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Date – JANUARY 7, 2022 Submit before Class Tomorrow


Arithmetic Progression
1. Justify √3, √12, √27, √48…….. is an A.P.?
2. Show that the sequence defined by 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑛 = 3𝑛𝑛2 − 5 is not an AP.

3. Write next three terms of the given AP: (a + b), (a + 1) + b, (a + 1) + (b + 1),.........

4. Examine that the sequence obtained from the following situation, will be in the form of an AP
or not.

“The amount of money in the account every year, when Rs. 100 is deposited at simple interest
at 4% per annum.”

5. How many numbers lie between 10 and 300, which divided by 4 leave a remainder 3?

6. The sum of first six terms of an arithmetic progression is 42. The ratio of its 10th term to its
30th term is 1 : 3. Calculate the first and the 13th term of the AP.

7. Determine k, so that k2 + 4k + 8, 2k2 +3k + 6 and 3k2 + 4k + 4 are three consecutive terms of
an AP.

8. Which term of the AP : 120, 116, 112, ... is first negative term?

9. Find the number of natural numbers between 101 and 999 which are divisible by both 2 and 5.

10. The angles of a triangle are in AP. The greatest angle is twice the least. Find all the angles of
the triangle.

11. Split 207 into three parts such that these are in AP and the product of the two smaller parts is

12. If four numbers are in AP such that their sum is 50 and the greatest number is 4 times the least,
then find the numbers.

13. The sum of the first term and the fifth term of an ascending AP is 26 and the product of the
second term by the fourth term is 160. Find 10th term of this AP.

14. Each year, a tree grows 5 cm less than it did the preceding year. If it grew by lm in the first
year, then in how many years will it have ceased growing?
4 −2 1
15. Find the sum of the two middle most terms of the AP: − 3 , −1, 3
, … … … . … 4 3.

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