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Daniel Ten • “The Battle Behind Every Battle”

Note: As has been his custom throughout his life, we find Daniel in serious prayer and
Review and Introduction fasting. Scholars tell us that he is now about 87 or 88 years old. Daniel realizes that parts
of God’s plan concerning the 2300 years will not be seen in his lifetime, but he wants to
In past lessons we have seen God’s prophetic pattern emerge. In Daniel two, the at least see the start of God’s intervention on behalf of His people. He desires Jerusalem
four kingdoms that would rule the world prior to Christ’s second coming were to be rebuilt as well as the temple, in which every service pointed toward the Messiah.
introduced. In Daniel seven, two new details emerged. First, the papal little horn
and the bad news concerning the dark ages. Second, the good news of God’s Read Daniel 10:4-9
judgment as it relates to God’s people. In Daniel eight the same sequence was
4. What was the special time during which Daniel prayed. Who does Daniel see as
covered, but additional details were given concerning the attack of the papal little
a result of his prayer?
horn as well as the timing of the judgment, or cleansing of God’s heavenly sanc-
tuary. It would occur in the ninteenth century. Finally in Daniel nine, as a result Note: Daniel was praying just after the time of the Passover. The Passover was a yearly
of Daniel’s persistent prayer and Bible study, the Lord revealed the exact start feast that pointed directly to the coming of Christ, the Lamb of God. It had come and
and ending date for the 2300 year prophecy. This is the prophecy he had first gone and the 70 year captivity had not ended. Daniel desired the God of Passover to bring
seen in Daniel eight. Fascinating details about the Christ of the New Covenant about an end to the captivity.
were revealed. These included His baptism and His death on the cross, as well as
the work of the apostles in preaching the gospel to the Jewish nation prior to the Read Revelation 1:12-18
close of their 490 year probationary period. 5. Who is pictured here in Revelation that is similar to the One described in Daniel
In Daniel ten we are introduced to the last great vision of Daniel. Just as in our ten?
last study, we will find Daniel in prayer as the chapter opens. Note: It is Jesus. He is the Son of Man, the Alpha and the Omega, and the One who lives
and was dead and alive forevermore! John is so amazed by what he sees, that he falls at
The key for this lesson: Practice persistent prayer while trusting God concerning his feet as though dead and loses all strength. The same thing happened to Daniel.
the timing of His answer.
Read Matthew 17:1-3,6,7
Read Daniel 10:1
6. What did Jesus look like? What effect did seeing Jesus at this time have on the
1. What was the focus of the message that Daniel received? disciples?
Note: The phrase which was translated as “time appointed” is from a Hebrew word Note: This was what the Bible calls the transfiguration of Jesus. It occurred just prior to
“tsaba” which is more accurately translated as “war” or “battle”. Daniel understood His death and resurrection. His face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as
the fact that the 2300 year vision was indeed “long.” He apparently understands that the light. Just like Daniel, the disciples fell on their faces and were greatly afraid, but Je-
it was also to be seen as a “war” or “battle.” This caused him concern. sus touched them and told them not to be afraid. In all three passages: John, Daniel, and
Matthew–they all fell down as though dead in the light of the splendor of the Son of God.
Read Ezra 1:1-3 But he then touches and strengthens them. Jesus loves us and we need not be afraid of
Him. He wants to strengthen us with His touch!
2. What was going on at this time?
Let’s think about this for a minute. The persistence of Daniel’s prayer allowed him to see
Note: King Cyrus had made a proclamation that God’s people should go home and
a picture of Jesus! Our first spiritual key was for us to establish our connection to God by
rebuild the house of the Lord and this decree was made in the first year of Cyrus. But
giving our heart to Him. Our second spiritual key was learning how to pray and stay in
Daniel realized that if the devil had his way this would never happen. Ezra and Ne-
connection with God. Even to the end of his life, Daniel stayed in connection with God.
hemiah tell all about an intense behind the scenes battle. In the great controversy
The Lord increases our strength so we can pray with this earnestness! We want to look
between good and evil, the spiritual battles are affected by persistent prayer.
behind the scenes and see what was taking so long.

