Daniel R12

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Daniel Twelve • “From Disappointment to Appointment”

Note: In our study of Daniel seven, we saw that this was the 1260 year time period of the
Introduction little horn, or papal Rome. This was a time during which the Papacy would persecute
God’s faithful remnant. It lasted from 538 AD - to 1798 AD
Our journey in the book of Daniel is almost complete. It has been a rich journey.
Through the study of Daniel’s stories, we have become aware of the spiritual Read Daniel 12:8
keys of the Master. These keys can prepare us for the times of trial and test-
ing–the times God warned us about in the Daniel prophecies. 4. Did Daniel understand all this?

Our final spiritual key is one of perspective: What appears like a “disappoint- Read Daniel 12:9,10
ment” can really be an “appointment,” or opportunity provided by God. What can
help us truly discern the difference? A connection so close with the Master that 5. Who would understood and when?
we begin seeing things from His perspective allowing us to discern the difference Note: The full understanding would come to those who were righteous (“purified,”
between a “disappointment” and an “appointment.” “made white,” and “refined”) at the “time of the end.” The wise would understand, but
not the wicked. The wise are those who go through the time of purifying, being made
Read Daniel 12:4 white and refined.

1. When would some of Daniel’s prophecies be understood? Read Daniel 12:11,12

Note: Daniel is an “end time” book. While Daniel and others throughout history
6. What new time prophecies were now revealed to Daniel?
could understand the stories and the lessons they teach about spiritual victory, some
of the prophecies even Daniel did not initially understand. Some of them, he would Note: The 1290 and the 1335 day prophecies.
never understand. At the end of time, however, “knowledge would increase” con-
cerning Daniel’s prophecies. In addition, people would “run to and fro.” This is refer- 7. When were they to start? (verse 11)
ring to the study of Daniel's prophecies. People would “run to and fro” through the Note: From the time “the daily is taken away” and the “abomination that maketh deso-
Bible in order to put together an understanding of the prophecies. In today’s lesson late” is set up.
we will see how this came true in the mid-nineteenth century.
Read Daniel 8:11,12
Read Daniel 12:5-7
8. Who especially attacked the daily services conducted by Christ in the heavenly
2. What does this passage describe? sanctuary (reference Hebrews 8) and set up an earthly counterfeit?
Note: This is an official ceremony–notice the following components:
Note: As we have already studied, the Papacy attacked the “daily.”
a. Two heavenly beings standing by a river; one on each side
9. What “host” was given to the Papacy that permitted it to attack the daily and set
b. Another man clothed in linen above the river up an earthly counterfeit?
c. The hand of the linen clothed man was raised in a solemn oath Note: This verse indicates that “an army” (host) was “given” to the Papacy. With this
power, they would effectively meet their objectives.
d. The oath has to do with the unsealing or opening of the book of Daniel
According to Daniel 12:7, when would the final time prophecies be unsealed? 10. Who gave an army over to the Papacy at the time of its rise to power?

Note: After God’s people were shattered during the “time and times and half a time,” Note: History points in but one direction: The army of Clovis the Frank. The Pope bap-
all these things (the rest of the prophecies in Daniel) would be “finished.” tized Clovis in 496 AD with the admonition: “Adore that which once thou hast burned
(the Christians).” Clovis used his armies to do just that. In 507 AD, under the direction
3. When was the “time and times and half a time” of Daniel 7:25 completed? of the Papacy, he routed the Visigoths, a tribe who was teaching “heresy.” In 508 AD
they were fully defeated and Clovis was honored by the Pope by being named: “Counsel”
and “Eldest Son of the Church.” The Papacy utilized this new found power to rid itself of
it’s “enemies,” set up a false system of worship (an “abomination”), and “cast truth to the
Page 2 Keys of the Kingdom Study Guides • Daniel 12

