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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic Schools

First midterm Exam

2015 – 2016

Subject: Mathematics Grade G11

Time: 60 minutes

 Use Blue ink, ballpoint pen or pencil.
 Answer all questions.
 Write your name clearly in the space above when directed to do so.
 If you have a problem please raise your hand and wait quietly for a teacher.

 All questions in this exam are M.C.Q questions
 You can use the BLANK PAGE at the end of the questions as draft papers.
 Candidates may use a scientific calculator.

 Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.
 Keep an eye on the time. Try to answer every question.
 If you do not know the answer to a question, go on to the next question.
You may come back to the skipped question later if you have time.
 Check your answers if you have time at the end.
1 2.01
Which of the following represents an even function

A- f x   x 4  x
B- f x   x 2  4x  5
C- f x   x 4  2x 2  1
D- f x   x 2  x

2 2.01
If f is a function such that f x   2 f x   x 3 , then f is

A- Even
B- Odd
C- Neither even nor odd
D- The given is not sufficient to determine the type of f

3 2.01
The maximum number of the turning points of the polynomial function
f x   ax 3  bx 2  cx  d is
A- One
B- Two
C- Three
D- Four

4 2.01
If the curve of the function f is symmetric about the vertical Line
x  2 then f 1  f ....
A- 1
B- 2
C- 3
D- 5

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5 2.01
The given figure represents the curve of the function

f x   a x  b x  c  , then the possible values of


a, b, c, and d

A- (1, 1, 1, 1)
B- (1, 0, 4, 1)
C- (1, 4, 0, 2)
D- (-1, 4, 0, 2)

6 2.01
If x  a is a factor of f x   x 3  19x  30 , then a 
A- -3
B- -1
C- 1
D- 2

7 2.01
If 1,  2 are the roots of the equation f  x   0 then the roots of the
equation f  2x   0 are
A- 1 and -2
B- and -1
C-  and 1
D- 2 and - 4

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8 2.01
The function f x  2x  x  5 has exactly one real zero, it is between

A- -2 and -1
B- 1 and 0
C- O and 1
D- 1 and 2

9 2.01
If the straight Line y  x  2 intersects both curves of f and f
at A
and B respectively, then the coordinates of the midpoint of AB is
A- (0, 0)
B- (1, 1)
C- (1, -1)
D- (-1, 3)

10 2.01
If f 1 is the inverse function of the function f , and if g x   f x   b
, where b  R , then g 1 x  

A- f 1 x   b
B- f 1 x   b
C- f 1 x  b 
D- f 1 x  b 

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11 2.01
A cubic polynomial function f has zeros {-3, 0, 2}. Which restriction
of the domain of f will allow its inverse to be a function?
A- x>-3
B- x>0
C- x<0
D- x>2

12 2.01
Given f x   x,g x   , which graph best represents
y  f x   g x 

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