Read Daniel 10:2,3 Read Daniel 10:10-12

3. As a result of Daniel’s concerns, what did he do? 7. What new insight did Gabriel, Daniel’s familiar heavenly friend, bring?
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Note: Many times we may feel that God isn’t answering our prayers. In Daniel’s Note: “Mi” = “who”, “cha” = “as” and “e”l = “God.” So Michael means “one who is as
case, Gabriel was working to answer prayer from the moment it began. God.” Michael is a prince who is in charge of all the angels, the resurrection, as well as
the books, and is “as God.”
Read Daniel 10:13,14
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16
8. What happened to Gabriel? Why hadn’t he arrived the first day of Daniel’s
prayer? 15. Who is the Prince that can resurrect and who is also the ruler of the angels?
Note: There was a struggle behind the scenes between the prince of the kingdom of Note: The Lord Himself descends to earth. He has a voice of an archangel (Notice that
Persia and Gabriel. It was such a struggle that Gabriel had been unable to come to there is only one archangel). This is one of the noisiest texts in the Bible. The voice of the
Daniel for 21 days! It was only after Michael came to help Gabriel, that Gabriel was Archangel is joined by a trumpet and the dead in Christ rise.
able to come and help Daniel understand this vision. What vision was Daniel praying
about? As we shall see in Daniel eleven, it was the most detailed vision Daniel had Read John 5:25-29
yet received. It began in his day and continued to the end of time.
16. According to John, whose voice will be heard at the resurrection?
Read Daniel 10:13,21 Note: The Son of God’s voice! Notice here the two different resurrections: the resurrec-
tion of life, and the resurrection of condemnation. We have seen in Daniel 12:2 the men-
9. Who was Michael?
tion of these two different resurrections. We will study this in another study.
Note: Michael is a prince and upholds Gabriel against the prince of Persia.
Read Isaiah 9:6; Acts 3:15
Read Daniel 12:1,2
17. Who is the Prince?
10. What does Michael the Prince do when the people are in trouble?
Note: Jesus! The Creator of Life and Creator of all created beings, including the angels.
Note: He stands up for His people when they are in trouble. He is in charge of the We have learned that Jesus is our Prince. He is in charge of resurrecting the dead whether
books and has something to do with the resurrection of life or the resurrection of in the resurrection of life or the resurrection of condemnation. He is the one who resur-
death. rected Moses. He is the Judge as we learned in our previous study of Daniel seven, eight,
and nine. He is in charge of the angels. Not only that, He was just as active on behalf of
Read Jude 9 His people in Old Testament times as in the New Testament. (See Micah 5:2; Genesis
11. What is Michael called in this verse?
Note: Michael is called “the archangel” and he is contending with the devil over the Read Daniel 10:13
body of Moses. 18. Who is the prince of Persia?
12. Where is Moses today? Note: It cannot be King Cyrus because in all ancient sources he is called “King Cyrus,
Note: We read in earlier in Matthew 17 that Moses is in heaven. The disciples recog- Great King, King of Babylon, King of Lands”. He is never called a “prince”. This must
nized that it was Moses standing by Jesus. Michael the archangel had asserted His be someone different than King Cyrus. Let’s see who the Bible says is this prince.
power and Moses had been resurrected. Michael is a prince and stands up for His
people when they are in trial and He is in charge of the resurrection as evidenced by Read John 12:31
this resurrection event.
19. Whom did Jesus cast out?
13. What is an archangel?
Note: “Arch” means “chief” or “ruler” of the angels.
Read John 14:30; John 16:10,11; Ephesians 2:1,2

14. What does Michael mean? 20. Who is identified as the prince of Persia?
Note: The prince is none other than Satan, or the devil. As we continue our study of
Daniel, we are beginning to see more clearly the Great Controversy between Christ and
Satan (see Ephesians 6:12). Every leader of every nation is under special attack by the
Page 3 Keys of the Kingdom Study Guides • Daniel 10

forces of evil. These attacks try and manipulate leaders so that Satan can manipulate Read Daniel 10:21
entire nations and kingdoms to go against God’s people. This is all happening behind
the scenes. If the curtain of the spiritual realm could be drawn back, we would see 26. What important detail concerning Daniel’s relationship to Jesus does Gabriel
this spiritual battle. This is what Daniel is fasting and praying about. He doesn’t un- give us?
derstand the vision, and he is in an alien kingdom that has been used by the Lord to
Note: Daniel has been faithful his whole life (he is nearing the end of it). Gabriel shares a
bring correction to his people. The Jews have been in captivity for 70 years and he
very precious phrase with Daniel. He explains that “no one upholds me (Gabriel) against
wonders if his people will be released. He is wondering will the great controversy
these (the prince of darkness) except Michael your Prince.” Who is Michael? He is none
end? Will the great controversy go to good or to evil?
other than the Son of Man, the living Christ.

Read Ezra 1:1,2 The great controversy between Christ and Satan is important to understand, but the most
important thing for us to know is whether or not we have a close personal relationship
21. How many kingdoms of the earth are the Lord’s? with Michael the Prince!
Note: All of them!
Commitment Questions
22. How did the temple become rebuilt in Jerusalem?
• Do you desire to commit yourself to a life of prayer?
Note: This became a reality as the result of Daniel’s prayer. Michael the prince came
to help Gabriel to impress the heart of King Cyrus that he should rebuild the temple • Do you desire Michael to be your Prince?
in Jerusalem. So King Cyrus made a decree to rebuild the Lord’s house.
Suggested Memory Text
23. Does God answer prayer?
Note: Oh yes, indeed! He answers persistent prayer. He stirs up the hearts of kings “But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none
and monarchs, and He will do so today. that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.” Daniel 10:21

Read Daniel 10:14,15 Next Time

24. What was Daniel to understand now? What did he do as a result of his un- In our next study we will dive into a fascinating prophecy. As we have seen before,
derstanding? the prophecies of Daniel use the principle of repeat and enlarge. This prophecy sig-
nificantly enlarges upon the details of the prior prophecies.
Note: What was to come in the latter days of the vision refers to many days in the
future. Gabriel came to help Daniel understand the rest of the 2300 day prophecy.
Review Keys of the Kingdom
Gabriel explained in great detail what was to happen to “your people” (Daniel 9:24-
27), but now we are looking on to the last part of 2300 days and more details are to 1. Giving my heart to God!
be given.
2. Staying connected to Him
Read Daniel 10:16-20 3. Increasing faith by prophecy study
25. What were the next details given? 4. Memorizing and claiming God’s promises
Note: We are seeing the same sequence of kingdoms. Behind each kingdom there 5. Asking for and living in the Spirit
was this great controversy going between the forces of good and the forces of evil.
The “prince of Persia” (Satan) had to be driven back just as the “Prince of Greece” 6. Acting immediately on truth
(Satan) would likewise need to be driven back. This is the same sequence we’ve seen
before as we studied in Daniel two, seven, and eight. We are beginning this prophecy 7. Being sealed by God and used by Him
that will take us all the way through chapter twelve.
8. Allowing God to change me
9. Sending my sins to judgment now
f. Praying for patience and persistence
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g. Restoring my covenant experience by confession and repentance

h. Practice persistent prayer while trusting God

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