.

Matt Murdock (Legal Ease Bar)

Murdock hides his abilities from Walters

Murdock then learned that Walters did her research on him when she asked about his
law firm in Hell's Kitchen. It was then followed with Walters asking how he knew
about Leapfrog using jet fuel in his rocket boots, but Murdock claimed it was
simply a "hunch"; hiding the fact that he had extraordinary senses. He then
questioned what Patilio's "deal" was with how he acted in court, only to laugh at
Walters' mockery of her client's wealthy parents.

Matt Murdock (SHAaL)

Murdock offers his point of view

Murdock then described his law firm to Walters, explaining that they mostly did
pro-bono work for clients in order to do some good but on occasion took cases for
bigger clients for the money. Walters told him that her situation was the opposite,
as she was a full-time attorney for big clients and thus had no time to also help
others. Murdock, however, pointed out that Walters was in a unique situation, one
where she could use her status as a lawyer to help people when society failed them,
but that when the law failed them, she could aid them as She-Hulk.

Matt Murdock (She-Hulk Attorney at Law)

Murdock bids farewell to Jennifer Walters

Murdock's phone began to ring, so he excused himself to answer it, where he was
informed that Jacobson had been kidnapped by Patilio. Murdock returned to Walters,
who wished to buy him a drink and continue their conversation, although he
apologized for having to leave abruptly as something had "come up with work."
Before leaving the bar, Murdock struggled to articulate a goodbye to Walters,
before chuckling and settling on that it was nice to meet her.[49]

Chasing Leapfrog
Daredevil (SHAaL)
Daredevil warns She-Hulk to back off

"He kidnapped Luke Jacobson. He's holding him hostage."

"Uh, why didn't you tell me that before we fought?"
"Uh, why didn't you ask me before immediately trying to whoop my ass?"
―Daredevil and Jennifer Walters[src]
Donning his golden yellow suit, Daredevil found Leapfrog at a parking garage.
Daredevil jumped onto Patilio's car and rode on top of it to a parking garage until
She-Hulk arrived to save her client. She-Hulk stopped the car using her strength
and Daredevil was launched off of it. Acrobatically landing, he stood up and took a
look at She-Hulk, telling her she needed to back off.

Daredevil vs
Daredevil dodging all of She-Hulk's attacks

She-Hulk told Leapfrog to get out of there while she fought Daredevil, claiming she
will whoop his ass. She then punched the ground, causing the floor of the garage to
collapse. Daredevil swung off of the debris onto a car, saying his ass was
unwhooped. As She-Hulk charged at him, he jumped off the side of the building and
used his acrobatics to make his way to the ground, just missing Patilio's car.

Matthew Murdock (She-Hulk Attorney at Law)

Daredevil is unmasked by She-Hulk

Daredevil chased after the car before She-Hulk got in his way once again. He dodged
her attack and proceeded to chase after the car once again. However, he was knocked
down when She-Hulk threw a car towards him. He quickly jumped out of the way of
another attack before running once more. She-Hulk then thunderclapped him into a
parked car, overwhelming his hearing ability. Daredevil angrily groaned before She-
Hulk picked him up and removed his cowl, revealing his true identity. Realizing
that he was Murdock, She-Hulk reverted back into Walters and said it was
problematic if he was pretending to be blind.

Jen Walters and Daredevil

Daredevil explaining the situation

Murdock explained that he was blind and used other methods to "see." He also
explained that Leapfrog was the bad guy as he had kidnapped Luke Jacobson. Walters
asked why he did not tell her that and Murdock responded wondering why she did not
ask him before trying to attack him. Walters said that she only assumed the guy
dressed as a devil was the bad one, to which Murdock agreed that was a fair point.

Daredevil SHAaL
Daredevil reveals his superhero identity

Walters then asked him in admiration if he was a superhero, wondering if he was

called the "Gold Devil," but Murdock informed her that he was Daredevil, astonished
that she had not heard of him. When she made fun of his color scheme, he jokingly
told her he would tell Jacobson what she said. As he laughed, he informed her that
he had to save his client from her client, and Walters offered to join him. When
Daredevil mentioned that the parking garage had been destroyed, Walters told him
that she would leave a note.[49]

Rescue of Luke Jacobson

Jennifer Walters and Daredevil
Daredevil and Jennifer Walters team up

"Temporary insanity is murky, but it's not a bad strategy. I'd angle this more as a
form of traumatic expression due to undiagnosed PTSD."
"So, the devil ninja guy, he's a lawyer?"
"Nah. I'm just a big fan of legal dramas."
―Daredevil and Leapfrog[src]
The duo pulled up to the Lily Pad which had a giant red sign on the warehouse
stating its name. Jennifer Walters sarcastically remarked at the subtlety of it.
They got to the roof and watched Leapfrog and the kidnapped Luke Jacobson through
the window.

Daredevil finger quotes

Daredevil and Jennifer Walters bickering

Daredevil was able to hear the heartbeats of the guards and figure out how many
there were. Walters remarked at how unbelievable that is. Daredevil then pointed
out that hers was beating very fast. He said he was going to sneak in and take out
the goons in the back, but Walters argued that she does not want it to take long.
Daredevil argued stealth is the way to go. He then dove off the side of the
building and broke into the blue lit hallway.

