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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971.



This is a Complete Answer Key for the book Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang.
It was created with the sole purpose of helping students find a more or
less reliable source for solutions to the exercises proposed in the book.

Created by Renato de Melo.

Last modified: 2023-12-14


2 Linear Equations
[The exercises with numbers in bold show answers to the 'selected
exercises' from the book itself; the others show my own answers.]
E XERCISES 12, 13 AND 16: In Chapter 2, §1, the author suggests solving
these three exercises by means of two unknowns.

12. A plane travels 3,000 mi in 4 hr. When the wind is favorable, the plane
averages 900 mph. When the wind is unfavorable, the plane averages
500 mph. During how many hours was the wind favorable?
Let t f denote the length of time the plane travels with favorable wind,
and t u with unfavorable wind. Then we have the first equation:

(1) t f + t u = 4 hr .
The distance covered in favorable wind is 900t f and in unfavorable wind is
500t u . Then the second equation is:

(2) 900t f + 500t u = 3,000 mi.

The first equation is multiplied by − 500, then the system is as follows:

− 500t f − 500t u = − 2,000,

900t f + 500t u = 3,000.

Adding the equations member by member, we get

400t f + 0t u = 1,000 ⇔ t f = hr.

There is a straightforward and safer way of solving a system, even in

three unknowns (see Chapter 2, §2): the substitution technique.

Firstly, develop an expression determining one of the unknowns (say t u )

in function of the other ( t f ) from (1) or (2):

Chapter 2 - § 1 Page 1 out of 13

Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

(3) tu = 4 − tf .
Secondly, substitute t u in (2) to find the value for x:

900t f + 500 ( 4 − t f ) = 3,000 ⇔ 400t f = 1,000 ⇔ t f = hr .
SAME EQUATION FROM WHICH YOU DERIVED IT, because you will end up with
something like 0 = 0 (any other result means your calculation is wrong).
For example, if we substitute t u in (1), we get

tf + ( 4 − tf ) = 4
t f − t f + 4 = 4 ⇔ 0 = 0.
Thirdly, substitute t f in (3), or in (1), or in (2), whichever is more
convenient, to find the value for t u (although this step is not really
necessary, for the purpose of this exercise):
5 7
tu = 4 − ⇔ tu = .
3 3
Note that the calculation is much simpler with this approach, so the
probability of miscalculation decreases. This example may feel such a
technique does not change things a lot, but there are cases it does help
avoid miscalculation. Picking the right equation is the main point to make
things easier and practice is the only help. In the following exercises, both
techniques are applied in order to show that.

13. Tickets for a performance sell at $5.00 and $2.00. The total amount
collected was $4,100, and there are 1,300 tickets in all. How many tickets
of each price were sold?
The rationale for this exercise is the same as for Exercise 12.
Let t 2 denote the quantity of tickets sold at $2.00, and t 5 the quantity of
tickets sold at $5.00. Then we have the first equation:
(1) t 2 + t 5 = 1,300 tickets.
The total amount collected from selling tickets at $2.00 is 2t 2 and from
selling tickets at $5.00 is 5t 2 . Then the second equation is:

(2) 2t 2 + 5t 5 = $4,100.

The first equation is multiplied by − 2, then the system is as follows:

− 2t 2 − 2t 5 = − 2,600,

2t 2 + 5t 5 = 4,100.

Adding the equations member by member, we get

Chapter 2 - § 1 Page 2 out of 13

Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

0t 2 + 3t 5 = 1,500 ⇔ t 5 = 500 tickets.

500 tickets at $5.00 and 800 tickets at $2.00.

SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining t 2 in function of t 5 from (1):

(3) t 2 = 1,300 − t 5 .
STEP 2. Substituting t 2 in (2) to find the value for t 5 :

2 ( 1,300 − t 5 ) + 5t 5 = 4,100 ⇔ 3t 5 = 1,500 ⇔ t 5 = 500 tickets.

STEP 3. Substituting t 5 in (3) to find the value for t 2 :

t 2 = 1,300 − 500 = 800 tickets.

