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CIRCLE: to move round; to enclose; to move circularly / rodear, cercar, girar, círcundar; dar la Vuelta.
CLOSE: to shut; to finish; to end / cerrar, terminar, acabar .
GO (TO): to move along; to proceed, to depart / ir hacia.
IS: 3rd person. sing. of be / presente indicativo es.
LISTEN (TO): to hear, to give heed, to attend / poner atención a o hacia.
LOOK (AT): to direct the eye so as to see; to gaze; to consider / mirar hacia.
OPEN: to make open; to unclose; to spread out; to begin / abrir.
REPEAT: to say again; to recite (a poem, etc.); to say (something) a said by someone else./ repetir.
WRITE: to form (words, letters, etc.) on surface, as with a pen / escribir.
HELLO: an exclamation of greeting / hola, saludar.
GOOD MORNING: salute the first or early part of the day / buenos días.
GOOD AFTERNOON: salute in the time from noon to evening / buenas tardes.
WHAT’S YOUR NAME?: question about of the name of a people / Como te llamas?.
MI NAME IS: answer the question What’s your name’s? / mi nombre es.
HOW ARE YOU?: question for to know how to be / cómo esta usted?.
FINE, THANKS: answer of the question how are you? / bien gracias.
SEE YOU LATER: to get knowledge of through the eyes more later a people / luego te veo.
GOODBYE: farewell also sp.good’by / hasta luego, despedida.
A: the first letter of the English alphabet, a consonant sound, a is used. / se usa antes consonante.
A-G; a-g: the first and the seventh letters of the English Alphabet / a y g son letras del alfabeto.
IT: is also used as: a) the subject of impersonal verb b): a subject or object of indefinite sense in various
idiomatic constructions / pron. neutro lo, la; ello, ella, él por lo general no se traduce cuando es
sujeto del verbo.
IT’S: it is, it has / pon. neutro su (sus), de él, de ella, de ello.
MY: poss. pronominal adj. Of belonging to, or done by me. / mío.
PLEASE: to be agreeable to satisfy; to be the wish of / it pleased him to go / por favor.
THAT: pron., pl. those; the person or thing mentioned, the farther/other one / ese, esa, aquel, aquella.
THAT’S: to be specific; in others words / es decir.
THE: adj. Definite; article refers to a particular person or thing considered generically. / él, la, los, las.
THIS: pron. adj. pl. these, designating the person or thing mentioned; something about to be presented /
adj. éste, ésta; pron. éste, esto.
TO: prep. denoting motion toward; indicating a point reached, destination, addition, opposition or contrast
/ prep. A, hasta, hacia, para.
WHAT: which thing, event, etc. That or those witch, used interrogatively or relatively / pregunta
interrogativa qué, qué cosa , cual?
WHAT’S: what is; what has, what does? / pregunta interrogativa Qué es?, Qué son?., cuáles?.

YOUR: poss. pronominal, of belonging to, or done by you also used some titles / tu (tus), vuestros, su
(sus) de ustedes.
ZERO-TWENTY: numbers of the zero to twenty./ cero al veinte.
ALPHABET: the letters used writing a lenguage, esp. As arranged in their usual order. / alfabeto.
BOOK: a printed work on sheets of paper bound together, usually between protective cover / libro.
CAPITAL LETTER: capital letter / letra mayúscula.
CHAIR: a piece of furniture with a back, for one person to sit on / silla.
CLASSROOM: a room in a school or college in which classes are taught / salón de clases.
CLOCK: a device for measuring and indicating time/ reloj de pared.
DOOR: a movable structure for opening or closing an entrance, a doorway / puerta.
EXAMPLE: something selected to show the character of the rest sample; an instance/ ejemplo.
LAB: a laboratory / laboratorio.
LETTER: any character in an alphabet, a written or printed message usually sent by mail. / letra, carta.
NAME: a word or phrase by which a person, or class is know; title, considered descriptive / nombre.
NOTEBOOK: a book in which notes, or memorandums, are kept / libro de apuntes, libreta.
NUMBER: a symbol or word showing how many or which one in a series; the sums the persons or things;
total / números.
PAGE: one side of a leaf of a book, an entire leaf in the book./ página.
PENCIL: an instrument of black-lead, etc., for writing and drawing / lápiz.
PICTURE: a painting, drawing, etc., exhibiting the resemblance Of anything; the moving photographs
show in cinematography; the cinema / fotografia, pintura, pelicula.
SIR: sometimes a respectful term of address used to a man, not followed by the name / señor.
SMALL LETTER: comparatively, little in size of the letter / letra minúscula.
TABLE: a piece of furniture having a flat top set on legs / mesa.
WINDOW: an opening in a building, vehicle, etc, for admission of light or air or for looking trough, usually
having a pane of glass in a movable frame / ventana.
WORD: a speech sound or series of them, having meaning as a unit of language, the written or printed
representation of this / palabras