DD SHAaL goon fight

Daredevil fights multiple goons in a hallway

He threw his Billy Club at a guard and then threw another one into the wall, making
his way into the hallway. He leaped off the wall and took care of the guards. When
more came, he prepared to fight them, but She-Hulk crashed through the roof,
landing on top of them. They then broke through the wall into the main room of the

Daredevil & She-Hulk

Daredevil and She-Hulk defeat Leapfrog

As She-Hulk made her way to rescue Jacobson and apprehend Leapfrog, Daredevil
easily fought through the guards. She-Hulk asked for Leapfrog's compliance saying
they could legally argue it was an episode of mania, to which Daredevil butted in
saying that an insanity defense was murky, but not a bad strategy. He then told her
that he would rather angle it as trauma from undiagnosed PTSD. Leapfrog asked if he
was a lawyer, but Daredevil claimed he was just a fan of legal dramas. Leapfrog
said there was no fear in retreat and jumped out the window to make his escape.
However, as his suit was faulty, he was unable to fly, plummeting to the ground
below and injuring his legs.[49]

Night with Jennifer Walters

Daredevil & Jennifer Walters
Daredevil talks with Jennifer Walters

"Maybe next time I'm in town, I can take you out to dinner."
"Yeah, or maybe we can skip all of that and just..."
―Matt Murdock and Jennifer Walters[src]
When the police arrived, Daredevil relocated to the roof and waited for Walters to
rejoin him. Walters joined him asking if he was going to give a statement to the
cops, as he was an anonymous superhero. She then thanked him for his help, and he
did the same, claiming to be the lead superhero in the rescue operation. She asked
him when he was going to return to New York, to which he said he was going to
return tomorrow. He offered to take her to dinner next time he was in town,
although Walters just suggested they could skip the formalities and skip straight
to sex, which he agreed to.

Jen Walters kissing Daredevil

Murdock and Jennifer Walters kiss

Murdock and Walters arrived at her apartment, kissing each other. He took off his
cowl while she tried to unzip his suit, which she struggled to do. As he tried to
remove it, she dragged him towards her bedroom. He managed to take off his suit and
placed in the floor alongside the rest of his clothing as Walters shed her outfit
as well. The pair then retreated to the bedroom, where they had sex.

Daredevil Walk of Shame

Murdock walks back in the morning

Having spent the entire night with Walters, Murdock dressed back in his suit but
didn't bother to put his boots back on. Carrying his boots in his hand by the
laces, he left the apartment and walked on the grass, walking past Nikki Ramos and
a neighbor walking her dog, and wished the latter a good morning. Murdock then left
Los Angeles and returned to Hell's Kitchen.[49]

Barbecue with the Walters Family

Daredevil & Jennifer Walters
Daredevil returns to help Jennifer Walters

"I always wanted to help people in my neighborhood who can't afford legal
"So you don't make a lot of money."
"Aunt Rebecca, you don't ask people how much money they make."
"That's fine. I don't do it for the money."
―Matt Murdock, Rebecca Walters and Jennifer Walters[src]
After hearing that Jennifer Walters was in trouble, Murdock suited up and returned
to California, arriving at the Summer Twilights retreat only to discover that he
was too late and had missed the action. Walters informed Daredevil that it was good
to see him again, and he responded in kind. As Walters left to deal with Emil
Blonsky's arrest, Titania greeted Daredevil, prompting him to salute at her.

Matt Murdock & Jennifer Walters

Murdock meeting Jennifer Walters' family

Murdock decided to stay for a week in Los Angeles with Walters, and joined Walters
at a barbecue with her family. There, her father and aunt spoke to him about his
occupation and financial standing in Hell's Kitchen, with the implication of
Murdock settling down with Walters, despite his insistence that he was only staying
in town for the week. After Walters' cousin, Bruce Banner, made a surprise
appearance and introduced everyone to his son Skaar, Murdock remarked to Walters
about the eccentricity of her family.[54]

"He believes that everyone deserves a shot at redemption."
"Except Fisk."
"Everyone. It's a Catholic thing. That's why he doesn't kill people."
―Foggy Nelson and Karen Page[src]
As a child, Murdock felt immense guilt and loss: blaming himself for the death of
his father as well as feeling lost after losing his sight. He was both heroic and
selfless even as a child, as was shown best when he saved an elderly man from being
hit by a truck, at the cost of his own vision. Murdock has paternal issues with
both his actual father Jack Murdock and his subsequent father figure Stick, having
lost both either to death or from being abandoned. Stick tried to raise him to be
cold-blooded but suddenly abandoned him when Matt started expressing filial
affection; this abandonment and rejection has left Murdock with difficulty forging
real emotional connections, despite his determination to not let Stick define him.
Though it is evident that by the time of meeting the rest of the Defenders that he
was starting to open up and accept help from others. This was also proven when he
asked Danny Rand to protect his city before his apparent death.

Murdock has a high desire for justice and doing the right thing. He convinced his
friend Foggy Nelson to quit their internship at Landman and Zack to start their own
firm which would work for the common man. During the start of their firm, he aimed
to help only innocent people. Unable to allow injustice, he got frustrated when the
police or judicial system failed to help. He decided to work as a vigilante to save
people and help where the justice system could not. During this, he demonstrated
extreme selflessness as he kept risking his life for others, even after he barely
made it out of dangerous situations and ended up badly wounded multiple times.

While fighting crime, he can be very brutal and heavily injures criminals in such a
manner as breaking their bones. He has hospitalized multiple criminals in this
regard, with the first man he beat up having to eat through a straw for a month.
However, he has avoided intentionally killing anyone so far and limits himself to
hand-to-hand combat and sticks so as to not inflict lethal injuries, even if this
results in himself getting injured during fights. When the Steel Serpent warehouse
started burning, he used a gun to try and scare everyone into leaving and ordered a
downed guard to evacuate them, showing great concern for even his enemies, as both
the guards and the workers there had attacked him. He usually attempts to avoid
killing people, and has yet to kill anyone so far, as he believes he is on thin ice
as it is and that doing so will make him no better than the people he is fighting.
His refusal to kill earns him heavy criticism from Frank Castle, who kills
criminals without hesitation or remorse and considers Murdock a coward who can't
finish the job. Murdock believes that the people he's up against deserve a second
chance, to try again. As he believes that there is goodness in people.

Despite his reluctance to kill, Murdock has, on occasion, when sufficiently

infuriated or when the situation is dire, thrown away his concern for the well-
being of his opponents, such as when he used a kitchen knife when Semyon came for
him, tortured him with it and even threw him off of a rooftop, though he knew he
would live because of the dumpster positioned under where Semyon fell. The harming
or killing of innocent people, such as Elena Cardenas, makes him even more willing
to kill, as he told Junkie Jake that he would not stop beating him if he did not go
to the police.

