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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Polymers

Of Polymers
Decent Essays

1058 Words
5 Pages

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1.1 Introduction:

Polymer is derived from the Greek word.

It can be broken down into “Poly”
means “many” and “mer” means “units.
This shows that a polymer has small
units called monomers in its chemical
composition which are bound together to
form a large molecule. Depending on the
arrangement of different chains and how
they are joined, polymers can be
classified as:




1.2 Types of Polymers replacing

Metallic Components in Consumer
Application: To make our lives
considerably easier, home appliances use
circuit control, safety devices and
resistance lead. Some of the devices are
thermostat, transducer, Light Dependent
Resistor [LDR], motor, etc. some of the
materials used are Aluminum,
Antimony, Barium,…show more
Polymers have become common in
replacing metals of choice in industries.
Polymers can replace metal parts in
consume appliances by providing heat
resistance, strength and color stability
along with design flexibility. Some of
the properties of polymers are:

Design flexibility: polymers replace

metal part assemblies leading to
smoother design and improved durability
reducing manufacturing cost.

Reducing weight and maintaining

quality: polymers weigh less as
compared to metals leading to cost
saving in manufacturing and distribution.

In times, metals were replaced by

polymers for a few applications like
reducing the weight of few parts. But in
the present days new classes of
engineering plastics are replacing metals
at a higher level as they can be
customized. Significant productivity
improvement is possible by using
polymers. There is a higher product
performance level, cost reduction,
efficiency in manufacturing, durability
and enhancement of aesthetics which are
all achieved simultaneously now-a-days
using…show more content…
There is design freedom, low weight, no
corrosion, transparency when plastic is
used. On the other hand metals are stiff
and strong and so can be machined and
welded and this leads to high tolerance
which can be used at high temperatures.
Thermoplastics which can be used as
metal substitutes include nylon,
polyamide [PA], polybutylene
terephthalate [PBT], poly oxymethylene
[POM], polyphenylenesulphide [PPS],
polyarylmide [PARA], polypthalamide
[PPA], polyetheretherketone [PEEK],
etc. these polymers offer high tensile
strength and are flexible.

1.4 Advantages of Polymer Material for

Mass Production Now-a-days there is a
very little gap between use of metals and
polymers. Use of polymer is increasing
day by day due to the following reasons:

Design freedom: it is very easy to

mold polymers in any shape and form
like injection molding and blow molding
at a very low cost. Polymers can be
treated with chemicals to bring out
multiple properties in them which is not
possible easily with metals.

Performance: polymers have high

benefits. They reduce the weight,
resistant to chemical and impact,
corrosion free, etc. the main reason for
the use of polymers is the reduction in

Efficiency: due to metal

replacement there is an increase in
manufacturing efficiency as multiple
individual components in a product can
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be brought together into a single
component using…


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and shellac there are also natural polymers that
we benefit from such as rubber and amber.
Polymers are truly a great and very beneficial item
to everyone for they are tough, durable, and cheap
but they are also recyclable which can be very
beneficial to our environment and societal needs.
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fabric was made from the polymer, and was in
high demand. It can also be used for moldings of
cars, film, tape, foam and carpet. Polypropylene
can not be glued to any objects or itself, and so it is
melded. After Polyethylene, Polypropylene is the
highest produced synthetic plastic. Polypropylene
also holds up well over time, which is one of the
reasons that it is the second most produced
plastic. The melting point is between 130-171
degrees celsius. Because polypropylene is tough
and flexible it can be used as an engineering
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years of jewelry design with semi-precious stones,
she was ready for a new challenge. “My internet
research led me to glass, aluminum and polymer,”
she said. She was hooked on polymer after a
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materials that cost more than $2.20 per pound and
have a UV rating of "poor" were eliminated. Also,
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Human made polymers are a more recent
invention, of the last two hundred years or so.
These polymers are general made of highly
flammable hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
Fires caused by a combination of human careless
and the physical properties of hydrocarbons have
caused millions of dollars in property damage and
claimed an untold number of human lives. It is this
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technological development because it was made
only 40 years ago. It can have different things done
to it to make it suit the task you want for example,
you can change the color, make it unbreakable or
make it hard. It’s cheaper to make products from
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number of low molecular mass units, or
monomers, that are covalently bonded together
(, 2016; Gruber, 2016).
The combination of monomers in a chain
determines the structure, performance and
physical properties of each polymer. The
backbone of a polymer includes repeating
monomers; if there is only one repeating
monomer than it is a homopolymer; if there is
more than one repeating monomer then this
forms a copolymer, which can either be linear or
branched depending on the side groups attached
(, 2016; Draelos,

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Engineering is endlessly thriving to express its full
potential. As your college, we are diligently
working to preserve our hard-earned prestige and
recognition obtained over the years. It is our goal
to continue our advancement and become better
than ever before. Our institution is home to some
of the most intelligent minds in polymers who
utilize our invaluable resources that are not
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world today. PET is perhaps the more famous one
because of its cheap prices and many uses. 30 % of
the global demand for PET happens to be plastic
bottles. PLA the other type of polymer is just now
gaining momentum being used as a bottle in the
market today. It is derived from renewable
resources (corn) that we can regrow a lot easier
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Because it is easy to make, as well as being cheap,
it means that it is a very readable and available
plastic to make with (Factsaboutbpa, n.d.). Also,
because of its structure, Phthalates can be stored
for a long time, without it breaking down
(Factsaboutbpa, n.d.). This plastic is also used in
the making of many medical instruments, because
of Phthalates properties (Factsaboutbpa, n.d.). An
example of a product that it is used in, is the case
that holds newborn babes, protecting them from
harm (Factsaboutbpa, n.d.). It is also used in safety
equipment, such as army gear because of its
strength and shatter resistance (Factsaboutbpa,
n.d.). Because of these features it is also used
many electronic devices (Factsaboutbpa,…

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