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Good morning, teacher and classmates .

My name is Abigail In this(des)

opportunity(apartinity) I am going to talk about my projetc.
I am working in VOLVER A VIVIR clinic as a supervior(supervaiser). So when there are
new(neiu) workers I have to tell them the activities that they will do at the moment of
the job(yob).
First of all(ol), you have to arrive(araiv) early at 8:00 am(eight o'clock) and you must
be in the clinic with(whet) their(dert) respective uniform(iunifor). You have to take
their(dert) breakfast in their(dert) house. It is not allowed(alourt) to eat(it)
during(diuring) the working. You could bring something(somttheing) to drink and
eat(it) for the break. If you want some water(wader), you can use the water
heater(hider). There are some cups(cops) over there. You must not use their(dert)
cellphone during(diuring) the working and but(bat) if it is an imporant call(kol) you
could(koud) answer.
After that, you might(mait) be very polite(poleit) with(whef) the patient(peishont) and
you have to ask if they want something like a glass of water(woder) or some
biscuit(biskit). If the doctor is busy(bisy), you will bring them some book or
megazine(meiguisen) in order not bored(bord). As well as, when a new
patient(peishont) arrive(arrait) you will have take notes(nots) their information in the
agenda(ayenda). When you arrive(arrait) you have to clean(kiln) all(ol) the consultory
and the restroom(restriom). You can find(faint) all(ol) products of cleaning(klining) in
that stand(estend). You might(mait) seat(sit) in the small office(ofest) and also you
have to answer all(ol) the calls. For lunch, you have to leave(liv) at 1:00 pm and you
must return(ruichon) at 3:00 pm. You have to use only excel for the appoinment
try(truait) to avoid(aboit) using(iusent) a notebook because it sometimes
disappears(disapiers). And Always you must call the patient(peishont) one day
before(bafort) of the meeting(midhing) in order not to wait. Finally, before(bafort)
you go home. You must throw the garbage(garbeich) and close well the sink.
Finally, while(wael) you are working here, you will know(now) almost all(ol) the
patient(peishont). Don’t be worried(worrit) if some of them has a bad
temper(tempert) as a(ei) future(fiucher) psychologist(saycoloyis) you can meet
different people with(whef) a strange(estringch) behavior(bigeibiur). We have children
as a patient(peishont) and they sometimes have an embarrassing(emberrising)
behavior(bigeibiur). So(sou) they can play in that room there are a lot toys for them.
The last thing that I should(shot) tell you is if you don’t want to continue with(whef)
the job. You have to tells one week(wik) before(bafort). I forget(forgat) for the
payment(peiment) you can get(guet) paid(peit) each 15(fifteen) days(dey) and you will
have one day off so you should(shot) choose(chus) one day. And also don’t ask for
permission only it is very urgently(uryenly)
That’s all(ol) in my plan of supervisor. Thanks a lot.(tenk a lot)

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