16. A boat travels a distance of 500 mi, along two rivers, for 50 hr. The
current goes in the same direction as the boat along one river, and then
the boat averages 20 mph. The current goes in the opposite direction
along the other river, and then the boat averages 8 mph. During how
many hours was the boat on the first river?
The rationale for this exercise is the same as for Exercise 12.
Let t 1 denote the length of time the boat was on the first river, and t 2 on
the second river. Then we have the first equation:
(1) t 1 + t 2 = 50 hr.
The distance covered along the first river is 20t 1 and along the second
river is 8t 2 . Then the second equation is:

(2) 20t 1 + 8t 2 = 500 mi.

The first equation is multiplied by − 8, then the system is as follows:

− 8t 1 − 8t 2 = − 400,

20t 1 + 8t 2 = 500.

Adding the equations member by member, we get

12t 1 + 0t 2 = 100 ⇔ t 1 = hr ≅ 8.33... hr ≅ 8 hr 20 min.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining t 2 in function of t 1 from (1):

(3) t 2 = 50 − t 1 .

STEP 2. Substituting t 2 in (2) to find the value for t 1 :

Chapter 2 - § 1 Page 3 out of 13

Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

20t 1 + 8 ( 50 − t 1 ) = 500 ⇔ 12t 1 = 100 ⇔ t 1 = hr.
STEP 3. Substituting t 1 in (3) to find the value for t 2 :

25 125
t 2 = 50 − . t2 = hr.
3 3


E XERCISES 1 TO 8: The book gives only the numerical solution to the
exercises (stressed in bold); the extra information is my own.
Solve the following systems of equations for x and y .

1. 2x − y = 3 (1)
x + y = 2 (2)
Adding the equations member by member, we get
3x + 0y = 5 ⇔ x = .
Substituting x in (2), we get
5 1
+ y = 2 ⇔ y = .
3 3
5 1
x = and y = .
3 3
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining y in function of x from (2):
(3) y = − x + 2.
STEP 2. Substituting y in (1) to find the value for x :
2x − ( − x + 2 ) = 3 ⇔ 3x = 5 ⇔ x = .
STEP 3. Substituting x in (3) to find the value for y :
5 1
y= − + 2 ⇔ y= .
3 3

2. − 4x + 7y = − 1 (1)
x − 2y = − 4 (2)
Multiplying the second equation by 4 ( 4x − 8y = − 16 ) and adding the
equations member by member, we get
0x − y = − 17 ⇔ y = 17.
Substituting y in (2), we get
x − ( 2 ∙ 17 ) = − 4 ⇔ x = 30.

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

x = 30 and y = 17.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
(3) x = 2y − 4.
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
− 4 ( 2y − 4 ) + 7y = − 1 ⇔ − y = − 17 ⇔ y = 17.
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
x = 2 ∙ 17 − 4 = 30.

3. 3x + 4y = − 2 (1)
− 2x − 3y = 1 (2)
Multiplying the first equation by 2 ( 6x + 8y = − 4 ) and the second
equation by 3 ( − 6x − 9y = 3 ), and then adding the equations member by
member, we get
0x − y = − 1 ⇔ y = 1.
Substituting y in (2), we get
− 2x − ( 3 ∙ 1 ) = 1 ⇔ x = − 2.
x = −2 and y = 1.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
−3y − 1
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:

3 ∙ ( − 3 y2 − 1 ) + 4y = − 2 ⇔
−9y − 3
+ 4y = − 2 ⇔

⇔ − 9y − 3 + 8y = − 4 ⇔ y = 1.
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
−3•1 − 1
x = = 2.

4. − 3x + 2y = − 1 (1)
x − y = 2 (2)
Multiplying the second equation by 3 ( 3x − 3y = 6 ) and adding the
equations member by member, we get
0x − y = 5 ⇔ y = − 5.
Substituting y in (2), we get
x − ( − 5 ) = 2 ⇔ x = − 3.

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

x = −3 and y = − 5.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
(3) x = 2 + y.
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
− 3 ( 2 + y ) + 2y = − 1 ⇔ − y = 5 ⇔ y = − 5.
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
x = 2 + ( − 5 ) = − 3.

