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Raphaela Belizario

IND- 2100
Fall Semester

Assignment 2

1. The most obvious characteristic of Egyptian architecture is the consistency, that is

repeated through in the patterns and forms.
2. The Egyptians used the construction method of column, capital, cornice, pylon,
obelisk, and dressed stone construction.
3. Greeks created the Ionic, Doric, and the Corinthian order.
4. Three Greek Motifs are the acanthus leaf, anthemion, and palmette that are derived
from nature.
5. The Romans used in most public buildings ceilings such as baths, have barrel or cross
vaulted ceilings, flat and beamed or coffered.
6. The definition of Basilica is a space used for religious, legal and meeting purposes,
that has a large central rectangular space with lower side aisles, clerestory windows,
and usually an apse on one end.
7. The floor plans during the early Christian times most of the time were based in the
Latin cross plan, where the main entrance is placed are the narrow end of the long
section opposite to the altar and apse. While in the Byzantine times the churches
were planned to be made in centralized plans with circular and polygonal forms
derived from the cube.
8. The characteristic was of immense wellness and richness, with gold color, red and
floors in marble, and stone. Also, the mosaics-based images used in the interiors
9. Color palette with various shades of gold, red and green. Floor made of marble,
stone, or mosaics.
10. Because in 726 C.E. there was an iconoclasm, a ban of figural images, that resulted in
the empires major defeats and loss of territory to the Persians, which attributed to
ignore the Old Testament and a ban the human images. That’s why they have more
Christian symbols such as the cross.

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