Later on, his fight with Nobu Yoshioka resulted in the latter's accidental
immolation and apparent death, though he was angry when he learned that Wilson Fisk
actually wanted Yoshioka to die and did not lift a finger to save him when he had
the chance. When the resurrected Yoshioka ended up killing Elektra, his resulting
ferocity made him able to easily beat Yoshioka and knock him off a building with a
wire from his billy club, seemingly not caring if Yoshioka came back to life or
not. He has also threatened to kill Fisk and has acknowledged that he meant it at
the time, while he also did slash Fisk with one of Yoshioka's discarded blades,
only to find that his suit was concealing body armor. So far he has been lucky that
during these lapses in his sense of morality he has failed to follow through on his
intent, however, even his temporary willingness to kill still feeds his sense of
guilt when he reflects on it.

His most complex relationship is arguably the one with Elektra. When Elektra first
re-entered his life, Murdock was not best pleased to see her, as the two had parted
on less than favorable terms. Before long, he began to consider her a nuisance, due
to her constantly involving him in her battles with the Hand, when he already had
his hands full dealing with the Punisher case. He had to tell her that his life
didn't stop every time she called him. Over time, however, he got more and more
involved in her struggle, and his relationships with Page and Nelson became more
distant as a result. Eventually, he came to realize that he actually loves Elektra
and that she makes him more alive than anything else. Eventually, these feelings
would lead Murdock to re-enter the collapsing Midland Circle caves in an attempt to
rescue her, but ultimately was unable to do so and was nearly killed as a result of
being crushed under the rubble.

As a Catholic, Murdock experiences a lot of guilt and soul-searching over his

actions when he allows his anger and contempt for violent criminals to cause him to
enjoy beating them bloody, and he frequently wonders whether he is doing the right
thing in the eyes of God or whether he is allowing evil into his heart. When he
feels this way, he approaches Paul Lantom for spiritual guidance and advice,
however, he asks his questions in a roundabout way to conceal his identity as
Daredevil, though Lantom has managed to figure out the truth. Either way, Lantom is
bound by the seal of confession not to divulge what they discuss. After Murdock met
his mentor Stick again, he started to doubt his ways and even considered killing
Fisk as he doubted he could stop him any other way. This created an internal
struggle as his best friend and others did not want him to act as a vigilante. In
the final confrontation against Fisk, he kept true to his vow and ultimately did
not kill Fisk.

His vigilante activities had also been the source of his falling out with Nelson,
Page and Claire Temple, and throughout the series had caused problems between him
and the former. For a time, he even retired as Daredevil trying to work as an
independent lawyer and receiving outsourced work from Nelson to keep him busy.
However, with the Hand's return and the formation of the Defenders, he came to
embrace and defend his life as a crime-fighting vigilante; evident when Page
commented that he was just getting his life back to which he replied, "This is my
life, Karen."

After Midland Circle had collapsed on him and Elektra's disappearance, Murdock
starts to forsake the religion he had followed for so long by outwardly expressing
that he was no longer fighting for God but rather for himself or that he now
understands where him and God stand. While he did berate God directly, he still
does prayers and asked for forgiveness although sparingly. Murdock showed a
spiteful attitude to the nun who had tended to him who believed that Murdock had
simply lost his faith. He had shoved away all his friends, loved ones, and his own
career by not telling anyone of his whereabouts or that he was still alive for a
while. These actions have resulted in him embracing his vigilante persona more than
ever. Murdock's reluctance to become a lawyer again shows his disbelief in the
court system is fair; that sometimes people can get away from their crimes if they
are that powerful. It enhances his rationale that killing off Fisk is the best way
to beat because he believes he would just escape prison if he got turned in. But
all that in mind, it showed Murdock had been left mentally broken.

Due to the events of Benjamin Poindexter's assault on innocent people and Fisk's
domination over the FBI, Murdock realized he needed to be able to trust and rely on
others again, especially his friends. He was willing to bring in Fisk through the
law suggested by Nelson. It did seem that he was going back to his original self
but the death of Ray Nadeem reimbursed his cold tactic to kill Fisk off for the
good of the city. But at that when he had the chance to do so, he hesitated and
ultimately refused, saying to Fisk that he won't let him destroy who he is. The
death of Father Lantom also helped him get back into his religious faith and
empowered Murdock to be more like him; to be a man without fear.

In the years following Fisk's second incarceration and rebuilding his life with his
friends, Murdock has become somewhat more lighthearted, yet has retained his quick
wits and brooding sense of duty and justice. He is happy to cooperate with other
heroes, such as Spider-Man and She-Hulk, and is very supportive of people's right
to privacy due to his own double life.

Powers and Abilities

"Yeah, the accident blinded me. It just also sharpened my other senses."
―Matt Murdock to Maggie Grace[src]
Enhanced Senses: World on Fire
Murdock "seeing" the world on fire

Despite being blinded as a child, Murdock's remaining four senses are enhanced to a
superhuman level, resulting in them becoming radar-like. He claimed to constantly
feel numerous things, including balance, direction, minuscule changes in air
density, vibrations, and blankets of temperature variations, that are usually
imperceptible to human beings. That, combined with his acute hearing and olfactory
senses, allows Murdock to evaluate his surroundings in what he describes as an
"Impressionistic painting" of the world around him, which, according to him, looks
like "the world on fire." His superhumanly enhanced senses grant him tremendous
awareness of his surroundings on a wide range, thus makes him extremely alert to
danger. In fact, Murdock's senses are so great, they rival Spider-Man's, as the two
reacted at the same time when a brick was hurled into the Parker Residence.
Murdock's senses, however, can be extremely overloaded at high vibrational levels
which cause him extreme discomfort and disorientation, such as when he was hit with
a shockwave from Danny Rand's Iron Fist punching Luke Cage and She-Hulk's
Enhanced Hearing: Murdock tracking James Wesley
Murdock tracking James Wesley

