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A Biblical worldview is centered on the unfailing word of God.

When you have faith that the Bible is

plainly wholly true, then it becomes the foundation of everything you do and say. That means for
example, you take with a lot of seriousness the mandate of Romans 13 to respect the ruling party by
examining the issues of candidates, enhancing voting the main theme.

Here are some of the issues associated with such cases. The ideas of non-biblical in their worldview
posture do not just rely on books waiting for the people to scrutinize them somewhere. Mostly, they
constantly bombard us from music, televisions, magazines, academia, newspaper, books, and film. We
live in a selfish ego centered and fallen world, seductively, these ideas end up appealing to our flesh thus
incorporating them in our daily lives hence making them into our personal worldview unknowingly.
Many people especially the illiterate in a given standard of comparison tend to read a given quotes in
the social medias and take them as their personal live. In everything they will be doing henceforth will
be tried to be inclined towards such a quote so as to make sense in their lives. Most people get mad and
angry with other peoples writings not because they hate them but they took and misunderstood the

Most are the times when we follow our emotions regardless of what the Bible warns and prefer. For
example, many Christians would concur with Thessalonians chapter 4:3 and many other scriptures that
commands us to evade sexual immorality, but the rate at which Christians fall into the prisons of lust is
untold. How often the believers are handcuffed by the rings of premarital and extramarital porno sins is
so immense. Was there someone who came before us and wrote a quote about inability to avoid sexual
immorality in our society? Or is it because we live in crooked society where the amber of sexual sin is
our daily thought?

Preliminary we were to have one church. The availability of the many churches in our world today and
presence of different dominions is due to various view-points in life. They read a single chapter in the
Bible and it becomes their ruling verse in the whole Bible books contrasted with other believers. If we do
not really believe and live the Gods truth then we will be a false living witness of the word. We will be
misleading ourselves and others while confusing and questioning our dominions as Christians. Most of
us go through life not recognizing that our personal worldviews have been deeply affected by the world.
Through the sources such as media and many other influences. The socialized African view of politics,
laws, history, God and man, and science affect our thinking more than we could imagine. Colossians
chapter 2:8,’’ We then are taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on
human power of cognition, tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ’’.

Many are the times we do things and regret at the end of the result. The question is why? It is simply
because we base our procedures in theories under ideological believes that were based on human
understanding of the world rather than God’s creation procedures. Sometimes and many of the times
we plan in our own ways but all over a sudden the nature disorient everything and we start again. That’s
means there must be someone behind the nature. Now who controls it? Genesis 1:1 it is a proof that
God created everything that is on the ground and in the air as well in the waters. If we base our plans on
Him, then He is the one to control with respect to our interest but under His own will.

However, by diligently learning, applying and trusting God’s truths in every area of our lives, we can
begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our culture’s
non-biblical ideas. If we capture and embrace more of God’s worldview and trust it with
unwavering :abortion, same-sex marriage, cloning, stem-cell research and even media choices. Because
in the end, it is our decisions and actions that reveal what we really believe in.

The Biblical worldview affects my-believes and my faith in many ways. The science is here trying to clone
someone who exactly does as I do, this is the second class I attend after being introduced at a slight
manner to world of Christianity by my family. In the second class is the class of science in the school and
the many practical part in real life experience. Now a person like me in the same world would tend to
incline his or her life in science rather than in Christian according empirical part of it. But as life goes by
the Christian ways overtakes the science in mater of humanity actions and death as a consequence.
Science was unable to outdo death. The main foundation of Christianity and why human believes there
is God who own life.


Baldwin,J.F.The Deadliest Monster: A Christian Introduction to Worldviews. Eagle

Creek, Oregon: Coffee House Ink, 1998

Blamires, Harry. Recovering the Christian Mind: Meeting the Challenge of

Secularism. Downers Grove , Illinois: InterVasity Press, 1988.

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