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EXERCISE 1: Match the words with the descriptions.
1. essay bài tiểu luận 2. project dự án 3. homework BT về nhà
4. book report sách báo cáo 5. test bài kiểm tra 6. presetation buổi thuyết trình
giải thích ý tưởng của bạn

4 1 đoạn văn về câu chuyện hoặc tiểu thuyết

6 1 cuộc nói chuyện ngắn về chủ đề nào đó

để kiểm tra kiến thức của ái đó với 1 chủ đề nào đó
1 phần lớn của công việc

EXERCISE 2: Write sentences with have to using the prompts.

They have to work together for their project.

Does he have to do his English homework?

She doesn't have to study for the test later.

He has to give presentation for the history class.

EXERCISE 3: Fill in the blanks with have to, has to, don’t have to, or doesn’t have to.

has to
doesn't have to
have to
doesn't have to

EXERCISE 4: Fill in the table.

Tiếng Việt Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt Tiếng Anh
1. buồn bã, đau khổ upset 5. ngạc nhiên surprised
2. trượt fail 6. vui mừng, hài lòng delighted
3. hài lòng pleased 7. bực bội, khó chịu annoyed
4. thất vọng disappointed 8. thi đậu pass
***Write the words from the table next to the correct meaning.








EXERCISE 5: Unscramble the sentences.

She's so upset because she lost her math textbook.

My mom is really disappointed because I fail my geography test.

I'm so annoyed because I got a D on my history homework.

The students were really surprised because they passed their exams.

She was pleased because she got an A on her math test.

EXERCISE 6: Underline and corect the mistakes. Then, rewrite the correct senteces with however and

I want to study abroad although it is very expensive.

1. I want to study abroad. However, it is very expensive. _______________________________
Although she could speak French, her writing was bad.
2. She could speak French. However, her writing was bad. _________ __________________
He liked Italy. However, he was lonely.
3. He
liked Italy although he was lonely.

4. Ben wanted to study in France. However his French was bad.

Ben wanted to study in France although his French was bad. ___________________
EXERCISE 7: Unscramble the sentences.

I want to study in Spain. However, I don't like Spanish food.

Although he missed his old friends, he made new friends.

He learned about the culture. He didn't, however, enjoy the food.

We went to Thailand, although it was very expensive.

EXERCISE 8: Fill in the table with positive and negative things about studying abroad.

nhớ bạn ở quê

Positive Negative

knowing a new language feeling lonely

meeting new people feeling scared
having new experiences missing your friends back home

becoming more independent missing your family

EXERCISE 9: a. Read the letter from James to his aunt. Is Jame doing well in school?


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