Murdock's hearing is sharper than a bat's and is extremely acute, he can clearly
hear conversations, heartbeats and even breaths from several meters. During the
Rescue of Kidnapped Women, he heard Turk Barrett pulling back the slide on his
sidearm. He was able to hear and memorize the sound of James Wesley's watch
ticking, and hear Claire's bones shifting as she breathed. Murdock can focus on
what he hears; in a crowded courtroom with the judge speaking, Murdock heard a
juror's heartbeat accelerate when James Wesley entered the room. Hearing the
changes in people's heartbeats allows Murdock to predict how they feel and what
actions they'll take, such as attack or run. He was also able to memorize the
pattern of Wesley's watch so he could follow the latter. When forced to improvise
while fighting extremely stealthy Hand ninjas, Murdock was able to effectively keep
track of their movements by listening to their breaths and the sound of their
swords cutting through the air. Murdock's hearing also makes him an adept thief, as
he was able to skillfully bypass Benjamin Poindexter's combination safe. At the
Lily Pad, Murdock was able to detect twenty-five individual heartbeats of various
henchmen throughout the building.
Echolocation: Murdock possesses an exceptionally advanced form of human
echolocation. He is able to detect objects in his environment by sensing echoes
from those objects, by actively creating and listening for sounds - for example
tapping his cane, stomping of his enemies' feet, raindrops, ticking from a watch,
tumbling of a safe's locks, rattling chains or even a person's heartbeat. He can
interpret the sound waves reflected by nearby objects, accurately identifying their
location and size. As he explained to She-Hulk, his extra sensitive hearing acts as
"a spatial method" that he uses to see. He was also able to locate where in the
building Maya Lopez was to tell her that she had messed up his spying.
Lie Detection: Murdock's hearing is so acute, that he can tell whether people are
lying or not, based on the rate of their heartbeats. He was able to tell that Karen
Page was lying about her possession of files. He also could tell that Eugene
Patilio was lying about his suit.
Enhanced Smell: Murdock following a scent of blood
Murdock following a scent of blood

His incredible olfactory senses which are even sharper than a dog allows him to
detect the scent of stale cigarettes and cheap cologne three floors above him and
through several walls. When he was a boy, his sense was already so acute, he could
smell that an old man sitting at a bench across from him had cancer. By smelling an
old cigarette, Murdock could tell that whoever smoked it previously had rotten
teeth. He was even able to smell that Foggy Nelson had onions in his lunch, the
current time, but two days ago. Murdock was able to find Punisher's secret hideout
by following the scent of blood, left behind from an injured dog Frank Castle had
rescued earlier. In court, he smelt that the wrong type of fuel, jet fuel, was used
in Leapfrog's boots, despite it being many hours or even days prior.
Enhanced Taste: Murdock was able to tell that Claire Temple had ripped open some of
the stitches on her back, due to tasting copper in the air from the blood of her
open wound. Stick taught him how to train this sense, which allowed him to pick out
every individual ingredient of the ice cream he was eating, including that the milk
used came from three different dairy farms, and that the man who served him used a
certain type of soil in his garden. From across his apartment, Murdock was able to
taste the exact brand of alcohol off Karen Page's lips, from a drink she had a half
an hour before.
Enhanced Touch: Murdock feeling vibrations from subway lines
Murdock feels vibrations from subway lines

Murdock can feel the presence of those around him through vibrations, air currents,
and body temperatures. He can dodge attacks and projectiles by feeling them cut
through the air, creating ripples of currents only detectable by him. He locates
enemies through walls and from different floors by feeling the vibrations they make
from moving, such as their footsteps. While in exile and temporarily powerless,
Murdock was soon able to feel the vibrations from the subway lines running deep
under the church. He used these vibrations to track and scan his environment, and
to regain some of his strength and balance. He also notably felt around on a piano
in order to play certain notes.
Thermoreception: Murdock can sense changes in heat in the environment. Murdock
could even feel the heat generated from the blood spilling from the gunshot wound
on Vladimir Ranskahov; to one-half of a degree, he was able to distinguish the
difference in temperature.
Electroreception: Murdock is able to detect electric fields, similar to a shark.
When out on a mission with Elektra, Murdock was able to find a hidden room by
feeling an electrical current coming from behind the wall. He could hear the
electricity buzzing inside the wall and felt a stop in the current where the
mechanism for unlocking the secret room was. He was also able to find Wilson Fisk's
secret room in his hotel room by feeling the electrical current running beneath the
Enhanced Balance: Murdock's sense of balance was enhanced with the rest of his
auditory system, giving him excellent equilibrium, coordination, dexterity, and
agility, resulting in high levels of acrobatic and gymnastic ability.
Enhanced Agility: Daredevil acrobatics
Daredevil traversing down a parking garage

Thanks to his senses Matt's agility is greater than even the finest athletes. He
can traverse the city with speed and grace, by flipping, jumping, and swinging with
his club. He can dodge bullet fire, even at near point blank range, and can
completely outmaneuver most enemies, even easily dodging and evading the superhuman
She-Hulk. He was also able to traverse down a multilevel parking garage in mere
seconds, by jumping and flipping between the floors.
Enhanced Reflexes: Matt Murdock and Peter Parker
Murdock catching a brick backhanded

