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Student Guide
Week Thirteen: Opportunities in Physical Education
This week, you will read and answer questions about different ways physical education
is taught, the importance of physical education, and how strategy and tactics can be
used in physical education.
Day One: Physical Literacy
Read pages 423–424 in the Fitness for Life textbook. Answer the following questions in
your Fitness Notebook as you read:
1. What five goals has the physically literate person met?
2. Which approach has more psychological benefits, fitness education or sport
education? How?
3. Which approach has more social support opportunities, fitness education or sport
education? Describe why.

Fitness Notebook
Choose any physical activity to perform. Be sure to properly warm up before the activity
and cool down afterward. Select an activity such as jogging, lifting weights, playing a
sport, or another activity where you are continually moving for at least 30 minutes.

Day Two: High-Quality Physical Education

Read pages 425–427 in the Fitness for Life textbook. Answer the following questions in
your Fitness Notebook as you read:
1. What qualities do you think help make a team successful?

Fitness Notebook
Choose any physical activity to perform. Be sure to properly warm up before the activity
and cool down afterward. Select an activity such as jogging, lifting weights, playing a
sport, or another activity where you are continually moving for at least 30 minutes.

Day Three: Strategy and Tactics

Read pages 429–432 in the Fitness for Life textbook. Answer the following questions in
your Fitness Notebook as you read.
1. If you needed to learn about the most successful way to win a soccer match, what
should your first step be?
2. Once you have completed the first step in finding out about the most successful
way to win a soccer match, what is your next step?
3. Why do you need a plan to create a strategy?

Fitness Notebook
Choose any physical activity to perform. Be sure to properly warm up before the activity
and cool down afterward. Select an activity such as jogging, lifting weights, playing a
sport, or another activity where you are continually moving for at least 30 minutes.

Day Four: Cooperative Games

Read page 434 in the Fitness for Life textbook. Answer the following questions in your
Fitness Notebook as you read:
1. How can cooperative games help build respect for differences among people?
2. Have you ever played a cooperative game or completed a cooperative project?
How did you like the interactions with group members?

Fitness Notebook
Choose at least one cooperative game to participate in. Select a game such as playing
catch, foot-bagging, or another activity you participate in with at least one other person.

Day Five: Interview

Interview a family member.

1. Who did you interview?

2. What group activity/sport (name the activity) did they do as a kid?
3. How old were they when they played this group activity/sport?
4. What equipment was needed to play the group activity/sport?
5. What benefits did they get from the activity/sport (examples could be of
character, physical, psychological, social attributes, etc.)?

Fitness Notebook
Choose any physical activity to perform. Be sure to properly warm up before the activity
and cool down afterward. Select an activity such as jogging, lifting weights, playing a
sport, or another activity where you are continually moving for at least 30 minutes.

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