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GIFTED: +1 all attributes, all skills listed price, -1 skill point/lvl, no purchasing rank benefits, n. of
ranks = character lvl
SKILLED: all skills price -1, +1 skill point/lvl, no skill rank limit (normal lvl+2)
LUCKY: +3 LUCK attribute, CF 1 step less severe consequences
JINXED: characters all around -1 LUCK attribute & CF 19-20 + 1 step more severe consequences
FAST HEALING: +2 bonus physical resolve, healing check 1/3 days, +1 healing (s/w/f)
SMALL FRAME: +2 DEX, +1 bonus Stealth, carry capacity & dmg as STR -1
ONE HANDER: +1 bonus acc 1- handed weapons, dmg +1, +1 bonus vs disarm
TWO HANDED: +1 bonus acc 2- handed weapons, dmg +1, +1 bonus disarm/sunder opponent
STRONG BACK: carry capacity & lifting as STR +2, -1 pen. encumberance, +1 bonus endurance &
physical resolve
HEAVY HANDED: +1 dmg unarmed, -2 pen opponent endurance check for amazing hit, +1 bonus
AMBIDEXTROUS: 2 actions/phase if unrelated, 2 weap. fighting/casting spells & fighting pen. +1/+1
JACK OF ALL TRADES: can use all skills even untrained
NOBLE HERITAGE: automatic nobility status, related skills cost -1
GIANT BLOOD: +2 STR, S/W/M as CON +1, F as CON -1, -1 pen. Stealth
FIENDISH BLOODLINE: +2 RES vs elemental attack, -1 step pen. in darkness, +1 bonus deception,
sorcerer & diabolism & similar spellcasting as ability +1 for mana & casting purposes
ELVEN/FEY BLOOD: +1 DEX, +1 bonus Stealth, +1 bonus perception & mental resolve
CELESTIAL BLOODLINE: +1 PER, +1 bonus Leadership & Culture
DRAGON BLOOD: +1 STR & CON or CON & PER, +1 bonus intimidate
ORC BLOODED: +1 STR, +1 bonus resist pain & intimidate & taunt & acc 1 specific melee weapon
SNAKE BLOOD: +2 REFLEX, +2 bonus vs poison, +1 bonus action check
ELEMENTAL BLOODLINE: -1 elemental dmg, +1 bonus casting elemental spells, +1 bonus vs poison,
+ extra (FIRE action check +1, WATER no drowning in water, AIR +1 bonus jump & fall + 1 category
better success, EARTH unarmed +1 dmg, negate 1 stun
ACROBATIC: +1 bonus Acrobatics & climb & jump & REFLEX
SPELLCASTING PRODIGY: spellcasting attribute +2 for mana & casting purposes, +1 bonus spellcraft,
enemies +1 penalty save vs spell & spell resistance
ATHLETIC: STR +2 for throwing distance, +1 bonus Athletics & race & swim & endurance
STONEWALL: +2 STR RES, +2 bonus STR/Unarmed check to stay on feet, +1 bonus endurance, -1
stun dmg absorption
BESTIAL: Speak with animals, +2 bonus Animal handling & wild empathy
SHAPESHIFTER: Natural born lycanthrope
MUSCLED: +1 STR, +2 bonus intimidate, -1 stun dmg absorption, +1 bonus STR check
ARTIST: +1 PER, +1 bonus Creativity & Entertainment
BULLHEADED: +2 WILL RES, +1 bonus Resolve & resist pain, +1 dmg brawl
SADDLEBORN: ride check as free action, +2 bonus riding, +1 melee & ranged RES when mounted
DESERTBORN: as temp. -20 C lower & +2 bonus Survival in hot & arid climate, +1 bonus physical
DECEITFUL: +1 PER, +1 bonus Deception & Interaction
DIEHARD: +2 m, +2 bonus endurance & physical resolve related to mortal dmg, if check successful
becomes stabilized
SPRINTER: STR +4 for movement purposes, +1 bonus jump & race & swim
MAGICAL APTITUDE: +1 bonus spellcasting (and/or Sorcery) & Arcana & use magic device,
metamagic cost 1 mana less
MAGIC IN THE BLOOD: +5 mana spellcaster/full mana for talent, +1 bonus spellcasting (and/or
Sorcery), CF -1 mana less, eschew material components of spells (up to 1 gp, higher price uses blood,
up to 500 gp – +1-50 – 1 s, 51-100 – 2 s, 101-250 – 3 s, 251-500 – 1 w)
MIND OVER BODY: use INT RES for STR & DEX RES, use WIL for Stamina skills & CON checks, +1
bonus Resolve
NIMBLE FINGERS: +1 DEX, +1 bonus Manipulation & Craftsmanship
BLOODHOUND: gain scent ability
BLINDSIGHTED: gain blindsight in 5 ft radius
SHADOWBOUND: +1 bonus Stealth & Street smart & intimidate & shadow magic, -1 step penalty in
SHARPSHOOTER: +1 bonus to hit and dmg Ranged weapons & throw, -2 step penalty called shots
SHIPBORN: +1 bonus Navigation & Ship operation & climb & swim & rope use & DEX checks on ships
SMOOTH TALKER: +1 bonus Culture & Interaction & bluff & inspire & PER checks (encounter)
STRONG SOUL: +1 WIL RES & m, +1 bonus Resolve & CON checks vs NEGATIVE ENERGY
SURVIVOR: +1 s/w/m, +1 bonus Survival & endurance & physical resolve
TIRELESS: +3 f, +1 bonus Stamina & physical resolve
FEARLESS: +1 WIL RES (+4 vs FEAR), +2 bonus mental resolve
TOUGHNESS: +1 CON, -1 stun dmg absorption, +1 bonus Stamina
ARCTICBORN: as temp. +20 C higher & +2 bonus Survival in cold & arid climate, +1 bonus physical
CHARISMATIC: +1 PER, +1 bonus all PERSONALITY skills (racial/culture related)
WISE: +1 WIL, +1 action/rd (total max 4)
SMART: +1 INT, +1 bonus deduce & INITIATIVE

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