5. − 3x + y = 0 (1)
x − y = 1 (2)
Adding the equations member by member, we get
− 2x + 0y = 1 ⇔ x = − .
Substituting x in (2), we get
1 3
− − y = 1 ⇔ y =− .
2 2
1 3
x =− and y =− .
2 2
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
(3) x = 1 + y.
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
− 3 ( 1 + y ) + y = 0 ⇔ − 2y = 3 ⇔ y = − .
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
3 1
x = 1 + (− ) = − .
2 2

6. 3x + 7y = 0 (1)
x − y = 0 (2)
Multiplying the second equation by 7 ( 7x − 7y = 0 ) and adding the
equations member by member, we get
10x + 0y = 0 ⇔ x = 0.
Substituting x in (2), we get
0 − y = 0 ⇔ y = 0.

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

x = 0 and y = 0.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
(3) x = y.
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
3 ( y ) + 7y = 0 ⇔ 10y = 0 ⇔ y = 0.
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
x = 0.

7. 7x − y = 2 (1)
2x + 2y = 4 (2)
Simplify the second equation by dividing both members by 2 ( x + y = 2 ).
Adding the equations member by member, we get
8x + 0y = 4 ⇔ x = .
Substituting x in the (simplified) second equation, we get
1 3
+ y = 2 ⇔ y = .
2 2
1 3
x = and y = .
2 2
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from the (simplified) second
(3) x = 2 − y.
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
7 ( 2 − y ) − y = 2 ⇔ − 8y = − 12 ⇔ y = .
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
3 1
x = 2 − = .
2 2

8. − 4x − 7y = 5 (1)
2x + y = 6 (2)
Multiplying the second equation by 7 ( 14x + 7y = 42 ) and adding the
equations member by member, we get
10x + 0y = 47 ⇔ x = .

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

Substituting x in (2), we get

47 17
(2 ∙ ) + y = 6 ⇔ y =− .
10 5
47 17
x = and y =− .
10 5
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (2):
6 − y
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (1) to find the value for y:
− y
−4 ∙ (6 2
) − 7y = 5 ⇔ − 10y = 34 ⇔ y =−

STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:

− 17
6 − ( ) 17 47
x = = 3 + = .
2 10 10

9. Let a, b, c, d be numbers such that ad − bc ≠ 0. Solve the following

systems of equations for x and y in terms of a, b, c, d .
a) ax + by = 1 (1)
cx + dy = 2 (2)
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = d − 2b, whence
x = ( d − 2b ) / ( ad − bc ).
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = 2a − c, whence
y = { 2a − c ) / ( ad − bc ).
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):
−by + 1
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − b ya + 1 ) + dy = 2 ⇔ − cby + c + ady = 2a

2a − c
y = .
ad − bc

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:

2a − c
−b( ) + 1 − b(2a − c) + a d − bc
ad − bc
x = =
a a(a d − bc)
−2ab + bc + ad − bc a( −2b + d)
= =
a(a d − b c) a(ad − bc)
d − 2b
= .
ad − bc
b) ax + by = 3 (1)
cx + dy = − 4 (2)
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = 3d + 4b, whence
x = ( 3d + 4b ) / ( ad − bc ).
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = − 4a − 3c, whence
y = − { 4a + 3c ) / ( ad − bc ).
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):
−by + 3
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − b ya + 3 ) + dy = − 4 ⇔ − cby + 3c + ady = − 4a

−(4 a + 3c)
y = .
ad − bc
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
−(4a + 3c)
−b( ) + 3 b(4 a + 3c) + 3(a d − b c)
ad − bc
x = =
a a(ad − bc)
4ab + 3bc + 3ad − 3bc a(4b + 3d)
= =
a(ad − bc) a(a d − b c)
4b + 3d
= .
ad − bc

c) ax + by = − 2 (1)

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

cx + dy = 3 (2)
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = − 2d − 3b, whence
x = − ( 2d + 3b ) / ( ad − bc ).
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = 3a + 2c, whence
y = { 3a + 2c ) / ( ad − bc ).
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):
−by − 2
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − b ya − 2 ) + dy = 3 ⇔ − cby − 2c + ady = 3a