Murdock's reflexes are enhanced to superhuman level. Even before his training with
Stick, he could effortlessly catch keys thrown to him while hearing the sound they
made. He can instinctively react to oncoming blows nearly effortlessly with the use
of his other senses, such as avoiding attacks with a sharp weapon at close quarters
by hearing the noise of its approach, and even dodging bullets fired at close
range. Because his reflexes are enhanced by his hyperawareness, Murdock is capable
of reacting to objects being thrown in his direction with lightning-fast reaction
time. While fighting Maya Lopez, Murdock realized that Lopez got a shotgun,
allowing him to quickly dodge the bullet. He was also able to react to and catch a
brick hurled from behind him into the Parker Residence, backhanded. His reaction
time was proven to match Peter Parker, who reacted at the same time when this
"You meditate?"
"I learned when I was a kid. Helps with the pain... and healing faster."
―Claire Temple and Matt Murdock[src]
Meditation Empowerment: Utilizing meditation, a skill he learned from Stick,
Murdock could heal much faster by tapping into his inner-self. This power also
allows Murdock to feel less pain from his wounds. While healing from a deadly fight
with Nobu Yoshioka, Murdock meditated to heal from the wounds suffered by
Yoshioka's Kyoketsy-Shoge, impressing Claire Temple.
"He's one of the most naturally skilled fighters I've ever known."
Master Martial Artist: MurakamiBakuto-vs-Daredevil
Daredevil fighting Bakuto and Murakami

Murdock is an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant and martial

artist. Despite being blind, Murdock was rigorously trained in martial arts by
Stick at a young age, and excelled in it, he later continued to train himself
extensively despite Stick giving up on him. Murdock eventually used his skills to
fight crime as the vigilante "Daredevil", and with several years of combat
experience, making him one of the most powerful and best fighters on the planet.
Daredevil's fighting style incorporates Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Kung Fu,
Wushu, Judo, Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Capoeira, Jeet Kune Do, Taekwondo,
Eskrima, Silat and Ninjutsu.[55] Hence, Daredevil could take down the criminals of
Hell's Kitchen with ease, defeating professional hitman Rance, highly skilled
assassin John Healy, single-handedly taking down eight Russian gangsters at once,
despite having not yet fully recovered from his wounds at the time, and was even
able to take down multiple cops while handcuffed. Elektra claimed that Murdock was
one of the best fighters that she knew. By the time he met Stick again, Murdock
rivaled his former mentor in skill, managing to keep up with him in an intense one-
on-one duel and ultimately overpowering him, earning Stick's praise. Though with
some difficulty, Murdock was also ultimately able to overpower Wilson Fisk and even
flip him through the air during their fight. However, Daredevil would still have
problems facing opponents with more combat skills and experience, such as Nobu
Yoshioka, though even the latter acknowledged Daredevil as a worthy opponent.
Despite his beating at Nobu's hands, he still managed to fight him on near equal
grounds and ended the fight by knocking him several feet and accidentally igniting
the fuel at his feet, which immolated Yoshioka. Daredevil was able to hold his own
against the fierce and extremely dangerous Punisher, even gaining the upper hand
against him a few times, to single-handedly take down multiple highly skilled Hand
ninjas, to last longer than Elektra against Yoshioka in their final duel, and even
to finally defeat the extremely skilled Hand leader himself, albeit only with
considerable effort and initial failure. His skill also allowed him to overpower
Danny Rand, a master martial artist in his own right. Daredevil was also able to
fight both Bakuto and Murakami simultaneously and had the upper hand in the
majority of the fight. Daredevil also proved to be the better fighter against
Benjamin Poindexter, with the latter having to use his marksman skills to defeat
him. Towards the end, he was able to fight Poindexter and Fisk almost
simultaneously and defeated the latter with a series of vicious blows. Daredevil
often used his enhanced senses to his advantage in combat, seen when he knocked out
the lights while fighting the Dogs of Hell, putting them at a disadvantage during
the fight due to their decreased visibility whereas Murdock was not. Even though
Murdock usually choose to use non-lethal weapons, Murdock is skilled at using a
sword in combat. During the Kidnapping of Stick, he was able to disarm and steal
the katana from Elektra and held it against her throat, in order to prevent her
from joining the Hand. Murdock also briefly used the katana against the Hand ninjas
before being disarmed during the fight. While staking out a group of Kingpin's
competitors, Daredevil easily defeated goons such as Edgar and then fought
valiantly against Maya Lopez, eventually pinning her to the ground with a fallen
Staff Mastery: Daredevil fights Nobu Yoshioka with his billy club
Daredevil fights Yoshioka with his billy club

Thanks to his early training with Stick, Murdock is extremely skilled at using
staves and similar melee weapons in combat. The billy club that Melvin Potter
created for him maximizes this skill by being able to easily change between
different combinations of weapons, such as two batons or nunchaku.
Chain Mastery: Murdock is skilled at using a chain in combat, mainly using it for
long range attacks. He attempted to cut Wilson Fisk with Nobu Yoshioka's kyoketsu-
shoge, but the latter was wearing protective armor. He was able to use a bare chain
to fight against Punisher, successfully disarming and strangling him until he
passed out. He also use it to defeat dozens of the members of Dogs of Hell while
they were all armed, smashing out the ceiling lights to force the bikers to fight
in the darkness, and also being able to use it to disarm their weapons and strangle
them to knock them out.
Master Marksman: Because of his enhanced senses, Murdock is an extremely skilled
marksman, with an increased awareness of where objects are, allowing him
exceptional marksmanship with both firearms and throwing projectile weaponry with
extreme accuracy. He was able to quickly knock guns out of Punisher's grasp with a
hurled Billy club. Also, he was able to drop a fire extinguisher on Semyon's head
several floors down, timing it perfectly and knowing when Semyon would be off the
stairs and directly below it.
"Besides, you leaping around the city like a Russian gymnast didn't exactly help."
―Jessica Jones to Matt Murdock[src]
Master Acrobat: Daredevil falling
Daredevil leaping off of a building