Simple Sentences
Subject Be verb A + noun Contraction contracted a + noun
a book a cat
It is a pen It + is = It’s It’s a dog
a pencil a book

Yes / No Questions

Be verb Subject A + noun Long Answers Short Answers

a book (+) Yes, it is a book Yes, it is
Is it a pen No, it is not or No, it isn’t
(-) No, it is not a book
a pencil

Information Questions

Wh Be verb Subject Long Answers Short Answers

What is it ? It is a book A book

What + is = What’s it ? It’s a book A book

Let’s exercise !!!!!!

This is a pencil. That + is = THAT’S That’s a pencil
That is a door. a door.

What is this? What + is = What’s What’s this? It’s a book.

What’s that?

Let’s exercise!!!!!!

AM: 1st person sing., present indicative of BE / primera persona del presente indicativo del verbo to be,
soy, estoy.
ARE: 2d. Person sing., present indicative of BE / 2ª. Personal y pl. del presente indicativo del verbo to be;
eres, etás, somos.
SPELL: to name in order the letters of a word, to work in place of another for an interval; relieve /
deletrear; indicar.
WHAT’S HIS NAME?: used interrogatively or name of the one man / cual es su (de él) nombre?.
HIS NAME IS BOB: answer of the question what’s his name? / su (de él) nombre es Bob.
WHAT’S HER NAME?: used interrogatively or name of the woman / cuál es su (de ella) nombre?.
HER NAME IS MARY: answer of the question what’s her name? / su (de ella) nombre es María.
AND: also in addition, as a result / y.
DON’T: do not / negativo del verbo Do.
H-P; h-p: the eight and 16th. Letters of the English alphabet. / letras de la H a la P.
HER: pron. objective case of she, poss. pronominal adj. Of, belonging to, or done by her. / pronombre la,
de ella.
HIS: pron. that or those belonging to him, poss. pronominal adj. Of, belonging to, or done by him /
pronombre posesivo suyo de él.
I: pron. the person speaking or writing. / pronombre perssonal yo.
I’M: I am / pronombre personal yo soy.
THESE: pron. adj. plural of THIS / estos, éstas.
THOSE: adj. pron, plural of THAT / esos, esas, aquellas, aquellos.
TWENTY-ONE–ONE/ A HUNDRED: numbers of the 21 to 100 / números de 21 al 100.
YOU: pron. the person or persons spoken to. / pronombre personal, tú, Usted.
YOU’RE: you are / pronombre personal plural, ustedes son.
BARBER / BARBERS: one whose works is cutting hair, shaving beards, etc. / peluquero (s).
COOK / COOKS: one person who prepares food for eating. / cocinero(s).
DOCTOR / DOCTORS: one who holds a doctorate; a physician or surgeon, one licensed to practice any
of the healing arts. / doctor(es), médico(s).
MECHANIC / MECHANICS: a manual worker; a repairer of machines / mecánico(s).
PILOT / PILOTS: a person licensed to direct ships into or out of a harbor or through difficult waters, a
qualified operator of aircraft / piloto aviador.

