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The tent which was burned down Thursday morning by extremist settlers.

(Samia village near Ramallah)

Israeli Settlements breed more and more Jewish Terrorist

 3 days ago  National News, Politics  3,128 Views

Bethlehem /PNN/ By: Madeeha Al-A’raj

The National Bureau for defending land and resisting settlements ( nbprs ) stated in its latest weekly report,

that Settlements and outposts continue to spawn more Jewish terror organizations, especially Netanyahu’s

government that refuses to classify these organizations as terrorist organizations despite their heinous
crimes against the Palestinian people and their property, who sponsors and embraces Meir Kahane’s
grandchildren, such as Itamar Ben Gvir, of the Otzma Yehudit party, which Netanyahu requested him in

2019 to withdraw from the Knesset elections to enable him to win the Knesset election, then now calling
him to participate in the elections that take place next month. Moreover, Netanyahu calls for the formation

of an alliance among the extremist Zionist parties represented by the head of theNational Unity’ party,
Bezalel Smotrich, and the fascist Otzma Yehudit party headed by Itamar Ben Gvir in order to strengthen the

extreme right camp, which enabled him to be the PM of the next government.

At the same time, as a bribe to settlers and Jewish terror organizations, which colonized a number of

settlements and outposts near Nablus, the occupation authorities began opening the largest settlement
road in the northern West Bank, known as Huwara bypass road, at a cost of NIS 260 million with a length of
7.2 km and will be completed within two years. The road connects the ‘Dahr al-Jabal settlements
surrounding Nablus with the Za’tara Junction south of Hawara and from there to the center of the

occupation state. It confiscated thousands of dunams of agricultural land, estimated at 1580 dunums of
citizens’ land in seven villages and towns: Huwara, Beita, Burin, Awarta, Yatma, Sawiyah, and Yasof, which
will result in the uprooting of more than 3 thousand fruit trees in it.

For his part, Yossi Dagan, an official in the northern West Bank settlements group, praised the move,
describing it as a strategic road, and the project comes in light of the occupation government’s support for

the construction of many settlement roads in the West Bank at a cost of up to NIS 800 million.

Within the context of continuing its settlement activities, the occupation authorities also decided to expand
the number of existing settlements in a number of areas in the occupied West Bank.

Last week, they announced a decision to expand the Beitar Illit settlement, which is built on Nahalin and
Husan lands in the Bethlehem Governorate, by adding 1061 settlement housing units to it that were
included in the infrastructure and a road that will be part of the road 45 on an area of 303 dunums.
Furthermore, approved project no. 1/926, which included a tunnel linking the “Kochav Yaqoub” settlement,

built on Al-Bireh lands, with the settlements to be built at Qalandia Airport.

The Settlement Subcommittee in the Civil Administration has announced the deposit of the detailed outline
plan no. 19/3/426 for the settlement of Beitar Illit in the neighborhood known as “A2” that is built on the
villages of Dirastia and Haris lands in the Salfit Governorate on an area of 41 dunums in order to build 64

housing units, public areas and institutions, and for the deposit of the detailed structural plan no. 3/26/220
for the settlement of Pisgat Zeev established on the lands of the enclave and Beitonia in Ramallah

In the northern West Bank, the committee also approved the outline plan for the settlement of Tamar built

on the Awarta village lands near Nablus on an area of 50 dunums to establish 123 housing units as well as
the detailed plan no. 4/1/111 for the settlement of Shafi Shimron built on the lands of Naqora to the north
of Nablus, on an area of 85.6 dunums, to build 152 new settlement units, and also map no. “051396/101”
for the construction of the bypass road in Kafr Aqab by the occupation municipality in Jerusalem as part of
project no. 051396/101 “which is located behind the Qalandia checkpoint, according to a project presented

by the settlement godfather, Arieh Kanj, will pave a bypass road behind the separation wall in the areas of
Kafr Aqab and Qalandia to reach lands allegedly bought by Jews decades ago in that area in preparation for
building a large settlement neighborhood and modifying the route of the wall to annex it to Jerusalem and

become inside the separation fence.

In the Jerusalem Governorate, the Israeli occupation forces swept away swathes of Palestinian lands in Abu
Dis, noting that the area’s lands are estimated at 1500 dunams, and the occupation prevents its owners
from working in it or reclaiming it. It is located within the settlement plan known as (E 1 to the east of


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