ground” (Daniel 8:11,12). This gives us the date for verse 12 when the “daily sacri- Dr. George Bush, professor of Hebrew and oriental literature in the New York City Uni-
fice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate” is set up. This versity, in a letter addressed to William Miller, made some important statements relative
date of 508 AD is earlier than the date of 538 AD of Daniel 7:25 when the saints to his calculation of the prophetic times (published in the Advent Herald and Signs of the
“shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” Times Reporter, Boston, March 6 and 13, 1844). Dr. Bush wrote:
508 AD is thus the start date for the 1290 and 1335 day prophecies of Daniel 12. “Neither is it to be objected, as I conceive, to yourself or your friends, that you have de-
Let’s review the dates and prophecies we’ve already discovered in previous studies voted much time and attention to the study of the chronology of prophecy, and have la-
along with these new prophecies utilizing 508 AD as our start date. bored much to determine the commencing and closing dates of the great periods. If these
periods are actually given by the Holy Ghost in the prophetic books, it was doubtless with
The Time Prophecies of Daniel the design that they, Mede, Sir Isaac Newton, Kirby, Scott, Keith and a host of others
who have long since come to substantially your conclusions on this head. They all agree
that the leading periods mentioned by Daniel and John, do actually expire about this age
2300 yrs (8:14) of the world, and it would be a strange logic that would convict you of heresy for holding
in effect the same views which stand forth so prominent in the notices of these eminent
490 yrs (9) 1335 yrs (12:12) divines. Your results in this field of inquiry do not strike me so far out of the way as to
7yrs 1290 yrs (12:11) affect any of the great interests of truth or duty.” (Emphasis by editor)
1260 yrs (12:7) ENGLAND - Edward Irving, an Englishman came to the conclusion that the prophecies
31/2 31/2 of Daniel pointed to the time of the end. Three hundred ministers in the Church of Eng-
land and six hundred nonconformist ministers began preaching the Second Coming.
27 31 34 508 538 1798 1843
457 BC

1844 AD
Jesus’ death
Jesus’ baptism

“Thomas B. Macaulay, the famous historian and member of parliament, recorded in 1844
Gospel to Gentiles

Clovis’ army used

Papal wound
Papal full power

that the number of those who believed in an imminent return of Christ included men
‘distinguished by rank, wealth, and ability …noblemen,’ he added, ‘and members of par-
liament, have written in defense of it.’” From C. M. Maxwell, Tell it to the World.
What GERMANY - Johann Bengel in Germany almost simultaneously came to the same con-
happened clusion and became a preacher of the Second Coming.
in 1843? SOUTH AMERICA - Manuel de Lacunza, a Roman Catholic priest in South America
wrote under the pen name of Juan Josafa Ben-Ezra. As this Godly man began to study
The “time of the end” thus began in the late 1700’s. At this time God’s people would the prophecies pointing to the time of the end, he came to believe that Jesus was coming
begin to understand the book of Daniel. It would be “unsealed.” In addition, His peo- very, very soon.
ple would be tried and tested around the time of 1843 and 1844. SWEDEN, DENMARK, NORWAY - The public preaching of the word was outlawed in
“But you Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end, many these countries just after 1800. What did God do? He inspired child preachers by the
shall run to and fro and knowledge [of the book of Daniel] shall increase.” Daniel hundreds to proclaim the soon coming of Jesus.
12:4 ASIA - Dr. Joseph Wolf, a Jew converted to Christianity, he believed that Christ was
11. What did people begin to say about the book of Daniel? coming in the early 1800’s. As Joseph had learned about Jesus, he knew that this was no
ordinary man. When he asked his father about it, he was told to never talk about it again.
“About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their atten- That wasn’t good enough for Joseph, and he became a Christian. He became a missionary
tion to the prophecies…” Sir Isaac Newton, 1642-1727 to the world and traveled throughout Asia proclaiming the Second Coming of Jesus.
“In 1818 a recent convert to Christianity came to the shocking conclusion that Jesus SUMMARY - At the end of the 1260 years of Daniel 12:7, a renewed interest in the Sec-
Christ would personally and visibly return to earth to set up His eternal kingdom in ond Coming of Christ swept America and Europe and was felt in the farthest missionary
about twenty five years --- 1843. That conclusion filled William Miller with both joy outposts in Asia and Africa.
and uneasiness.” From George Knight, Millennial Fever, jacket cover.
12. How sincere were these people?
Was William Miller the only one who came to this conclusion? A man named George
Bush, along with others agreed with William Miller on the date! “Hearts were filled with joy and holy excitement as thousands took their stand for Jesus.
Through the preaching of one of the advent preachers, William Miller, the Methodist
Page 3 Keys of the Kingdom Study Guides • Daniel 12

