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5/29/22, 1:29 PM Psychology: Domains of Development: Developmental Task and Stages of Development- FlexiPrep

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Psychology: Domains of Development: Developmental Task and Stages of Development (For

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Developmental Task
Human life proceeds by life stage. Each stage has its own characteristics and its dominant feature which is its uniqueness to that period.
Havighurst was the first psychologist who identified the developmental tasks of every stage.

Stages of Development
All children progress in a definite order through one stage to another and follow a basic pattern.

Prenatal period: This is the period before birth.

Infancy (0to 3 years) : Babies grow rapidly during this years and acquire motor skills which starts from simple to complex.

Pre-school children (3 - 6years) : Physical development of children is not rapid as previous stage, but language development is rapid.

School childhood (6 to 12years) : Children physical development becomes rapid and motor skill become more prominent and cognitive
development also becomes very rapid.

Adolescence (12 to 20years) : Very rapid growth spurts in terms of physical development and psychological changes also takes place.

Adulthood (20 - 65 years) : Several changes and decline takes place.

Aspects and Areas of Development

Development in respective areas during the different stages. The description of different stages are pointed out in each areas.

Physical development: Physical development takes place very rapidly in first three years of life. Physical development again becomes
static after first three years. Lot of physical changes takes place during the adolescence. Physical development declines after age of 50
and after age of 65 it shows agility and debilitation.

Motor development: Motor development includes development of muscle and its coordination. There is a definite order for acquiring
motor skills, proceeding from the simple to the complex. Babies have poor motor control and with passing years they good control of
their hands and legs. At first, they have good control over their hands and then it proceeds to good control of their fingers.

Cognitive development: Cognitive development is about mental growth and intellectual development. According to Jean Piaget, cognitive
development takes place thorough two process- organization and adaptation. Organization is integration of all processing taking place.
Adaptation is two-fold process in which children create new structures to deal effectively with the surrounding. It involves both
assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is taking new experience into old experience. In case of accommodation child changes
their actions to manage new objects and situation. According to Piaget theory cognitive process involves four stages- Sensory motor,
preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational.

Moral development: Moral development deals with development of ethical values and conscience. According to Piaget moral
development takes place through two stages. In the first stage children know what is right and wrong on the basis of what other think.

Language development: Language development is development of language. Infants follow stage of prelinguistic speech before they can
speak their first word. The prelinguistic speech development involves cooing, babbling, lallation and imitation of sound of other.

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5/29/22, 1:29 PM Psychology: Domains of Development: Developmental Task and Stages of Development- FlexiPrep

Language development starts with one-word sentence, then it proceeds to multiword sentence and then to grammatically correct verbal

Personality development: Personality development deals with an individuals՚ temperament, traits and abilities and aspiration. Most
significant theory was given by Freud. The stages of development are oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital.

Psychosocial development: Psychosocial development focuses on children՚s response to the social world.

Emotional development: Emotional development is about different emotions at various stages and how they grow over a period of time.

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