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Test on Review I

I. Choose the best answer !

1. What is a common informal greeting in English?

a. Goodbye
b. Hello
c. Farewell
d. Salutations

2. Which phrase is appropriate when saying goodbye in a formal setting?

a. See you later!
b. Bye!
c. Farewell!
d. Catch you on the flip side!

3. When introducing yourself, which of the following is most appropriate?

a. Hey!
b. Hi, my name is [Your Name].
c. What's up?
d. Yo, I'm [Your Name].

4. How do you typically introduce someone to others in a formal setting?

a. This is [Name], my buddy.
b. Meet [Name], my friend.
c. Hey, everyone, check out [Name].
d. Introducing [Name], the legend!

5. In a professional email, what is a suitable greeting?

a. Hi
b. Hey
c. Dear [Recipient's Name]
d. What's up?

6. Which phrase is appropriate for a casual farewell among friends?

a. Farewell
b. See you later, alligator!
c. Goodbye, my esteemed colleague.
d. Until we meet again.

7. Which statement best reflects a state of happiness?

A. "I can't believe I forgot my umbrella on such a rainy day. What a disaster!"
B. "I just got accepted into my dream college! I'm overjoyed."
C. "My car broke down, and now I'm stuck in traffic. How annoying!"
D. "I accidentally spilled coffee on my laptop. What a miserable day!"

8. In which dialogue is happiness evident?

A. "I lost my wallet and all my money. It's been a terrible day."
B. "I won the lottery! I can't believe my luck!"
C. "The news about the promotion left me feeling indifferent."
D. "I missed the bus, but it's not a big deal."

9. Which conversation expresses pure joy?

A. "The unexpected rain ruined our picnic plans. How disappointing!"
B. "I found out I'm going to be a parent! I'm absolutely thrilled."
C. "I accidentally deleted all my important files. What a disaster!"
D. "I got a parking ticket today. It's really frustrating."

10. Identify the dialogue conveying happiness:

A. "I just received a surprise gift from my best friend. It's amazing!"
B. "I failed the exam again. I'm really disappointed in myself."
C. "I won a scholarship to my dream college. I can't stop smiling!"
D. "I missed the train, but it's no big deal."

11. How might you appropriately respond to a friend who just lost their job?
A. "Well, I always knew your job wasn't secure anyway."
B. "I'm sorry to hear that. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."
C. "Job loss is a part of life. You'll get over it."
D. "I never liked that job. You're better off without it."

12. What is a suitable response when someone shares news about the passing of a
loved one?
A. "I don't see why people get so emotional about death. It's inevitable."
B. "I'm so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, I'm here for you."
C. "Death is a part of life. People should just move on."
D. "I never understood why people grieve. It's just a natural process."

13. When faced with a friend's sadness about a relationship ending, what is an
appropriate reply?
A. "Relationships are overrated. You're better off single."
B. "I'm sorry things didn't work out. Breakups can be really tough."
C. "I never invest too much emotion in relationships. It's a waste of time."
D. "Why are you upset? There are plenty of fish in the sea."

14. Dialogue:
Person A: "Your art exhibition was phenomenal! The creativity and talent on display
were awe-inspiring."
Person B: "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I always strive to bring something unique to my

What is Person B expressing in response to the admiration?
A. Disinterest
B. Gratitude and a commitment to uniqueness
C. Undermining their own achievements
D. Arrogance

15. Dialogue:
Person A: "I must say, your presentation skills are exceptional. I'm really impressed!"
Person B: "Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. I've worked hard to improve my
public speaking."

What does Person B's response demonstrate?

A. Defensiveness
B. Humility and acknowledgment
C. Disinterest
D. Arrogance

16. Dialogue:
Person A: "You handled that difficult situation at work with such grace. I admire how
composed you were."
Person B: "Well, it's nothing special. Anyone could have done it."
Person A: "I genuinely think you handled it exceptionally well."

How does Person B's response contribute to the dialogue?

A. Expressing gratitude
B. Deflecting praise
C. Showing arrogance
D. Acknowledging the compliment

17. Dialogue:
Person A: "Your art exhibition was phenomenal! The creativity and talent on display
were awe-inspiring."
Person B: "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I always strive to bring something unique to my

What is Person B expressing in response to the admiration?

A. Disinterest
B. Gratitude and a commitment to uniqueness
C. Undermining their own achievements
D. Arrogance
18.Jessica: Hi! I'd like you to meet my colleague, Tom.
Sarah: ________________
a. Goodbye!
b. What's your name?
c. Hi Tom, nice to meet you.
d. How are you, Jessica?
19. Dialogue Greeting:
Taylor: Hi, it's so good to see you!
Jordan: ________________
a. Goodbye!
b. Hey! Likewise!
c. Farewell, my friend!
d. What's up?

20. Dialogue Introduction:

Chris: Hello, this is my sister, Lisa.
Emma: ________________
a. Hi Lisa, nice to meet you!
b. Farewell, Chris!
c. What's your name?
d. See you later, Emma!

21. Dialogue Greeting and Introduction:

Alex: Greetings, everyone! Let me introduce my friend, Rachel.
Jamie: ________________
a. Hi Rachel! How are you?
b. Farewell, Alex!
c. What's up, guys?
d. Nice to meet you, Rachel.

22. Dialogue Greeting:

Morgan: Hey, good to see you again!
Riley: ________________
a. Goodbye, Morgan!
b. Hi, Riley! How have you been?
c. What's your name?
d. See you tomorrow!

23. Dialogue Introduction:

Sarah: Hello! I want you to meet my friend, Mark.
Jason: ________________
a. Hi Mark, nice to meet you!
b. Farewell, Sarah!
c. Howdy, Mark!
d. See you later, Jason!
24. What is a suitable response when someone shares news about the passing of
a loved one?
A. "I don't see why people get so emotional about death. It's inevitable."
B. "I'm so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, I'm here for you."
C. "Death is a part of life. People should just move on."
D. "I never understood why people grieve. It's just a natural process."

25. When faced with a friend's sadness about a relationship ending, what is an
appropriate reply?
A. "Relationships are overrated. You're better off single."
B. "I'm sorry things didn't work out. Breakups can be really tough."
C. "I never invest too much emotion in relationships. It's a waste of time."
D. "Why are you upset? There are plenty of fish in the sea."

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