ME-577 Syllabus

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ME 577 Syllabus semester-211 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME-577 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials
First Semester 2020- 2021 (211)

Mission Statement of the Mechanical Engineering Department: The Department is

committed to providing highest quality education in mechanical engineering, conducting world-
class basic and applied research, addressing the evolving needs of industry and society, and
supporting the development of more competitive and new industry in the Kingdom of Saudi

Instructor Dr. Usman Ali

Contact Office 68-104 Ext. 2575
Office Hours Email me to schedule a quick zoom 1-on-1 meeting
or for all quick inquiries

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing

Norman E. Dowling, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 4th edition, Pearson International, 2013.

Course Description
Review of basic mechanical testing, elastic deformation, stress transformation and static failure theories.
Fracture mechanics. Stress-based fatigue for smooth and notched members. Fatigue crack growth.
Modeling and analysis of plastic deformation. Strain-based fatigue.

Course Objectives
1. To develop the student’s ability to understand and apply the definitions of stress and strain in three
dimensions along with the application of simple constitutive laws.
2. To teach students basic behavior of materials under mechanical loading and properties including
tensile, fatigue, and fracture.
3. To train students to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems involving resistance to plastic
deformation, fatigue, and fracture.

 Assignments must be submitted online (blackboard) on/before the due date.
 Use of software (Excel, Matlab, or any similar software) is required for some problems

 The choice of the project topic is open to students
 The project could be numerical, theoretical, experimental, and/or a comprehensive study on a
certain topic/problem.
 Students are encouraged to choose a topic related to their interests and background.

ME 577 Syllabus semester-211 King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Lecture Topics

Chapter Lecture Topic
Lecture Hours
- Introduction 1

5 Stress-Strain Relationships and Behavior 1

6 Review of Complex and Principal States of Stress and Strain 2

7 Yielding and Fracture under Combined Stresses 2

8 Fracture of Cracked Members 5

9 Fatigue of Materials: Stress-Based Approach 6

10 Stress-Based Approach to Fatigue: Notched Members 3

11 Fatigue Crack Growth 4

14 Strain-Based Approach to Fatigue 5

Grading System

Assessment Weight Location Date Time

Assignments 25% Take home - -
Project 20% -
Midterm Exam 20% In Class TBA TBA
Final Exam 30% TBA TBA TBA
Participation 5% In Class

Grading Breakdown

A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F
> 90 > 85 > 80 > 75 > 70 > 65 > 60 > 55 50 >

Attendance and Discipline Policy

Attendance is MANDATORY and will be checked at the beginning of each lecture. Late coming is not
encouraged as it disturbs students and instructor. One (1) late coming will be counted as one (1) absence.
Excuses for absence should be approved by the Deanship of Student Affairs and submitted to the
instructor within a week following the last day of absence or it will not be accepted. More than 6 un-
excused absences will result in DN grade.

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