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Personal Statement

Hello I am Gabriela Gonzalez. I'm from a city in the middle of California. We are a very
diverse, inclusive town and have different ethnic roots. There are people from all over the world
populated with many latinos, hispanics, Africans americans, and cultures. We are a very
agricultural community that grows and produces food and ships it to lots of places in California.
It's a nice small community that is very productive.

In school I look for good grades as much as I can and learn. I am so grateful that I have
a good education even though I wasn’t very smart in my first high school and made lots of bad
decisions. No one else seems to know anything about what is going on. I am compelled to find a
way to overcome the struggle. In my first period class, I saw the opportunity of my teacher. He
wanted me to succeed and was giving us lots of opportunities. I always try to be a better person
everyday and my family makes me feel stronger and want to do this and more in the future. It
seems funny at first they laugh, confused. But each time the pencil touched the paper I got lazy
and couldn't continue. It is a story of occupied countries, a story in which resistance becomes
stressful and depressing, a story we refuse to address because we have grown too apathetic to
value life beyond our borders.

As my classmates were all in the school mindset, together but I still felt out of the strike
and the distance of humans made me go back to when I didn’t care and I couldn’t get myself to
do my work. I was always fighting between myself and school. My inspiration is making me a
better person and is getting me to further my goals. I’ve learned lots of things about myself
because of my highschool experience. The initial responses are the same disbelief, followed by
productive conversation on our moral responsibility to educate ourselves on the conflict. My
interest in science dates back to my years in high school, where I excelled in physics, chemistry,
and English. I like learning about the topics we write about. Instead of fighting for social
acceptance, I'm free to focus on the things I love. Academically, that change re-inspired me.
Able to express my feelings about being always better.

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