Murdock's years of training and experience have made him an extremely skilled
acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He could already do several agile flips as a
child. He is highly skilled with parkour and free-running and able to quickly move
over rooftops and climb buildings, managing to keep up with a car this way. Even
when handcuffed, Daredevil performed an agile backflip, bringing his hands back in
front of his torso. He also utilized his agility to successfully gain the upper
hand against Stick. His agility also allowed him to gain the upper hand on Punisher
during their fight. He could even able to use his supreme agility to dodge bullets
even at close range. His acrobatic abilities have improved even further over the
years, as during his battle with Maya Lopez, he did a flip to evade a shotgun
bullet as well as other attacks. Against She-Hulk, he was able to weave his way
through and pull himself up from collapsing cement in a parking lot, and then even
leapt off the building over several stories, using his aerialist abilities to grab
onto the lower floors and then land safely.
Master Spy: Murdock is extremely skilled in moving quietly and staying hidden. His
agility helps him become hard to find as he clings on to wall corners to stay
hidden and hides atop of things and strikes when necessary. Prior to Maya Lopez and
her allies' Attack on Kingpin's Competition, Murdock had been staking out all night
without any sign of detection against him.
"I'm a really good lawyer."
―Matt Murdock to Peter Parker[src]
Master Lawyer: Daredevil S2E7
Murdock defending Frank Castle

Murdock is a highly trained and skilled lawyer, having graduated summa cum laude
from Columbia University. Foggy Nelson claimed that had Murdock been able to put
more effort into the case of Frank Castle, that they might have won it. When
threatening Wilson Fisk, Murdock expressed confidence in his ability to use "every
legal loophole and footnote" to keep Fisk and Vanessa Marianna from ever being able
to reunite, claiming to have the ability to break him without breaking any law.
While working pro bono, he successfully sued Berkowitz for $11,000,000 as
compensation for Aaron James' paralysis. Murdock even managed to exonerate Peter
Parker's overwhelming charges after the latter was framed for killing Mysterio.
When he represented Luke Jacobson, he convinced Judge Price to deny She-Hulk's
motion to compel production of the defendant's client list be rejected as it was
irrelevant to the litigation, successfully defending superheroes' right to privacy
and citing the repealing of the Sokovia Accords to support his case. Using his
heightened sense of smell, he also got plaintiff to admit to having ignored the
manufacturer's explicit instructions, absolving the defendant of all liability.
Master Interrogator: Murdock is well adept in interrogation methods, being able to
extract information from the criminals of Hell's Kitchen with ease, such as getting
information from Felix Manning on Wilson Fisk by dangling him from the edge of a
building. He has also notably interrogated Turk Barrett on more than one occasion,
as well as Christian Blake.
"The Iron Fist can't lead 'em like you can."
―Stick to Matt Murdock[src]
Expert Tactician: Murdock is a great strategist, he was able to formulate plans
which successfully dismantle Wilson Fisk's organization and imprison Fisk, and even
completely dismantle the Hand which have been established over four hundred years
with the help of the Defenders. Murdock is also a skilled leader, and he has
demonstrated charisma and leadership skills. Murdock was recognized as the leader
of the Defenders by Stick, Jessica Jones and eventually Luke Cage and Danny Rand.
He successfully led the initial assault on Midland Circle and defeated the Hand.
"I can't call a crew to crack that. What, you can do that?"
"Not if you keep talking, I can't."
―Ray Nadeem and Daredevil[src]
Expert Thief: During his vigilantism, he has shown impressive thievery skills in
stealing items without getting caught or giving notice. As when hunting for
Punisher, he ended up locating his hideout where he found many homemade smoke bombs
and took one for himself to use against the second encounter. After attending a
Gala with Elektra, Murdock purposely spilt his drink on Gibson to look like an
accident to get him to clean up in the bathroom, and later took the key card from
the latter to access the yakuza office. He managed to snatch Foggy Nelson's wallet
to use as identity to get into the prison to question one of the inmates for
information regarding Kingpin. Another situation where this trait came in handy was
when he and Ray Nadeem breaks into Poindexter's apartment, cracks open his safe
only to find it with weapons and disc tapes which Matt took to later listen to.
Physician: As a boy, Murdock would stitch his father's wounds sustained from boxing
matches; although his hands were shaky and required whiskey to make his hands
steadier. This would later enable him to stitch Elektra's neck wound. He was also
able to restart Vladimir Ranskahov's heart. Murdock is also familiar with clinical
psychology terms, as he suggested to She-Hulk that Leapfrog was suffering from
undiagnosed PTSD for any future appearances in court. However, his skills were
limited as he needed help from Claire Temple to not only help himself, but know how
to help Ranshakov's wound.
Multilingualism: Murdock is fluent in his native English, as well as Spanish,
having studied the latter at college. This allowed him to provide translation for
Elena Cardenas when Karen Page could not. As a blind person, he learned to read
Braille. He also knows some French, able to speak it with Elektra. Murdock
identified a mosque choir singing an Arabic song and recognized convicts speaking
"You could use it as a grappling hook, or, uh, close quarter combat."
―Melvin Potter to Daredevil[src]
Billy Club: Daredevil in LA
Daredevil with his Billy Club

When Murdock asked Melvin Potter to create an armored suit for him, Potter also
created a special Billy Club. It can be used as a short staff, or two individual
sticks joined by a high tensile wire for grappling. It can also be split into two
individual short sticks for close-quarters combat. It is kept in a holster on the
suit's left thigh.
Other Equipment
"You're the Devil of Hell's Kitchen."
"You've heard of me."
"I live in an orphanage, not under a rock. I just never imagined it'd be one of
ours running around in that Halloween costume."
―Maggie Grace and Matt Murdock[src]
Armored Suit: Full Daredevil Suit
Daredevil wearing his original armored suit

