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Network+ Guide
to Networks,
Ninth Edition

Module 3: Addressing
Module Objectives
By the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Work with MAC addresses

2. Configure TCP/IP settings on a computer, including IP address, subnet mask, default

gateway, and DNS servers

3. Identify the ports of several common network protocols

4. Describe domain names and the name resolution process

5. Use command-line tools to troubleshoot common network problems

Summary of How the Layers Work Together
Reformatting , compressing, encrypting

Data recovery; data between applications is shared

Addressing Overview
• There are four addressing methods:

1. Layer 2 - Data link layer MAC (Media Access Control)

address is 48 bits, written as six hex numbers separated
by colons Hexadecimal numbers are
represented by only 16 symbols.
• as in 00:60:8C:00:54:99 These symbols or values are 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F.
• It is also called a physical address
• MAC addresses are embedded on every NIC in the
Addressing Overview
2. Layer 3 - Network layer IP (Internet Protocol Address)
address can be used to find any computer in the
• IPv4 addresses
▶ have 32 bits

▶ written as 4 decimal numbers called octets

octets 8 bits
▶ Ex.
Addressing Overview

• IPv6 addresses
▶ have 128 bits

▶ written as 8 blocks of hexadecimal number

▶ Ex. 2001:0DB8:0B80:0000:0000:00D3:9C 5A:00CC

• Each block contains 16 bits
Addressing Overview
• Layer 4 -Transport layer port numbers are used to find applications.
• Ex. Port 80, Port 443

• Layer 7- Application layer FQDNs, computer names, and host names

• Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) – a unique character-based
• Ex., and
Domain Name- matches the
Host Name- identifies the server.Ex Web organization’s domain or
server; ftp server etc. network
Who assign the addresses?
• IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - organization
responsible for tracking the assignments of IP addresses, port
numbers, and domain names ( is pronounced “I–anna”).
• IANA is a department of ICANN
• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
(ICANN) - nonprofit organization charged with setting many
policies that guide how the Internet works.
• For more information:
• and
Addresses assigned to
a Device

• Two primary addresses:

• Physical address (the MAC address) – Used for NIC-to-
L2 DATA LINK NIC communications on the same Ethernet network.
• Logical address (the IP address) – Used to send the
packet from the source device to the destination device.
L3 NETWORK The destination IP address may be on the same IP
network as the source, or it may be on a remote
MAC Addresses
• Traditional MAC addresses contain
two parts
• The first 24 bits are known as the
OUI (Organizationally Unique
Identifier) or manufacturer-ID
• This part is assigned by the
• The last 24 bits make up the
extension identifier or device ID
• Manufacturer’s assign each NIC
a unique device ID
MAC Addresses
• Switches use MAC addresses to identify devices on the local
area network
Check TCP/IP settings on your Windows computer, complete the following steps:
1. Click start and then click the settings gear icon. Click Network & Internet. Alternatively, you can right-click the
active network connection icon on the right side of your taskbar near the date and time (see Figure 3-6) and then
click open Network & Internet settings.
2. Click Network Status: properties and scroll down to the IP settings and Properties sections. Figure 3-7 shows
• the TCP/IP settings, including IP assignment source (Automatic from DHCP),
• IPv6 and IPv4 addresses,
• DNS servers, and
• Physical address (MAC).
You probably have the Automatic (DHCP) option enabled, which dynamically assigns an IP address from a DHCP
server. The Properties section shows:
• your IP address,
• MAC address, and
• DNS (Domain Name Service) servers.
CLI (command line interface): ipconfig reports

To see the additional information ipconfig reports, complete the

following steps:
• Open a PowerShell or Command Prompt window and enter
ipconfig. What are your IPv4 address, subnet mask, and
default gateway settings for your active network connection?
Notice that ipconfig by itself does not output the MAC address.
You must use the /all parameter to see the MAC

Demo: Hands-On Projects – CP 3-2: Build a MAC Address Table

in Packet Tracer
IP Addresses
• An IPv4 address identifies a computer on the network.
• A host needs an IPv4 address to participate on the internet and almost all LANs
• Every packet sent across the internet has a source and destination IPv4 address.
• This information is required by networking devices to ensure the information gets
to the destination and any replies are returned to the source.