RADIO / RADIOS: the transmission of sounds or signals by electromagnetic waves directly through space
to a receiving set / radio.
RECORD / RECORDERS: to write down for future use, to register (sound or visual images) on a disc,
tape, etc. For later reproduction / registro, copia de un escrito, disco, etc.
STUDENT / STUDENTS: one who studies, or investigates. One who is enrolled for study at school . /
TAPE / TAPES: a strong, narrow, strip of cloth, paper, etc. used for binding, tying, short for magnetic
tape. / cinta.
TEACHER / TEACHERS: one who teaches, esp. As a profession. / profesor, maestro (s).
TELEVISION/TELEVISIONS: the process of transmitting images by converting light rays into electrical
signals; the receiver reconverts the signals to reproduce the images on a
screen / televisión (s).



I am a student
You are a barber
She is a pilot
He is a dentist
It (Cosas Animales) is a dog
We are
You (plural) are doctors (plural)
They are teachers (plural)

Subject Be verb A + noun Contraction contracted a + noun

a pilot a pilot
I am a student I + am = I’m I’m a student
a doctor. a doctor.
a teacher. a pilot
You are a barber. You + are = You’re You’re a student
a cook. a doctor.
Bill Bill + is = Bill’s Bill’s
He is a pilot He + is = He’s He’s a pilot.
She She + is = She’s She’s
Anna Anna + is = Anna’s Anna’s


I am a teacher. Am I?
You are a student. What Are you?
Betty is a mechanic. Is Betty?


What am I ?
What are You ?
What is She ?
What is He ?
What is It (Cosas Animales) ?
What are We ?
What are You (plural) ?
What are They ?


NUMBERS 1 - 10

AREN´T: 2d Pers. sing. Pres. Indicative, of be are not. / Ser ó estar.
ISN´T: 3d Pers. Sing. Pres. Indicative of be., not be / Ser ó estar.
SPELL: To name in order the letters. of A word / Deletrear.
A a- Z z: Capital, small, first letter of the English alphabet., last letter of the English alphabet / Primera
letra del alfabeto ingles., vigesima sexta letra del alfabeto ingles.
HE: Pron. Pl the man. Boy or male animal previously mentioned. / Pron. El.
HE´S: He is., he has., contraction of he is, or he has.
NO: Not at all no worse. / Ninguno., no.
NOT: A word expressing negation or the idea of no. / No, Negativo.
SHE: Pron. Pl. The woman girl or female animal previously mentioned. / Ella.
SHE´S: Contraction of she is or she has. / Ella esta ó ella es.
THEY: Pron. The persons, animals or things. / Pron. Ellos ó ellas.
THEY´RE: Contraction of they are. / Ellos estan, ellos son.
WE: Pron. The persons. / Pron. Nosotros, nosotras.
WE´RE: Contraction of we are. / Nosotros somos, nosotros estamos.
YES: used to express assent, agreement, or affirmation / Si.
$: Dollar. (s). / Dólar.
Ç: Cent. (s). / Centavos.
=: Equal to. / Igual a.
DOLLAR: The monetary Unit of U.S. / Dolar.
HALF DOLLAR: A coin of the U. S. and Canada worth cincueta cents. / Medio dolar.
CENTS: A 100 th part of a dollar or a coin of this value., penny. / Centavo.
DIME: A U. S. and Canadian 10 cent. Coin. / Diez centavos.
MONEY: Stamped pieces of metal or any paper notes authorized by a government as a medium of
exchange. / Dinero.
NIKEL: A U. S. or Canadian coin ot nikel and copper, equal to five cents. / 5 centavos.
PENNY: A U.S. or Canadian cent. / 1 centavo.
QUARTER: One fourth of a dollar 25 cents, or a coin of this value. / 25 centavos.

He is a mechanic. He’s a mechanic. She is a doctor. She’s a doctor.