In their first fight, after being severely injured by Nobu Yoshioka, Murdock
noticed Wilson Fisk's impermeable armored suit and decided to take Claire Temple's
advice to get some armor of his own. He located Melvin Potter, who made Fisk's suit
and persuaded him to make a red and black suit with a facemask and helmet
resembling the Christian Devil, leading to the Daredevil name. This suit is highly
durable, allowing him to be nearly unfazed by an opponent's attacks and recover
more quickly from being hit, such as being hit in the head with a metal pipe or
slammed into a wall by Fisk. It notably allowed Daredevil to survive unscathed from
battling a resurrected Yoshioka with the same Kyoketsu-shoge hook that badly
wounded him when he wore his simpler vigilante suit. After his first protective
helmet got cracked by a close-range bullet from Punisher, Daredevil had Potter make
him a new upgraded version. Due to the damages it suffered in the destruction of
Midland Circle, Murdock discarded this suit. Murdock eventually acquired a third
suit from Luke Jacobson, reminiscent of the earlier version but colored golden
Former Equipment
"What are you doing, Matt? You're a lawyer. You're supposed to be helping people."
"I am."
"In a mask! Do you know what they call that? A vigilante. Someone who acts outside
of the law."
―Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock[src]
Vigilante Suit: Murdock bought a black suit with red stitching online to wear in
his vigilante activities. He also wore a black mask over his head, eyes, and nose,
leaving only his mouth uncovered. This suit also had padding which he wore
underneath the suit so that the beatings would not hurt as much, but they did not
stop him from being seriously injured. He would ultimately discard this suit in
favor of a much more durable armored one. Once his senses started to come back,
Murdock equipped himself a new black suit at Saint Agnes Orphanage and returned to
his vigilante activities, wearing a black mask with white stitching cloth
"You can keep the sticks. You're gonna need 'em."
―Stick to Matt Murdock[src]
Wooden Sticks: Daredevil75
Murdock preparing to face Nobu Yoshioka

At a young age, Murdock was trained to be an expert stick fighter by Stick, but he
stopped using the weapons after Stick left, preferring to fight unarmed. He began
using them again at Stick's insistence when his mentor returned to New York City.
However, he discarded them after Melvin Potter made him a more advanced Billy Club.
"It's been a long time since you used Muay Thai ropes, Matty."
"That guy in my suit kicked my ass. I can't beat him from a distance. I gotta draw
him in close and do more damage."
―"Jack Murdock" and Matt Murdock[src]
Muay Thai Ropes: After his return to vigilantism, while wearing his vigilante suit
again, Murdock lost a fight against Benjamin Poindexter. While preparing to kill
the Kingpin and possibly confront the fake Daredevil, he started wearing Muay Thai
ropes, as he believed that this allowed him to do more damage than boxing wraps.
Kyoketsu-Shoge: After defeating Nobu Yoshioka in a duel Daredevil was confronted by
Wilson Fisk and the two of them fought. Daredevil was no match for Fisk due to the
wounds he sustained from fighting Yoshioka. During the fight, he tried to cut Fisk
using Yoshioka's Kyoketsu-Shoge but Fisk was wearing body armor that protected him.
Fisk then disarmed Daredevil and beat him into submission.
Uzi: During the Infiltration into Madame Gao's Warehouse after defeating all the
guards and accidentally starting a fire Murdock took this gun from one of the
guards and shot at the sprinklers. The water destroyed the drugs in the warehouse
and helped combat the fire. With the building burning down, Murdock ordered one of
the guards to help the blind workers escape and discarded the weapon on his way
".357, one round in the chamber. Some things, they just... they feel right in your
hand, huh?"
―Punisher to Daredevil[src]
Smith & Wesson Model 327 Night Guard: Daredevil327NightGuard
Daredevil aims a revolver at the Dogs of Hell

Punisher attached this revolver to Murdock's wrist with duct tape when he kidnapped
him and chained him to a chimney on the roof of Jerry's building, ordering him to
either shoot and kill him or Grotto and making sure to chamber it with only one
bullet. Murdock made his own decision and, using his heightened senses to detect
the weakest location of his restraints, fired the only round and broke free. After
he incapacitated Punisher, he attempted to leave Jerry's building but was met by
the Dogs of Hell. He caught one member by surprise and threatened to shoot him to
ward off the rest of the gangsters, but when they discovered he was empty, he
proceeded to beat them up, sometimes using the revolver as a blunt weapon.
Metal Chains: Daredevil utilized the chains used to restrain him by Punisher as a
melee weapon, first using it to prevent Punisher from shooting the bikes of Dogs of
Hell gang members, but failing, which caused the gangsters go after Punisher.
Daredevil then used the chains to disarm Punisher and strangle him, making him
faint. In the ensuing battle between him and the gangsters, he frequently used the
chains to disarm them of their guns and strangle them, and also breaking hanging
lamps in order to dim the lights.
Katana: Daredevil stole this weapon from Elektra and held it against her throat in
order to prevent her from joining the Hand after she briefly considered joining
them during the Kidnapping of Stick. Daredevil convinced Elektra to not join them
and to save Stick. Daredevil briefly used the katana against the Hand ninjas before
losing it in the fight.
Jack Murdock's House: While growing up within New York City, Murdock had lived with
his father, Jack Murdock in a small and rundown house, where Murdock had helped his
father with the injuries he gained following his boxing matches before being
blinded. However, when his father had been murdered by Roscoe Sweeney following his
fight against Carl Creel, Murdock was forced to move out of the House.
Saint Agnes Orphanage: Matt's Room StAO
Murdock wails alone in his room

Following his father's death, Murdock was sent to live with nuns, where he had
struggled with his enhanced senses from his blinding. Here Murdock first met Stick
who promised to take him away and help Murdock understand his abilities.
"Smart man. Columbia education really paid off."
―Elektra to Matt Murdock[src]
Columbia University: Having decided that he would become a lawyer, Murdock secured
his place at the university where he met his roommate Foggy Nelson before starting
a love affair with Elektra. Murdock and Nelson both came out of the University with
their degrees and agreed to start a law firm together.
Landman and Zack Building: With their degrees, Murdock and Nelson got jobs working
at Landman and Zack, however, Murdock struggled to deal with their effects and
suggested to Nelson that they leave the building and the job behind to start their
own law firm as they had dreamed of.
Fogwell's Gym: Into the Ring 5
Murdock training inside Fogwell's Gym