• There are two types of IP addresses:

• IPv4 is a 32-bit address
• IPv6 is a 128-bit address
IPv4 Addresses
• The IPv4 address is a logical network address that identifies a particular host. It must be properly
configured and unique within the LAN, for local communication. It must also be properly configured and
unique in the world, for remote communication.
• An IPv4 address is assigned to the network interface connection for a host. This connection is usually a
network interface card (NIC) installed in the device.
• Some servers can have more than one NIC and each of these has its own IPv4 address.
• Every packet sent across the internet has a source and destination IPv4 address. This information is
required by networking devices to ensure the information gets to the destination and any replies are
returned to the source.

• A 32-bit IPv4 address is organized into four groups of 8 bits each (known as octets):
• Ex. Here is an IPv4 address in binary:11010001101001011100100000000001
• Each of the four octets can be any number from 0 to 255
• Some IP addresses are reserved
• Example of an IPv4 address:
IPv4 Addresses

• The logical 32-bit IPv4 address is hierarchical and is

made up of two parts, the network, and the host.
• The first three octets, (192.168.5), identify the
network portion of the address.
• The last octet, (11) identifies the host.
• This is known as hierarchical addressing because
the network portion indicates the network on
which each unique host address is located.
The IPv4 Address Structure

IPv4 Addresses
Static IP addresses are assigned manually by the network administrator
Dynamic IP addresses are automatically assigned by a DHCP server
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server – manages the dynamic distribution of IP addresses to
devices on a network.
Static IPv4 Address Assignment
Dynamic IPv4 Address Assignment
Public and Private IPv4 Addresses
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

The IANA recommends the following IP addresses be used

for private networks:
• through –For large
• through For Medium
sized organizations
• through -For small
organizations or home use
Users are assigned IP addresses by
Internet service providers (ISPs).

Private IP Addresses help protect the

limited amount of Public IP Addresses
IPv4 Addresses
Before the ISP can forward this
packet, it must translate the source
IPv4 address, which is a private
address, to a public IPv4 address
using Network Address Translation
(NAT). NAT is used to translate
between private IPv4 and public
IPv4 addresses. This is usually done
on the router that connects the
internal network to the ISP
network. Private IPv4 addresses in
the organization’s intranet will be
translated to public IPv4 addresses
before routing to the internet.
IPv4 Addresses
Network Address Translation (NAT) is a technique designed to conserve
public IP addresses needed by a network
• Address translation is a process where a gateway device substitutes the private
IP addresses with its own public address
• When these computers need access to other networks or Internet
Two variations of NAT to be aware of:
• SNAT (Source Network Address Translation) - the gateway assigns the same
public IP address to a host each time it makes a request to access the Internet
• DNAT (Dynamic Network Address Translation) - the gateway has a pool of public
address that it is free to assign to a local host when it makes a request to access
the Internet
IPv6 Addresses
• That is why you need to learn about IPv6:
• An IPv6 address has 128 bits written as eight blocks of hexadecimal numbers
separated by colons
• Ex: 2001:0000:0B80:0000:0000:00D3:9C5A:00CC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• Each block is 16 bits
• Leading zeros in a four-character hex block can be eliminated
• If blocks contain all zeroes, they can be written as double colons (::), only one
set of double colons is used in an IP address
• Therefore, above example can be written two ways:
• 2001::B80:0000:0000:D3:9C5A:CC
• 2001:0000:B80::D3:9C5A:CC (this is the preferred method because it
contains the fewest zeroes)
IPv6 Addresses

• Allow for more public IP addresses on the

• Improve routing capabilities
• Improve speed of communication over
the established IPv4 standards
Types of IPv6 Addresses
IPv6 supports these three types of IP addresses, classified by
how the address is used:
• Unicast address - specifies a single node on a network
• Multicast address – delivers packets to all nodes in a targeted,
multicast group.
• Anycast address - can identify multiple destinations, with
packets delivered to the closest destination

• With IPv4 broadcasting,

messages are sent to
every node on a network.
• IPv6 reduces network
traffic by eliminating

• Multicast networking is
based on the simple
concept that a
single packet can be
sent by a server and it
will be received by many
receivers. Multicast is
different from broadcast
because it’s more


• can identify multiple

destinations, with packets
delivered to the closest
• A router handling the
request examines routes to
all the DNS servers in the
group and routes the
request to the closest

• Specifies a single node on a

Types of IPv6 Addresses
Ports and Sockets
• A port is a number assigned to a process that can receive
• Port numbers ensure data is transmitted to the correct
process among multiple processes running on a single
• A socket consists of host’s IP address and the port number of
an application running on the host
• A colon separates the two values
• Example -
IP address Port

Ports and Sockets
• Port numbers are divided into
three types:
• Well-known ports - 0 to 1023-
Telnet-23, FTP-21,HTTP-80
• Registered ports - 1024 to
49151- increase security
• Dynamic and private ports -
49152 to 65535 – for use
without restriction.
• TCP & UDP ensure that data is
transmitted to the correct process
running on a single device.
Ports and Sockets
Socket Pairs

The source and destination ports are

placed within the segment. The segments
are then encapsulated within an IP packet.
The IP packet contains the IP address of
the source and destination. The
combination of the source IP address and
source port number, or the destination IP
address and destination port number is
known as a socket.

