10 Reading Review

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10 Reading

Ex 1
Ex 2
A Volunteer for Oxfam
B Donate Now
C Events supporting Oxfam
D Recycle for Oxfam
E Support us as you spend
Ex 3
Ex 4
1 a shop
2 a copy of a book / other publication, first printed form
3 help themselves in overcoming poverty
4 length of the track from beginning to end
5 to start s new phase in life
6 mobile phone which gives to Oxfam in good working order

Ex 1
2 Liz asked John if he was all right and where he was.
3 John answered that he was fine and that he was in the town centre. He told Liz to
be quick and to get there as fast as she could.
4 Liz asked what was up.
5 John told Liz that she would never believe it.
6 Liz told him he was joking
7 John sai that people were going crazy trying to pick them up.
8 Liz told him that she would be there in 2 minutes then said goodbye.
Ex 2
1 the crowd
2 wanted
3 not to be named
4 had probably thrown
5 picking
6 had been
7 that
8 had drunk
9 to
Ex 3
Ex 4
1 Never endanger yourself or other people.
2 Be careful not to deceive yourself about your true personality.
3 Make a point of expressing yourself clearly.
4 You should learn to content yourself yourself with what you have.
5 Try to distinguish yourself in at least one area of your life.
6 Always remind youi that there are people who are worse-off than you.
Ex 6
1 Can you stop that noise? You're giving me a headache.
2 I think we should probably give her the benefit of the doubt.
3 Did anyone give you permission to do that?
4 He gives the impression that he really doesn't care.
5 I'm going to give you a warning, but don't do it again. OK?
6 Give me a hand with the washing-up, will you?
7 Why don't you text me or give me a call?

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