P1 - Intro Paragraph

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Thesis statement- each part of your thesis statement should refer to an argument in

your body paragraph.

This advertisement attempts to make the audience want to purchase this diet
product by reinforcing a norm about what the standard body image should be,
by instilling guilt within them about their weight, and by making it seem like
this product is the obvious and easiest solution to their ‘weight problem’.

-This example answers the guiding question and then maps out what each body
paragraph is about.

-I know from this thesis statement that:

*the first body paragraph will be about which techniques work together to reinforce
the norm;

*the second will be about which techniques work together to instil guilt;

*and the third will be about which techniques work together to make the product
seem like the obvious and easiest solution.

Sample Intro paragraph framework

Text (1 or 2) is a (genre)___________________ entitled__________________ by

(author or specify if it is unidentified)_______________________. This text
(introduce the text; give context of the text; possibly introduce the
audience)___________________________ and it aims to___________________.

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