LAB: Instalación de un DB Server

Domain Names and DNS
• Character-based names are easier to remember than numeric IP
• A URL (uniform resource locator) is an addressing scheme that
identifies where to find a particular resource on a network— web
• Last part of an FQDN is called the top-level domain (TLD)
• Domain names must be registered with an Internet naming
authority that works on behalf of ICANN
• ICANN restricts what type of hosts can be associated
with .arpa, .mil, .int, .edu, and .gov
• Name resolution is the process of discovering the IP address of a
host when you know the FQDN

• A URI is a string of characters that identifies a specific network resource. As shown in the
figure, a URI has two specializations:
• Uniform Resource Name (URN) - This identifies only the namespace of the resource (web
page, document, image, etc.) without reference to the protocol.
• Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - This defines the network location of a specific resource
on the network. HTTP or HTTPS URLs are typically used with web browsers. Other
protocols such as FTP, SFTP, SSH, and others can be used as a URL.
• Protocol/scheme - HTTPS or other protocols such as FTP, SFTP, mailto, and NNTP
• Parts of a URI:
▶ Hostname - w​

▶ Path and file name - /author/book.html

▶ Fragment - #page155
Domain Names and DNS
• DNS is an Application layer client-server system of
computers and databases made up of these elements:
• Namespace - the entire collection of computer names
and their associated IP addresses stored in databases
on DNS name servers around the globe
• Name servers - hold databases, which are organized
in a hierarchical structure
• Resolvers - a DNS client that requests information
from DNS name servers
Name Servers
• Four common types of DNS servers:
• Primary DNS server – the authoritative name server for the organization
• Holds the authoritative DNS database for the organization’s zones
• Secondary DNS server – backup authoritative name server for the
• Caching DNS server – accesses the public DNS data and caches the DNS
information it collects
• Forwarding DNS server – receives queries from local clients but doesn’t work
to resolve the queries
• Any of these DNS server types can co-exist on the same machine
• DNS name servers are organized in a hierarchical structure
• At the root level, 13 clusters of root DNS servers hold information used to locate
top-level domain (TLD) servers
Namespace Databases
• Each organization that provides host services is responsible
for providing and maintaining its own DNS authoritative
servers for public access
• An authoritative name server is the authority on computer
names and their IP addresses for computers in their domains
• The domains that the organization is responsible for managing
are called a DNS zone
Name Servers
Troubleshooting Tools
• Command-line tools are a great resource to troubleshoot network
• ping (Packet Internet Groper) utility is used to verify that TCP/IP is:
• Installed
• Bound to the NIC
• Configured correctly
• Communicating with the network
• The ping utility sends out a signal called an echo request to another
device (request for a response)
• The other computer responds in the form of an echo reply
• ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is the protocol used by
the echo request/reply to carry error messages and information about
the network
Troubleshooting Tools

• The ipconfig command shows current TCP/IP

addressing and domain name information on a
Windows computer
• Use ipconfig /all to see a more complete
summary of TCP/IP addressing information
Troubleshooting Tools
Common Network Issues
• Network Connection Configuration Issues
• Common configuration errors:
• Incorrect IP address
• Duplicate IP address
• Incorrect subnet mask
• Incorrect gateway
• Incorrect DNS or DNS issues
• When a computer is struggling to establish a network connection
• Check its TCP/IP configuration settings
• If the computer is not obtaining an IP address and related information from
a DHCP server
• Static settings might be using the wrong information
• Try switching to DHCP
Knowledge Check Activity 3-2
What protocol does ping use?
d. FTP
Knowledge Check Activity 3-2: Answer
What protocol does ping use?

Answer: b. ICMP
The protocol used by the ping echo request and echo reply is ICMP
(Internet Control Message Protocol), a lightweight protocol used to carry
error messages and information about a network.
Now that the lesson has ended, you should be able to:
• Work with MAC addresses
• Configure TCP/IP settings on a computer, including IP address, subnet
mask, default gateway, and DNS servers
• Identify the ports of several common network protocols
• Describe domain names and the name resolution process
• Use command-line tools to troubleshoot common network problems

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