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Inheritance, Variation and Evolution

Multiple Choice Questions

Set 2

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1. Which of these characteristics is only determined by genes?

A. accent
B. blood type
C. body mass
D. hair length

2. Which of these could not be achieved through selective breeding?

A. cows which produce more milk
B. dogs with a gentle nature
C. genetically modified (GM) crops
D. plants which produce more flowers

3. What is the term used to describe organisms with similar characteristics which can
breed to produce fertile offspring?
A. class
B. hybrid
C. order
D. species

4. Why might some people disagree with producing genetically modified (GM) crops?
A. they affect the population of wild insects
B. they are less affected by pesticides
C. they produce a greater yield
D. they resist disease

5. Which of these is true about genetic mutations?

A. they affect all organisms in the same way
B. they always cause an inherited disease
C. they cannot be beneficial for an organism
D. they cause variation within a species

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Inheritance, Variation and Evolution Multiple Choice Questions Set 2

6. Which of these is not a method of fossil formation?

A. conditions for decay being absent
B. footprints being preserved
C. parts of an organism being replaced by minerals
D. soft-bodied organisms being able to decay

7. Which of these is a way of preventing antibiotic resistance in bacteria?

A. completing the full course of antibiotics
B. overusing antibiotics in agriculture
C. taking antibiotics for a viral infection
D. stopping a course of antibiotics when you start to feel better

8. Which scientist suggested the theory of evolution by natural selection?

A. Darwin
B. Lamarck
C. Linnaeus
D. Woese

9. Which of these factors would not potentially cause a species to become extinct?
A. habitat destruction
B. introduction of a new predator
C. introduction of new prey
D. natural disaster

10. Which of these is not an example of genetic engineering?

A. disease-resistant crops
B. insulin-producing bacteria
C. plants producing larger fruit
D. selectively breeding animals with more muscle mass

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