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Reader’s Theater piece

Girl Colleague
Brother Classmate
Teacher Friend

Girl: There was once a time in my life when everything seemed okay!
I thought I did everything right. Things were going my way.

Brother: You were my sister!

Teacher: My student,

Friend: My friend,

Colleague: I worked with you all the time.

Classmate: You were nice whenever I saw you.

Girl: See? My life was fine.

Brother: I couldn’t have asked for a better sister, you were strong when I was the weakest.
You protected me, but of course something stayed a secret.

Teacher: You were a good student. Quiet and respected what I taught.
We shared the sane opinion, or at least that’s what I thought.

Classmate: You sat with me in class, and we always seem to agree.

You said it was okay to believe what I believe.

Colleague: There is that one day at work, when you took the time to listen
to the news that I was pregnant. You supported my decision.

Friend: Remember when we were little and we play tag all the time?
I was your best friend and you were mine.
Huh, mine? And things they were... fine, weren’t they?

Girl: As far as I can see.

Friend: I have just one question,

Why didn’t you witness to me?

Girl: What?

Friend: Why didn’t you witness to me?

Colleague: No wait, why didn’t you care?

Brother: If the truth you had could save us,

Classmate: Then why wouldn’t you share?

Girl: I don’t know what to say.

Friend: Clearly!

Girl: I’ve just known you for so long, I didn’t think of you’d want to listen.

Friend: Well guess what, you were wrong!

Brother: You knew the truth?

Friend: You didn’t tell us!

Teacher: “Go, make disciples”, huh?

Colleague: How can you do this?

Classmate: You were a Christian?

Girl: What have I done?

Brother: I thought you were Christian.

Sometimes you even went to church, but you never tried to bring me.
It’s not like it would have hurt.

Teacher: I couldn’t stand the thought of church,

I thought Christian arguments were weak. I didn’t know that that was true.
That’s something textbooks don’t teach!

Classmate: So your gospel, it was true?

Jesus really was the Savior?
I thought Mohammad was the Great Prophet? Is Jesus greater?

Girl: Well yes, Jesus is the Lord. You didn’t pray the sinner’s prayer?

Classmate: No, I was Muslim and you didn’t share!

Colleague: You’re telling me you were a Christian.

Girl: Yeah.

Colleague: So were you just having fun?

When you said my decision was okay to abort my son?

Girl: Wait, don’t blame this on me! I’m not the problem here.

Teacher: Then explain how all of this happened.

Friend: I think it’s very clear.

Classmate: You were supposed to tell us! That’s not hard at all

Girl: You don’t understand!

Classmate: What? That Christians don’t respond to the call?

Brother: You were my sister. You could have shared some blood and died for me.
I guess you don’t find them important like the blood family.

Classmate: So I was a Muslim. You could have talked to me.

Was it that scary to tell me the truth?

Girl: I figured that someone else might do it;

Classmate: That person was supposed to be you!

Teacher: People like you are the reason I left. Those who served God
Holy in speech! Christians should witness, even I know that!
Why don’t you practice what you preach?

Colleague: I thought Christians didn’t believe in murder?

Girl: They don’t!

Colleague: Then why would you agree?

You were supposed to have this life in you,
Yet you let me kill the life in me!

Friend: I was your best friend, you still have nothing to say?

Girl: I’m sorry, it wasn’t that easy!

Friend: Why? because I was gay?

Girl: Don’t get me wrong. I know I could have change this,

But I didn’t want to accept the truth. I won’t have to dedicate my life.
I just wanted to be like all of you.

Brother: Is that why you became Christian? So you won’t have to burn in hell?
Well your little disguise didn’t work. Truth is more than just some story to tell.
Why didn’t you witness to me?
Why didn’t you care?
If the truth you had can save us, then why wouldn’t you share?

Girl: I didn’t know it would end like this!

Teacher: Actually, you did!

Girl: I’m sorry!

Colleague: Doesn’t cut it!

Classmate: You could have changed the way they lived!

Girl: I’m sorry! I wish I could go back and do this over somehow.
I should have shared the truth.

Friend: Yeah you should have.


Girl: There was once a time in my life, when everything seemed okay,
but I didn’t accept the gospel that’s why I’m in hell too.
My life didn’t show Christ. It was fake. I didn’t witness nor live it out.

All: So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of my mouth!

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