churches gained 40,000 new members and the Baptists 45,000.” From C. Mervyn Read Luke 24:13-21
Maxwell, Tell it to the World.
16. What was the response of the disciples to this event? How did Jesus stay in-
“Dear Sir - Enclosed is my commission as Justice of the Peace, which I have no fur- volved in their lives?
ther use for, believing as I do beyond a doubt that the Lord is coming on the 10th day
(10/22) of the seventh Jewish sacred month 1844.” Note: The disciples had believed that Christ was going to “redeem Israel” in a literal
sense. They believed that He would be the conquering king. When He died they were
“I believe the Lord will come on this seventh month of this sacred year; therefore I do sorely disappointed. Jesus came incognito and walked and talked with them. He listened
not wish to remain Justice of the Peace any longer.” Wm. S. Hershey to their disappointments and discouragement, but did not reveal Himself physically to
“As the date of the present number of the Herald is our last day of publication before them.
the tenth day of the seventh month, we shall make no provision for issuing a paper
for the week following.”Advent Herald Read Luke 24:25-27
“Believing as I most sincerely do, that the Lord Jesus Christ will, in a few days, come 17. What did Jesus finally do?
in the clouds of heaven, I retire from this shop; as I am determined, God being my
helper, that my works shall correspond with my faith.” Newburyport shop owner Note: He gave them a personal Bible study about Himself starting in Genesis and going
through the entire Old Testament.
As a result of their study of Daniel’s prophecies, these people believed that Christ
would return on October 22, 1844, the end of the 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 8:14, Read Luke 24:28-33
and after the end of the 1335 year prophecy of Daniel 12:12. How sweet the message
of Christ’s return was to these sincere people. Thousands had accepted Christ and 18. What happened as a result?
given up all to follow Him.
Note: They came to recognize Him as a result of His Bible study with them. The disap-
13. Was there a bitter aspect to their expectations? (Did Jesus return in 1844?) pointment they experienced turned into an “appointment” and they “rose up that very
hour” to share with others their newfound discovery.
“I waited all Tuesday (October 22), and dear Jesus did not come, -- I waited all the
forenoon of Wednesday… but after 12 o’clock I began to feel faint… my natural As the disappointed believers of 1844 saw what had happened at the time of Christ’s first
strength was leaving me very fast and I lay prostrate for two days without any pain - coming, they took confidence and began to diligently study their Bibles. Perhaps like
sick with disappointment.” Henry Emmons Christ’s disciples, they had misunderstood the Scriptures. Perhaps their “disappointment”
was really an “appointment.”
“Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, and such a spirit of weeping came
over us as I never experienced before. It seemed that the loss of all earthly friends A review of the book of Daniel will give us another illustration of the importance of
could have been no comparison. We wept and wept till the day dawn.” Hiram Edson looking beyond “disappointments” to find God’s “appointments.”
14. How did those people, who were from many different denominations, re-
Chapter Disappointment Appointment
spond when Christ did not return as expected?
There were four responses: Daniel 1 Taken captive 1,500 miles from To demonstrate faith to the whole
home–given all types of things world through obedience under
a. Some gave up religion completely in an attempt to manipulate them the most trying times.
b. Others set new dates for the Second Coming to worship false “gods.”

c. Most churches gave up on the study of “prophecy”

Daniel 2 Threatened with death and To save the lives of those who did
d. Small numbers began searching their Bibles again lumped with those who had no not know God and show the king
real connection with God. the dream God had given him
Let’s look at the findings of those that continued to study the prophecies. revealing 2,500 years of history in
Read Luke 23:45,46,54
15. What happened to Jesus? Daniel 3 To see most of God’s people To stand for God even though
bow down to the false statue, everyone else did not. To see Him
thus rejecting God’s law and face-to-face in the fiery furnace.
bringing worldwide disdain.
Page 4 Keys of the Kingdom Study Guides • Daniel 12

