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The call for ALTARS was initially made by God to connect with his creation!
o GOD built the very first altar called the “Garden of Eden” in order to meet with Adam
and Eve. Genesis 2:15
o NOAH built an altar to God. Genesis 8:20–21 (NLT)
o ABRAHAM built 3 altars to God, in three different places. Genesis 12:7
o ISSACH built an altar to God. Genesis 26:25
o JACOB built 2 altars to God, in two different places. Genesis 35:7
o MOSES built 2 altars to God, in two different places. Exodus 24:4
o JOB built an altar to God. Job 1:5
o DAVID built an altar to God. 2 Samuel 24:25
o JESUS built an altar to God – THE CROSS Mark 15:24-47
All these altars were built to commemorate a meeting place with God.
Why are Altars so important?
Because, by God’s design, the Spirit world cannot connect or interact with the physical world
without an altar.
Exodus 20:24 (TLB)
“The altars you make for me must be simple altars of earth. Offer upon them your sacrifices
to me—your burnt offerings and peace offerings of sheep and oxen. Build altars only where I
tell you to, and I will come and bless you there.

An ALTAR then, is A PORTAL, an ENTRANCE, a DOORWAY where

o The supernatural meets with the natural.
o Spirits meet with the physical.
o Deity meets with humans.
o Either heaven or hell meet with people.
o Either God or the devil meets with people.
o Where people give their sacrifices to either God or the devil
o Were Humans express or vent their inherent need to worship a higher power –
Something greater than self.
The Hebrew word for altar means, “to slaughter”. A term used in connection with rituals,
sacrifices, offerings, and burning of incense to a deity.
Ultimately though, the ones that are slaughtered, are those who raised the EVIL ALTARS to
demon gods and their generations after them.
EVIL ALTARS are associated with spiritual legal rights, vows, agreements and covenants. Satan
is well acquainted with spiritual laws and knows how powerful and binding they are.

Many Christians are suffering generational curses ignorantly, WHY?

 as a result of dedication to evil altars at work in their life.
 Your ancestry may have agreed with their gods to guard them and their children,
 To provide for them and their children
 To lead and guide them and their children
 this gives demons legal rights over you because when this happened you weren’t born
again or born yet but are part of their lives - bloodline.
 Some forefathers worshiped idols, offering them food. Burning candles to them…
 visited or invited spiritualists for one favor or the other and committed all manner of sins
according to the instructions of their gods.
Have you ever noticed that no matter where you travel on earth, each people have their own
culture and religion that involves a higher power – a god/deity. Which almost always involves
some form of witchcraft. It’s inherent.
Ecclesiastes 3:10–11 (TLB)
… God has planted eternity in the hearts of men, even so, many cannot see the whole scope
of God’s work from beginning to end.

And therein lies the problem – man wants to know the whole scope of the supernatural. And
it’s benefits. This has caused man to erect EVIL ALTARS TO DEMONS.

In the bible numerous EVIL ALTARS were erected to demon gods.

Judges 3:7–8 (NLT)
The Israelites did evil in the LORD’s sight. They forgot about the LORD their God, and they
served the images of Baal and the Asherah poles. 8 Then the LORD burned with anger against
Israel, and he turned them over to their enemies.

 Baal was the god of gods in the pagan world.

 Baal was the god of fertility, fruitfulness, increase, prosperity…
 Baal required vulgar sexual rituals in their religious worship. Sexual gratification was key.
Temple prostitution, sacred sex, cult prostitution.
 Baal frequently required child sacrifice.
 Baal led the Israelites into the worship of nature.
 Baal was the god who separated the Israelites from their God.
 Baal is known as the god of apostasy.
 The ultimate end of Baal worshippers would be bondage. Even though it started with
beautiful promises.
 Baal presents himself today under a new package of New Age teachings and practices.

Their gods were not worshipped only in temples. They were worshipped in their homes,
workplaces, marketplaces, fields, mountains, and valleys, riversides – everywhere. SO DID OUR
ANCESTORS – our bloodline.

And wherever there are gods – demons , there is likely to be possessions.

Psalm 106:36 (NLT)
They worshiped their idols, which led to their downfall (trap/snare/possession).
Both for the one who raised the evil altar and their families for generations to come.
An EVIL ALTAR is a place of evil business deals where evil things are projected into the lives of
people. EXAMPLE
 sicknesses,
 curses,
 failures,
 limitations
 breakdowns,
 addictions
 alcoholism
 womanizing
 cancer, high blood pressure, heart troubles, diabetes,
 bondages
 disappointments at the point of breakthrough,
 accidents,
 death,
 pacts with demons
 destinies are controlled from these evil altars. Whether you were there or not.

Take for instance, THE MARINE KINGDOM. All of those torments, afflictions and bondages of
the marine kingdom in the lives of God’s people, are all possible because of EVIL ALTARS raised
be our ancestors.

It is almost guaranteed that, one way or the other, each of our ancestors raised evil altars to
 Covenants were made
 Words were exchanged
 Sacrifices were offered
 Pacts for born or unborn descendants were included. (that’s you and me)
 Our ancestors received their immediate rewards from demons, while we received the
curses of their actions.
ALTARS HAVE POWER TO BLESS OR CURSE – because there are deities behind them.

Numbers 22:5–6 (NKJV) 5 Then King Balak sent messengers to Balaam … at Pethor, which is
near the River …, to call him, saying: “… 6 Therefore please come at once, curse this people for
me, for they are too mighty for me. …for I know that he whom you curse is cursed and that
whom you bless is blessed..”
Numbers 23:1–2 (NKJV)
Then Balaam said to Balak, “Build seven altars for me here, … 2 And Balak did just as Balaam
had spoken, and Balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
Hosea 8:11 (TLB)
Ephraim has built many altars, but they are not to worship me! They are altars of sin!

THESE EVIL ALTARS MUST BE BROKEN for our release. The truth is what you don’t with in your
life will deal with you in this life.

MOSES WAS AN ANOINTED MAN OF GOD – A PROPHET – yet he troubled with anger.

God told him to speak to the rock and instead he hit the rock in anger. He did not go into the
promise land.
But let’s look at his bloodline.

Genesis 49-5-7
“Simeon and Levi are brothers, their swords are weapons of violence… for they have killed men
in their anger …"
Exodus 1:2- Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant
and gave birth to a son (Moses).

Exodus 34:12–14 (NKJV)

Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you
are going, lest it be a trap in your midst. 13 But you shall destroy their evil altars, break their
sacred idols, and cut down their wooden images 14 (for you shall worship no other god, for the
LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),


1. GENUINE REPENTANCE – you must be truly sorry for the sins done in the name of satan
in your bloodline.
2. GENUINE REPENTANCE – you must be truly sorry for all sins you have committed in the
name of satan – consciously or ignorantly.

3. DESTROY THE EVIL ALTAR IN YOUR HEART that came through your bloodline. The desires
and tendencies to meddle in occultic and immoral things.

4. PLEAD YOUR CASE IN THE COURTS OF HEAVEN. This is where you now ask God to forgive
your family and break the curses that have been placed on them and you. You will also
ask God to protect your family from any future demonic attacks.

5. RAISE UP AN ALTAR TO GOD IN YOUR HEART – you make a commitment to live right.
Make a daily practice of PRAYER, WORSHIP, READING THE WORD, and once or twice a

seed faith offering on your altar to God.

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