Current Perspective in Training and Development

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Current Perspective in Training and Development


Current Perspective in Training and Development

It is hardly surprising that today's most popular method of information consumption is a

mobile phone, given how prevalent they are becoming. The paper intends to analyze different

reasons for starting mobile device training within our organization.

Content creation

One way to create excitement is to have your employees create content. IBM has internal

software that allows all employees to post podcasts. The organization has published guidelines

and trusts its employees to use good judgment. Alexis Conelias, a trainer at IBM, uses the tool to

post podcasts for sales and solution coaching and training for the sales team globally (Agnvall,

2006). Alexis could advertise the 'Xseries’ to her target audience

Anytime – anywhere learning

Flexibility is the beauty of mobile learning. According to James Hunisicker, manager of

sales education at EMC corp., many sales representatives in the field say that the best time to

train is while in the car (Agnvall, 2006). These employees can download the files into their

mobile devices and listen to them as they drive conveniently.


Training content posted on mobile devices will be available in the present and the future.

EMC sales and solution training manager James Hunsicker says that it’s easy for sales reps to get

training courses when they want them from their mobile devices (Agnvall, 2006). Mobile

devices will allow employees to access information easily and quickly.


Mobile device training is cheaper compared to traditional classroom-based training.

Jenna Sweeney, the president of CramerSweeney Instructional Design, says that it is an

inexpensive way to broadcast information to train employees as they can access it from

anywhere (Weinstein, 2013). Trainees can use their mobile devices to prepare, eliminating the

need for trainers to provide technology.


Mobile gadgets are portable, enable trainees to advance themselves at their own pace, and

promise to become more effective teaching tools in the future. Encouraging the use of mobile

devices in the workplace can help grow the learning culture.



Agnvall, E. (2006, May 1). Just-in-Time training. SHRM.

Weinstein, M. (2013, September 18). To BYOD or not to BYOD. Training Magazine.

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