3a + 2c
y = .
ad − bc
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
3a + 2c
−b( ) − 2 − b(3a + 2c) − 2(ad − bc)
ad − bc
x = =
a a(a d − bc)
−3ab − 2bc − 2ad + 2bc −a(3 b + 2d)
= =
a(a d − b c) a(a d − b c)
−(3 b + 2 d)
= .
ad − bc
d) ax + by = 5 (1)
cx + dy = 7 (2)
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = 5d − 7b, whence
x = ( 5d − 7b ) / ( ad − bc ).
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = 7a − 5c, whence
y = { 7a − 5c ) / ( ad − bc ).

SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):

−by + 5
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − b ya + 5 ) + dy = 7 ⇔ − cby + 5c + ady = 7a

7a − 5c
y = .
ad − bc
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
7a − 5c
−b( ) + 5 − b(7a − 5c) + 5(ad − bc)
ad − bc
x = =
a a(a d − bc)
−7ab + 5bc + 5ad − 5bc a (− 7 b + 5 d )
= =
a(a d − b c) a(a d − b c)
−7b + 5d
= .
ad − bc

10. Making the same assumptions as in Exercise 9, show that the solution of
the system
(1) ax + by = 0,
(2) cx + dy = 0,
must be x = 0 and y = 0.
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = 0d − 0b, whence
x = ( 0d − 0b ) / ( ad − bc ) = 0.
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = 0a − 0c, whence
y = { 0a − 0c ) / ( ad − bc ) = 0.
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):
−by + 0
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − ab y ) + dy = 0 ⇔ − cby + 0c + ady = 0a

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0a − 0c
y = = 0.
ad − bc
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
− 0b + 0
x = = 0.

11. Let a, b, c, d, u, v be numbers and assume that ad − bc ≠ 0. Solve the

following system of equations for x and y in terms of a, b, c, d, u, v .
(1) ax + by = u,
(2) cx + dy = v.
Multiply the first equation by d and the second by b. Subtract each side
of the second equation from the corresponding side of the first. The
terms with y cancel, and you get adx − bcx = ud − vb, whence
x = ( ud − vb ) / ( ad − bc ).
Multiply the first equation by c and the second by a. Subtract the first
from the second. The terms with x cancel, and you get
ady − bcy = va − uc, whence
y = { va − uc ) / ( ad − bc ).
SUBSTITUTION TECHNIQUE (see Exercise 12 above)
STEP 1. Determining x in function of y from (1):
−by + u
(3) x = .
STEP 2. Substituting x in (2) to find the value for y:

c ∙ ( − b ya + u ) + dy = v ⇔ − cby + uc + ady = va

va − uc
y = .
ad − bc
STEP 3. Substituting y in (3) to find the value for x:
va − uc
−b( ) + u − b(v a − u c) + u(ad − bc)
ad − bc
x = =
a a(a d − b c)
−vab + ubc + uad − ubc a (− v b + u d )
= =
a(ad − bc) a(ad − bc)
−vb + ud
= .
ad − bc
Verify that the answer you get is actually a solution.
I suppose this warning is meant for all exercises above, because it is
stated at the end of the list of exercises, but I developed such
verification for the last one only, as it is a general procedure.

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Lang, Serge − Basic Mathematics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc. 1st ed., 1971. COMPLETE ANSWER KEY

Verifying the answer by substituting the values of x and y in the first

ud − vb va − uc
a ∙ + b ∙ = u
ad − bc ad − bc
a ( ud − vb ) + b ( va − uc )
ad − bc
aud − avb + bva − buc
ad − bc
u ( ad − bc )
= = u.
ad − bc
Verification must be performed in both equations in order to avoid
delivering wrong solutions, because sometimes miscalculation can lead to a
correct answer from one equation but not from the other. The procedure is
just the same.
ud − vb va − uc
c ∙ + d ∙ = v
ad − bc ad − bc
c ( ud − vb ) + d ( va − uc )
ad − bc
cud − cvb + dva − duc
ad − bc
v ( ad − bc )
= = v.
ad − bc

Chapter 2 - § 1 Page 13 out of 13

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