bringing worldwide disdain. face-to-face in the fiery furnace. disappointed, God’s people would
ultimately prevail.
Daniel 4 To study with the king for many To care for the king until he fi-
years, yet not see him make a nally accepted God and came to In each chapter of Daniel, God’s people would experience “disappointments” that were
solid decision for Christ. his senses. really God’s “appointments.” God has always allowed disappointments to purify people
for service for him. The spiritual keys we’ve discovered in this book would keep them in
Daniel 5 To see a young man who had To stand through the judgment constant connection with the Master and as a result, His people and His plan would ulti-
probably been named after him and represent God when the next mately prevail.
prove unfaithful and be de- world power took control. As helpful as these findings were, what finding especially brought hope and clarity? It
stroyed. was their study of Daniel twelve and Revelation ten! It “positioned” their disappointment
and showed them that it was really an “appointment” within time and history.
Daniel 6 To be accused of treason and To stand for God in the lions den
thrown in the lions den–all for and demonstrate his loyalty to Notice the striking parallels they found and the conclusions to which their study of the
not following a law of man that God and the king. Scriptures led:
would have compromised his Daniel 12:4-13 Revelation 10:1-11
walk with God.
Daniel a sealed book (9) An unsealed book seen (2)
Daniel 7 A little horn is seen that would That God’s people would be By a body of water (5) By a body of water (2)
persecute God’s saints and seek faithful until death and would
to have them killed as a result of ultimately be judged worthy and A solemn oath (7) A solemn oath (6)
false laws and judgments. faithful and given the kingdom.
Prophecies (7,11,12) Time prophecies (6)

Daniel 8 The little horn would cast the God’s sanctuary would be “time of the end” (9) “time… no longer” (6)
truth about God and His sanctu- cleansed at the end of time and A trial and test (10) A trial and test (10,11)
ary to the ground. His truth restored.
An appointment to share with the world (11)
Daniel 9 To not understand the 2,300 year To understand the part of the Their “disappointment” was an event foretold by Daniel and John. This was an event that
prophecy and to be over- 2,300 year prophecy that related was to be both sweet and bitter. But praise God, they would find that their “disappoint-
whelmed with the thought that to his people and to see a wonder- ment” really was an “appointment.” Their disappointment was just like that of the disci-
God’s sanctuary on earth would ful picture of the plan of salva- ples in Luke twenty-four and it would lead them on a deep study of the Bible. Through a
never be rebuilt. tion. deep study of Revelation, their understanding and love for Jesus would only grow. The
disappointment had really been a magnificent “appointment.” An “appointment” with Je-
Daniel To be overwhelmed with a sense To be personally ministered unto sus!
10 of the great, behind-the-scenes by Gabriel and Jesus, and to be
struggle between Christ and assured that Michael was his Let Us Summarize
Satan. Prince.
1. Have you sensed that our study of Daniel has been an “appointment” for you?
Daniel To see the carnage and disaster To understand that Christ would Why?
11 that would befall world empires enter human history and thus be
and kings. able to fully deliver His people. 2. Do you desire to share the discoveries you’ve made with others? Who? How?
Daniel To know that he would never To recongnize that at the end of 3. Do you, through additional study, desire to discover more about the Christ of the
12 fully understnd what had been time, a group of people would book of Revelation?
shown to him. understand and enthusiastically
share the book of Daniel with
others. Though tested and often
disappointed, God’s people would
ultimately prevail.
Page 5 Keys of the Kingdom Study Guides • Daniel 12

Suggested Memory Text

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do
wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall under-
stand.” Daniel 12:10

Next Time
We encourage you to continue your exploration of prophecy by studying the
companion book to Daniel: The book of Revelation. A study of Revelation will
enhance your knowledge of the book of Daniel and build upon what you learned
thus far. We would also suggest you continue into deeper studies of Daniel and
share with your friends what you have learned. You now have the basic tools to
understand this fascinating and faith building book.

Review Keys of the Kingdom

1. Giving my heart to God!
2. Staying connected to Him
3. Increasing faith by prophecy study
4. Memorizing and claiming God’s promises
5. Asking for and living in the Spirit
6. Acting immediately on truth
7. Being sealed by God and used by Him
8. Allowing God to change me
9. Sending my sins to judgment now
10. Praying for patience and persistence
11. Restoring my covenant experience by confession and repentance
12. Practicing persistent prayer while trusting God
13. Trusting God to handle my life’s details
14. Discerning God’s appointment in what seems like a disappointment

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