They + are --→ They’re They’re pilots

We + are --→ We’re We’re pilots
You + are --→ You’re You’re pilots

a professor
I + am --→ I’m I’m a student
an angel

a doctor
He + is --→ he’s He’s a pilot
a barber

an angel
You + are --→ You’re You’re a lawyer
A nurse


THEY AREN’T PILOTS. is not --→ isn’t are not --→ aren’t


Am I ?
Are You ?
Is She ?
Is He ?
Is It (Cosas Animales) ?
Are We ?
Are You (plural) ?
Are They ?




This is a penny. It’s 1 cent.1c, $.01. This is a nickel. It’s 5 cents.5c, $.05
This is a dime. It’s 10 cents, 10c, $.10 This is a quarter. It’s 25 cents. 25c, $.25
This is a half dollar. It’s 50 cents.50c, $.50. This is a dollar. It’s 100 cents. 100c, $1.00.

PUT: VT Put. to thrust drive. to propel with and over hand thrust. / Poner.
SIT DOWN: To rest one self on the buttocks or haunches / sentarse.
STAND UP: To rise a standing position. / Levantarse.
IT’S (10) Ó CLOCK: 10 en punto.
IT´S (10:30): Son las diez treinta.
AT: used as a function word to indicate location in space or time / prep. en.
IN: used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location or position within limits. / dentro.
O CLOCK: Of or according to the clock., nine o clock at night. / hora en punto ó hora cerrada.
ON: In contact with, supported by or covering . / Sobre.
UNDER: Prep. In at or to, a position down from., below. / Debajo.
SUNDAY: the first day of week. / domingo.
MONDAY: the second day of week. / lunes.
TUESDAY: the third day of week. / martes.
WEDNESDAY: the fourth day of week. / miercoles.
THURSDAY: the fifth day of week. / jueves.
FRIDAY: the sixth day Of week. / viernes.
SATURDAY: the seventh day of week. / sabado.
BLACKBOARD: a smooth., usually dark surface on which to write with chalk. / Pizarron.
BOX: a container usually rectangular and lidded, case. / Caja.
CALENDAR: system of determining the length and divisions of a year / calendario.

CHALKBOARD: blackboard / Pizarron de tiza.
DAY: the period of light between sunrise and sunset / dia de la semana.
DESK: a table for writing, drawing or reading / escritorio.
DIALOG: interchange of ideas by open discussion / dialogo.
MAP: a representation of all or part of the earth´s surface, showing countries, bodies of water. / mapa.
SOUND: that witch is heard, resulting from stimulation of auditory nerves by vibrations in the air. / sonido.
TIME: every moment there has ever been or ever will be / tiempo.
TODAY: a day. On or during the present day. / hoy.
TOMORROW: a day. On the day after today., N. the day after today / mañana.
WALL: and up right structure of wood, stone, etc. serving to enclose, divide or protect / pared.
WEEK: a period of seven days. especially one from Sunday through Saturday. / semana.
WEEKEND: the period from Friday night or Saturday to Monday morning., also weekend. / fin de semana.



Question Affirmative answer Negative answer.
Long short Long short
Are you a student? Yes, I’m a student. Yes, I am. No, I’m not a student. No, I am not.

Is she a teacher? Yes, she’s a teacher. Yes, she is. No, she’s not a teacher. No, she is not.
No, she isn’t

Is this a pen? Yes, this is a pen. Yes, this is. No, this isn’t a pen. No, this isn’t

Are they doctors? Yes, they’re doctors. Yes they are. No they aren’t doctors. No, they’re not
No, they aren’t


The box On the table.

The clock Is In The box.
The book Under The table.

Question Answer
What’s on the wall? A map is on the wall.
What’s under the desk? Four books are under the desk.
What’s on the table? A box is on the table.
What’s in the classroom? A calendar is in the classroom
What’s under the table? Two pictures are under the table.
What’s on the chair? Three pens are on the chair.
What’s in the desk? Pencils are in the desk.
What’s on the wall? A blackboard is on the wall.


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