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Negative Effects of Using ICT

1. Mis-information
2. Phishing
3. Cyber insecurity
4. Malware
5. Piracy
6. Dependency and laziness
7. Abuse of information
8. Scamming

Mis-information: is the faking or counterfeiting of information

in the web. It is when the information given is far from the
truth or misleading. People are mis-informed due to counterfeit
information placed on the internet. Most invalid information is
not verified before placing them on social media, blogs,
webpages etc. and they cause mis-information.

Phishing: it is an attack that attempts to steal your money or

your identity, by getting you to reveal personal information –
such as credit card numbers, bank information or passwords –
on websites that pretend to be legitimate. It is a form of social
engineering where attackers deceive people into revealing
sensitive information or installing malware such as
Cyber-insecurity: it is generally referred to every act or activity
that exposes an individual to danger while using the internet is
called cyber-insecurity. This can be:
1. phishing
2. scamming
3. cyber-fraud
4. Cyber-bullying

Malware: It is referred to as a software or application that

causes the malfunction of a computer system. Contact and
interaction between different users of ICT increases the spread
of threat, virus and worms.

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