Rital Issues

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Ritual Issues

A Fiasco Playset
This playset is written by [SzySzla]

Edited by [SzySzla]

Images, text, and layout by [SzySzla]

This document uses the Hitchcock, Meridien and

Art'sPolyhedralDiceD6Pips typefaces.

This is an unofficial, fan-made playset for Fiasco Classic. Bully
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information, see

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designer(s) name/company]. FIASCO™, the FIASCO™ logo are
trademarks of Bully Pulpit Games LLC. All rights reserved. Fiasco
is copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved.

For more information about Fiasco or to download other

playsets and materials, visit www.bullypulpitgames.com.

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The Score
Subtitle or Teaser
[Description 1-2 paragraphs]

Movie Night
[Examples of films or tv shows that are like your playset]
1 Druidcraft and occult community
1) Ritualist and his assistant
2) Master and his student
3) Rival wizards
4) Leader of the community and his assistant
5) Spy from the outside force and his friend who doesn't
6) Community guard and his commander

2 Common folk
1) Shopkeeper and client
2) Barman and his boss
3) Criminal duo
4) Local doctor and nurse
5) Roommates
6) Rival farmers

3 Connected to community
1) Fae hunter and his client
2) Artifact merchant and his client
3) Supply provider for community and assistant
4) Those two guys who got fired from the community
5) Two fae in human disguise
6) Demon and his servant
4 Family and spicy stuff
1) Friends with benefits
2) Two siblings who are rivals
3) Romantic (and sexual) couple
4) Uncle who believes in conspiracy theories and nephew
5) Two Exes
6) Guys who doesn't have sex but everyone thinks so

5 Past
1) Childhood friends who are rivals nowadays
2) Old friends which are struggle due to economic issues
3) Former associates in crime
4) Old enemies but they need to cooperate
5) Torturer and his victim who seeks vengeance
6) Two guys who were enemies but now they're not

6 Church and Government

1) Government agent and local bureaucrat
2) White mage and his assistant
3) Occult slayer and friend who wants to gain secret
4) Pastor and his wife
5) Two Soldiers
6) Police officer and his friend detective


1 To gain power
1) From the magical artifacts
2) Over the community
3) Political one, to gain power on local area
4) Over the town
5) With co-worker
6) Needed for further goals

2 To get knowledge
1) About dark magic
2) Who killed my loved ones
3) Where is that paper
4) About conspiracy that’s circling around town
5) How to make hallucinogenic elixirs
6) What happened to your lost friend

3 To get rich
1) From selling magical items
2) So I can pay off the debt
3) Because I'm greedy
4) By a deal which totally isn't trap
5) Through tax fraud
6) Through getting raise
4 To get away
1) From legal issues
2) With issues from the community
3) With demon who hunts you
4) From the curse that ruined your life
5) From church agents
6) From the lies about you

5 To get respect
1) From the community
2) From the church
3) From the government
4) From the folk
5) From the person
6) From the Fae/Demons

6 To get laid
1) By the hottest thicc witch in the community
2) By the fae
3) By the succubus
4) By the government official
5) By your friend
6) To get what you wants


1 Mage community
1) Ritual temple
2) Alchemical laboratory
3) Headquarters
4) Fae lodge
5) Open air ritual temple
6) Underground rooms for living

2 Forest and the wildness

1) Dark forest
2) Fae village
3) Mysterious caves
4) Old ruins
5) Rune hills
6) Lake of dreams

3 Downtown
1) Ol' lake bar
2) Tony's diner
3) Artifact shop
4) Local supermarket
5) “Albania” motel
6) Police office
4 Outskirts of the town
1) Small estate
2) River nearby the town
3) Local church
4) Small shops
5) Cemetery
6) Abandoned house

5 Farms and fields

1) Farmhouses
2) Wheat fields
3) Abandon houses
4) Weird barracks
5) Pastures
6) Weird hole on the Pastures

6 Other
1) Abandon ritual temple
2) Military base
3) Power plant
4) Abandoned underground complex
5) Small pub by the highway
6) Abandoned motel


1 Information
1) Broken DVD (but still working)
2) Unpublished article for “unknown reasons”
3) Password hidden inside scrolls
4) Old text with mysterious code
5) Coordinates written on old rune tablet
6) Old scrolls with prophecy

2 Magical artifacts
1) Scrolls with powerful magic
2) Emerald with tree spirit inside
3) Blood of the demon
4) Fae bones
5) Powerful staff
6) “Phallic object of worship”

3 Weapons
1) Really sharp fire axe
2) Assault rifle
3) Shotgun
4) Rune infused sword
5) Old stone hammer
6) Ritual equipment
4 Transportation
1) Old car
2) White van
3) A new Toyota
4) Food truck
5) Hearse
6) Broken helicopter

5 Valuables
1) Ancient jewelry
2) Briefcase with money
3) Bag of “Moongrass”
4) Barrel full of elixir
5) Silver statuette of ancient deity “Zyleusen”
6) Mysterious ruby mask

6 Weird things
1) Plushy inquisitor
2) Tome of classic poetry
3) Burger making machine
4) Vintage clothes
5) Penis shaped pipe bomb
6) Lighter turned into homemade grenade


Section 1 in name of playset
For three players…
• Category a:
• Category b:
• Category c:
For four players, add…
• Category d:
For five players, add…
• Category e:

Section 2 in name of playset

For three players…
• Category a...
For four or five players, add…
• Category b...

Section 3 in name of playset

For three or four players…
• Category a:
For five players, add…
• Category b:

Section 4 in name of playset

For three, four, or five players…
• Category a:

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