Throughout his life, Murdock would often visit Fogwell's Gym for its value as a
training ground and as a relic of his father's boxing career. After leaving Saint
Agnes' Orphanage, Murdock took refuge in the gym for several days and plotted to
kill Wilson Fisk at that time.
Matt Murdock's Apartment: Due to his blindness, Murdock was able to get a good deal
with buying a large apartment in the center of New York City. It was next to a
large billboard that shone the light directly into the apartment, keeping people
awake. Murdock allowed Karen Page to stay at his apartment when she feared she
would soon be attacked again by Union Allied Construction. Following his near-fatal
beating by Nobu Yoshioka and Wilson Fisk, Murdock made it back to his apartment
where he was discovered by Foggy Nelson. Murdock later had let Elektra recover from
her injuries there when she had been attacked by the Hand. Murdock's apartment was
later ambushed by the Hand, which resulted in Murdock being badly wounded before
Elektra saved his life.
Nelson and Murdock Law Office: As they began their work with Nelson and Murdock,
the two friends rented an office where Murdock allowed Nelson to take the room
which had a view over New York. From here they worked on several of their cases,
including Elena Cardenas and Frank Castle until they eventually decided to end
their law firm and go their separate ways, locking the door on their offices.
Clinton Church: As he began his career as Daredevil, Murdock often visited the
local cathedral in order to receive absolution for his sins and spiritual advice
from Paul Lantom. His visits grew much more frequently after the supposed death of
Jack Murdock † - Father
Maggie Grace - Mother
Paul Lantom † - Friend
Stick † - Former Mentor
Quinn †
Elektra - Ex-Girlfriend and Temporary Enemy
Nelson, Murdock and Page
Foggy Nelson - Best Friend and Partner
Karen Page - Close Friend, Ex-Girlfriend, Savior and Partner
Fran - Neighbor
Josie - Bartender
Claire Temple - Friend and Former Love Interest
Elena Cardenas † - Client and Friend
Ed - Client
New York City Police Department - Temporary Enemies
Brett Mahoney
Misty Knight
Plainsclothes Cop †
Bess Mahoney
Ben Urich † - Friend
Melvin Potter - Temporary Enemy
Doris Urich
Silvio Manfredi
Carl Hoffman - Former Enemy, Situational Ally and Client
Michael Kemp - Client
Jacinto - Client
Marino - Client
Maxwell - Client
Elliot Grote/Grotto † - Client
Jerry †
Blake Tower
Frank Castle/Punisher - Former Enemy, Situational Ally and Client
Cynthia Batzer
Gregory Tepper †
Andrew Lee
Stan Gibson †
Samantha Reyes † - Situational Ally
Aaron James - Client
Defenders - Former Teammates and Friends
Jessica Jones - Former Client
Luke Cage
Danny Rand/Iron Fist - Savior and Temporary Enemy
Lexi Raymond
Trish Walker
Colleen Wing
Malcolm Ducasse
Edward Nelson
Anna Nelson
Theo Nelson
Timmy Nelson
Rostam Kazemi
Neda Kazemi
Malik Saini
Albanian Syndicate - Situational Allies
Vic Jusufi
Jasper Evans † - Situational Ally
Mitchell Ellison
Betsy Beatty
Ray Nadeem † - Former Enemy and Client
Seema Nadeem
Sami Nadeem
Marci Stahl
Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Client
May Parker †
Stark Industries
Happy Hogan - Client
Luke Jacobson - Tailor and Client
Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg & Holliway
Nikki Ramos
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk - Situational Enemy, Friend and Lover
Pedro - Bartender
Mary MacPherran/Titania
Morris Walters
Elaine Walters
Rebecca Walters
Bruce Banner/Hulk
Roscoe Sweeney
Russian Mafia
Vladimir Ranskahov † - Situational Ally
Anatoly Ranskahov †
Semyon †
Sergei †
Piotr †
Turk Barrett
Rance †
John Healy † - Former Client
Wilson Fisk/Kingpin - Attempted Killer and Former Attempted Victim
Sullivan † - Situational Enemy
Leland Owlsley †
Alexandra Reid †
Madame Gao
Sowande †
Bakuto †
Nobu Yoshioka † - Attempted Killer
Black Sky †
Hirochi †
Christian Blake †
Junkie Jake †
James Wesley † - Attempted Killer
Landman and Zack - Former Colleages and Business Rival
Parish Landman - Former Employer
Dogs of Hell
Jimmy the Bear
Kitchen Irish
Finn Cooley †
Philip Cabroni
Benjamin Donovan
Christopher Roth - Rival
Ray Schoonover/Blacksmith † - Attempted Killer
Gosnell †
Tammy Hattley
Mockta †
Arinori †
Benjamin Poindexter - Impersonator and Attempted Killer
Felix Manning
Vanessa Marianna
Maya Lopez
United States Department of Damage Control
P. Cleary
Leap Squad
Eugene Patilio/Leapfrog
Appearances for Daredevil
In the comics, Daredevil had a long and complicated relationship with Black Widow.
Murdock's black vigilante suit takes inspiration from Frank Miller and John Romita
Jr.'s 1993 limited series Daredevil: The Man Without Fear. The black suit was
itself inspired by the Daredevil costume worn by actor Rex Smith, who portrayed
Murdock in the television film The Trial of the Incredible Hulk.
The substance which blinded Murdock wasn't revealed, but the barrels reveal it to
be "TYP A" with the serial number "0464XXXX" as in April 1964 when Daredevil #1 was
first published.
Murdock is 5'10".[9]
Murdock enjoys listening to records.[18]
When Murdock initially refused to tell Claire Temple his real name, she briefly
referred to him as "Mike", after one of her ex-boyfriends. In the comics, Mike
Murdock was a name of Matt's fake twin brother that he used to keep his identity
A LEGO set for the Attack on Greenwich Village in Avengers: Infinity War includes a
New York Bulletin newspaper titled "Crime Floods The Streets" with Daredevil
appearing on the front page.
Daredevil is the third Marvel Cinematic Universe character introduced in a Marvel
Television production to subsequently appear in a Marvel Studios production, being
preceded by Edwin Jarvis and Wilson Fisk/Kingpin.
Daredevil is the first superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have a job as
a lawyer followed by She-Hulk.

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